The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 28, 1919, Image 5

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    Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. 87 F & AM meet Ist and 3d
Friday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
A. A. Lemon, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist,
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Vegetation rapidly developing.
Wanted, to buy fodder.
A. R. Scott.
Call for cabbage plants. W. B.
J. Ingram,
Mr. Will Walker went up to At
lanta Tuesday.
Mr. W. H. Stewart spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. Lila Copeland is yisiting
relatives in Griffin.
Mrs. Will Peace spent one day
last week in Atlanta.
You will find Speer the spec
tacle-man at the old stand.
Put in your order for potato
slips now. W. B. J. Ingram.
For sale, pine-slab stove wood.
See I. W. Crumbley, route 2.
Highest market price paid for
scrap cotton. J. Olin Kimbell.
Mr. John Callaway of Helena
spent the week-end in McDonough.
March gone and some last
year’s subscriptions still unpaid.
Mrs. W. W. George spent the
week-end with relatives in Griffin.
Mr. Roy Alexander of Atlanta
spent the week-end with his
Nitrate Soda—l have few tons
for sale. R. Harris Brown, Locust
Grove, Ga.
Miss Lucy McDonald entertain
ed the teachers at her home Mon
day afternoon.
Place your order with us now
for Sweet Potato Slips. Copeland-
Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch, Lu
ther and Miss Marie Welch spent
Sunday in Hampton.
Call on Speer for Zycalite gog
gles with actinectic lenses. They
give most protection.
Mr. Eaton at McDonough Trad
ing Co. today and tomorow—last
call for spring season.
Quite a number from McDon
ough attended the Centenary rally
held at Flippen Sunday.
Mr. Boce Elliott of Macon spent
the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Eiliott.
Last call for your Easter suit—
Mr. Eaton at McDonough Trading
Co. Today and tomorrow.
Miss Sarah Liddell was the at
tractive guest of her cousin, Miss
Jeannett Liddell, this week.
Examine Speer’s line of Auto
goggles. The Welworth goggles
are the best. See them in Speer’s
show windows.
Liberty Bonds wanted, at high
est cash value, by J. 0. and C. M.
Kimbell. For particulars see Olin
Kimbell ot once
SIO,OOO private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan
A little strange that scarcely
anybody can have an ordinary
cold since “flu” came about.
Mrs. C. W. South and Mrs Pe
terman of near Rex were shop
ping in McDonough Saturday.
Col. Ed Reagan has sufficiently
recovered from an attack of “flu”
to be again on the job in his of
Get that nifty made-to-order
suit at McDonough Trading Co.
Mr. Eaton, last call today and to
morrow, Friday and Saturday.
Get your Garden Plow from ns
and save time and labor in the
garden. Attachments for all kinds
of vegetable plowing. Copeland-
Turner Mrc. Co.
Mrs. Gussie Sloan and children
and Miss Beulah Atkinson of At
lanta spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Garden Plows will help you
wonderfully when it comes to
working vegetables. We handle
the Planet Jr. Copeland-Turner
Mrc. Co.
Mrs. Lamar Etheridge and son
Frank of Atlanta, accompanied by
Ethel little Fisher, spent several
days this week with Judge and
Mrs. Paul Turner.
The Federated Woman’s Clubs
of* Henry county will meet with
Mrs. E. M. Smith next Tuesday af
ternoon at 3 o’clock, as guests of
the McDonough Club.
Bank statements and a run of
other advertising, with only one
printer and the editor to do the
work, leave but little room for
reading matter this week.
If you have a good farm that
rents for a good price within ten
miles of McDonough to offer cheao,
list it with me, I can sell it for you.
Real Estate, McDonough, Ga.
There will be singing at Rocky
Creek church Sunday afternoon
at 2:30. Everybody invited to
come. We are going to try for
some good singers. J. M. Greer.
Hog-Tone for hogs every season
of the year. Do not let your hogs
suffer when Hog-Tone is right
here. This is a guaranteed nog
medicine. Copeland-Turner Mrc.
Mr. J. F, M. Fields and Miss Lila
Copeland left Monday night for
an extended visit to St. Peters
burg, Fla., and will be the guests
of Mrs. Harry L. Parker while
The many friends of Mr. Floyd
Stewart are very glad to know he
has received an honorable dis
charge from the army. He and
his wife will make their home in
The Baptist Woman’s Mission
ary Institute of three divisions
will meet at Giiffin April the 3d,
at the First Baptist church. The
women of the Baptist Society are
cordially invited.
Mr. S. R. Eaton, representing
M. Moses & Son, Baltimore, will
be in McDonough today and to
morrow (Friday and Saturday)
at McDonough Trading Co’s, to
take your measure for your made
to-order Easter suit.
Much sympathy is extended the
good people of Fayetteville in suf
fering a $250,001) fire last Tuesday
night. Tne oil mill warehouse,
with a number of business houses
and residences on tne east siue
were totally destroyed.
Mrs. Alex Brown entertained at
bridge Tuesday evening.
Miss Marie Dupree entertained
Friday evening at two tables of
Mrs. Hendley Dauiel was host
ess Saturday morning to a num
ber of her friends at a rook party.
Mesdames E. J. and E. L. Rea
gan entertained Friday afternoon
at a sewing party in honor of Mrs.
Hill Redwine of Fayetteville.
You will be in time for your
Easter suit by giving your order
to Mr. Eaton at McDonough Tra
ding Co. today or tomorrow.
Judge and Mrs. Paui Turner en
tertained quite informally at their
lovely home Monday evening with
music and dancing. Their daugh
ter, Mrs. Lamar Etheridge of At
lanta, sang several selections, and
little Miss Josephine gave a num
ber of interpretive dances. One
of the features of the evening was
the dancing of Miss Ethel Fisher,
the guest of Miss Josephine. The
little lady is not more than eight
years old, rather diminutive in
size, but is an artist in the Terpsi
corean and dramatic art. She was
ever ready to respond to the en
thusiastic ecores of her appreci
tive admirers. Mrs. Turner, as
sisted by her daughter, Mrs. Tur
ner Allensworth, served a deli
cious salad course with iced tea.
School Trustee Election.
The annual election for School
Trustees will be held at the school
houses on Friday, March 28, 1919.
T. J. Horton, C.S.S.
Har\dsorr\e Spring
Specially Featured at $30.00
In assembling these Suits we exercised the
greatest care in selecting models of distinction and
refinement. Several manufacturers co-operated with
us in selling us some of their prettiest styles, so that
we feel sure that from the standDoint of real smart
ness you can’t find better garments than these.
Suits of twill, serge, gabardine and rep emphasiz
ing the new slender lines. The box suit is here as
well as other useful models which in many cases de
pend on a gay vest effect for decorative feature. A
cnoice of Spring’s favorite colors to select from.
Should You Be Inclined Toward Stricft
Tailored Suits
Then please see these new arrivals from New
York, they are so smart in line and finish that we
believe you will be delighted. The charming sim
plicity and refinement of these Suits, the ci rrect
proportions, the narrow shoulders, the close-fitting
sleeves, snug-fitting collars and lapels, the tape ring
skirt, the careful tailoring recommend themselves to
the most discriminating taste. Serges, tricotines,
twills and gabardines in all favored Spring colors
and models. Moderately priced at $35.00.
Modish Spring Fashions for Stout Women
Stout women have learned that they can be fitted in ready-to-wear ap
parel when they come to the Griffin Mercantile Company. We give particular
attention to their requirements and leave nothing undone to secure the very
latest fashioifs that are becoming to women of stout and extra size.
A comprehensive collection of Spring fashions is gathered here, em
bodying the favorite style tendencies of the new season, carried out with a dig
nified conservatism appropriate to full figures apd designed to give tne long,
straight lines that dominate fashionable apparel.
You are cordially invited to inspect these new modes, which haye been
moderately priced.
Griffin Mercantile Company,
All who are indebted to Dr. B.
E. Horton are requested to make
immediate settlement. Books and
agent, duly authorized to collect,
will be found at Horton Drug Co.
When you want your Ford car repaired, insist
always upon getting the genuine Ford Parts, made
by the Ford Motor Company, in order to insure relia
ble quality, There are “spurious,” "counterfeit,”
“imitation ” parts made by outside concerns who have
no regard for quality in material, so insist on your
Garage or Repair Man furnishing you the genuine
Ford Parts. All reliable garages"may now buy the
genuine Ford Parts from us—so these's no excuse for
anyone using the “bogus” parts. To be sure, bring
your car to us for repairs or replacements.
All persons are hereby warned,
under penalty of the law, against
harboring or giving employment
to Travis Reese, as he is under
contract with me for 1919.