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The Henry County Weekly
Heavy Hitting by Poland, Far
rar and Hammock and the
Pitching of Walker Fea
In the second game of the sea
son at Locust Grove Saturday, the
L. G. I. boys again were victorious,
defeating the Boys High School
team from Atlanta by a 14 2 score.
The L. G. I. boys had their bat
ting clothes on again and they
hammered Mr. White’s curves to
all corners of the field.
The feature of the game was
the pitching of Flim Walker; he
was master of the occasion all the
way through, and only errors by
his supporters made it possible
for the Boys High to tally.
Poland, Farrar, McGee and An
defson did the best hitting for Lo
cust Grove. Poland hitting for
four bases with 4 wo on in the fifth
inning took the pep out of the
High School team, and it was an
easy go from there to the ninth.
“Big Boy” Clegg caught a jam
up game. His pegging at bases
was best ever.
John Shearer was a star at
short, getting several hard hit
balls as well as driving in a couple
of runs by the squeeze play route.
He makes them all sit up and take
notice when it comes to laying
that old baseball down.
Farrar at second played like a
big leaguer, handling several hard
hit balls without a fumble. And,
too, he showed the visiting pitch
er that he could hit them, too —
getting one three-bagger and a
The L. G. I. boys are looking
better every day, and by Saturday
they hope to be in shape to treat
Tech High with the same manner
in which they treated Boys High.
Game called Saturday at 3:00
o’clock instead of 3.30.
Box Score.
Boys High AB R H PO A E
Goree If 4 1 2 2 0 0
Smith 2b 4 0 1 2 3 0
Morris cf 4 0 0 2 1 0
Mason 3b 4 0 1 3 12
White p 4 1 1 1 6 0
Vogt ss 3 0 0 2 8 3
Clark lb .... 3 0 0 9 1 1
Wallace rf____ 3 0 0 1 0 0
Cornell c 3 0 0 2 0 0
Totals 32 2 5 24 20 6
L Grove AB R H PO A E
McGee rf 3 3 2 0 0 1
Hammock cf__ 4 1 3 2 0 1
Shearer ss 3 0 1 1 4 1
Anderson lb__ 4 2 3 7 0 0
Poland If 4 3 2 1 0/1
Daniel 3b .411011
Farrar 2b 4 1 2 3 2 0
Clegg c 4 0 0 13 1 0
Walker p 3 3 1 0 0 0
Totals 35 14 17 27- 9 5
Score by innings:
Beys High 011 000 000
Locust Grove 114 152 OOx
Summary Struck out —By
White, 2; Walker, 13. Two-base
hits—McGee, 2; Hammock, 1.
Three-base hits—Anderson, Far
rar. Home ium—Poland. Stolen
bases—Hammock, 1; Anderson, 3;
Poland, 2; Daniel 4; Farrar, 1;
Walker, 2.
You will find Speer the spec
tacle-man at the old stand.
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Mrs G. P. Campbell
Buried in McDonough
The remains of Mrs. G. P. Camp
bell were laid to rest in McDon
ough cemetery at 2:30 o’clock last
Wednesday afternoon, funeral ser
vices being conducted at the grave
by Rev. J. M. Gilmore.
Mrs. Campbell was the w ife of
the late Dr. G. P Campbell, and
is well known form* rly as one of
McDonough’s and mosLex
cellent ladies. Site died at the
home of her son, Mr. John H.
Campbell, in De.iver, Colorado,
where she was visiting at the
time of her death. Friends here
sympathize with the bereaved in
their grief.
The deceased is survived by
three sons, Mr. Jonn Campbell of
Denver, Col., Rev. Sam Cambell
of Tyler, Texas, and Mr. Will
Campbell of Tennessee, and two
daughters, Mrs. Claud Morris of
Macon, another married daughter,
formerly Miss Nettie Campbell,
besides several grandchildren.
Memorial Day.
Hon. Clifford Walker, Attorney
General of Georgia, will deliver
the memorial address at McDon
ough 1 his year, on Saturday, April
26th, in the Baptist Church.
JkiMlj 3 D^n^2~toGo!
SThe Golfer knows how much tetter you
“In a bottle —Through a straw "
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, april 4, 1919.
Grand Jury.
1 A. H. Tingle
2 E. J. Turner
3 John S. Brannan
4 W. J. Elliott
5 W. A. Ammons
6 C. H. Stroud
7 R. W. Strickland
8 J. D. Hightower
9 A. J. McKibben
10 D. C. Turner
11 C. W. Coan
12 E. J. Price
13 A. M. Henderson
14 C. F. Sims
15 J. A. Sims
16 A. R Laney
17 O. J. Bowen
18 W. A. Smipson, Jr.
19 W. G. Calloway
20 R. L. Turner
21 Charlie Jeffares
22 G. C. Clark
23 T. D. Harkins
24 A. G. Combs
25 O E. C dhey
26 W. O. Welch
27 J. T. Weems
28 R. R. Roan
29 C. L Murphey
30 W. T. Greer
Traverse Jury, Firstt Week.
1 C. R. Rape
2 Joe Fields
3 M. W. Pattillo
4 Owen Moseley
5 L. A. Boatner
6 J. C. Howell
7 E. M. Copeland
8 R. C. Hearn
9 J. L. Johnson
10 Tom Pendiey
11 Jess Faster
12 J. W. Dozier
13 A. C. Norman
14 R. E. Diggers
15 C. T. Elliott
16 J. A. Ward, Jr.
17 L. D. Moore
18 W. H. Gibson
19 J. W. Coan
20 A. A. Rape
21 G. W. Cathey
22 H. C. Stephens
23 D. A. George
24 J. D. McCullough
25 B. C. Brannan, Jr.
26 J. T. McNeely
27 W. E. Barr
28 J. O. Rodgers
29 Andrew Alexander
30 M. P. Lee
31 C. C. Hinton
32 W. E. Russell
33 M. F. Stanley
34 E. Z. Carter
35 T. J. Carmichael
36 D. C. Carmichael
Traverse Jury, Second Week
-1 R. H. Greer
2 L. D. Hightower
3 A. N. Brown
4 J. W. Welch
5 J. M. Carmichael
6 Dozier Pope
$1.50 A YEAR
7 E. J. Phillips
8 J. M. Foster
9 Lon Hinton
10 S. T. Clower
11 Geo. Nail
12 Joe J. Smith
13 C. M. Patterson
14 L. D. Cawthon
15 C. R. Nix
16 J. H. Chaffin
17 J. W. Fannin
18 W. N. South
19 H. G. Woodward
20 J. T. Cook
21 E. C. Le-der
22 T. W. Jarrett, Jr.
23 J. H. Haynes
24 S. W. Whitaker
-25 H. M. Lovern
26 C. C. Crawford
27 Frank Strawn
28 J. K. King
29 O. J. Brannan
30 W. W. Milam. Jr.
31 W. N. Owen
32 Hiram Elliott
33 R. H. Payne
34 R. L. Moseley
35 W. A. Combs
36 J. H. Nutt
37 J. T. Greer
38 J. S. Rawls
39 G. O. Combs
40 A. H. Davis
41 E. I. Drewry
42 J. W. Sanders
43 J. W. Pattillo
44 J. E. Jinks
45 A. T. Jeffares
46 P. E. Jinks
47 A. K. Kimbell
48 E. H. Farris