The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 18, 1919, Image 2
Corn Diseases Which Cause Farmers Great Loss May Be Easily Controlled The common diseases of corn as smut, rust, root rots and ear rots are not difficult to control and the cost of prevention amounts to only a small fraction of a per cent of tlie value of the crop produced, says Prof. James B. Berry, Plant Pathologist of the Georgia State College of Agri culture. The financial loss to Georgia farmers runs into many millions of dollars and conservative estimates sjiow that approximately 4,000 pounds of beef and 250 pounds of pork could be produced if the corn lost through disease in every 50-acre field were fed to cattle and hogs. Crop rotation is the chief measure of prevention and ag a factor in crop production it has been advocated for years by agricultural experts. Prof. Berry says that control measures must include: Crop rotation. Most diseases are •‘carried over” from one crop to another in the soil or on diseased stalks of the old crop. If a resistant crop is planted the disease organisms die out. Seed selection. The selection of seed from strong, productive disease free plants will tend to produce indi viduals which are resistant, to dis eas*. If the practice of careful seed selection Is carried out over a period of years the result will be a strain markedly resistant to disease. Avoid the application of manure resulting from diseased fodder or grain to fields to be planted to corn. The organisms producing smut and Chatooga Farm is Sold for $50,000 Lyerly.—One of the largest real es tate transactions consummated in this county for some time occurred a few days ago, the big farm of C. D. Har per, of Chelsea, known as the Oak Grove farm, being sold to Joe Ham mond, of Cuba, Ala. The Oak Grove farm consists of 1,000 acres of the Ibest improved land in Chatooga coun ty, and lies in a body and Is consid ered one of the most valuable farms In this section. It is understood the consideration was $50,000. How Diphtheria is Contracted. One often hears the expression, “My child caught a severe cold which developed into diphtheria.” when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one par ticularly susceptible to the wan dering diphtheria germ. If your child has a cold when diphtheria is prevalent you should take him out of school and keep him off the street until fully recovered, as there is a hundred times more danger of his taking diphtheria when he has a cold. When Cham berlain’s Cough Homedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger of diphtheria or any other .germ disease beingcontract ed. Horton Drug Co. Words That Mean Much. The sonorous opening of Lincoln’s Gettysburg speech, “Four score and coven YPnrc nirn ” ic tint pmiiynlent to eighty-seven years ago! Prose hath her harmonies, no less than poetry. It is such subtleties that make up the full effect of literary expression. “Victuals” is not equivalent to “food,” “deathlessness” is not the same as “immortality”— ns Lowell showed when he suggested that we try con verting Wordsworth’s title, “Intima tions of Immortality” into “Hints of Deathlessness.” —North American Re view: Cut This Out —It Is’Worth Money DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.,Chicago, 111., writing your writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup ; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Ca thartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for , constipation, biliousness, hedache and sluggish bowells. The Mc- Donough Drug Co. Law of Progress. Let us then be of good cheer. From the great law of progress we may derive at once our duties and our en couragements. Humanity has ever ad vanced ; thwarted sometimes by ob stacles which have caused it for a time —a moment only; in the immens ity of ages—to deviate from its true lines, or seem to retreat; but still £yer onward. —Charles Siynngr. ear rot are often spread through the use of diseased manure. Heavy ap plications of nitrogenous fertilizers tend to increase the damage from physoderma and smut. Frequent inspections of the fields should be made for evidence of dis ease. Smut masses should be gather ed and burned before the membrane breaks, even though it involves the destruction of an occasional plant. Badly diseased plants produce nothing of value in the way of grain or fod der and simply spread the disease. Insects must be controlled, since they serve as carriers for disease spores or make wounds through which the disease spores gain en trance. An ear worm often destroys but a small part of the grain on the cob while the accompanying rot may complete the destruction of the ear. The same is undoubtedly true of insect damage to the roots and the action of the root rot organisms. The destruction of the ‘‘winter quarters” and the adoption of crop rotation will greatly reduce the amount of insect damage. The ear worm winters over in the soil near the damaged plant and emerges in the spring ready for the new crop. Late fall plowing will expose the worm to inclement weather conditions and rotation will introduce a crop unsavory to his palate. Control measures involve neither expensive operations nor the adoption of costly machinery—simply the adoption of “common sense” methods of crop production. “A Good, Old-Fashioned Physic.” Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some physic, thoroughly cleanse the bowels, sweeten the stomach, tone up the liver. For indiges tion, biliousness, bad breath, bloat ing, gas, or constipation, no reme dy is more highly recommended. Wm. O. E. Bielke, Hancock, Mich., writes: “I have given Foley Ca thartic Tablets a thorough trial and I can honestly recommend as a mild but sure laxative. They work without grioing.” Give stout persons a free, light feeling. The McDonough Drug Co. For 1 CHEEK-NEAILS ‘‘•VV.’ • ' ' y ‘ COFFEES Best By Every Test • ik- ■ ._^JL-uLi 90 PER CENT OF ADULTS .JjPSH HAVE PYORRHEA Keep out of this class and 'jfk&lppr* sound teeth use the teeth I entire mouth cavity from germ infection ? 30c. and 60c. at your Druggist Are You Weak ? z. a 2 ZIRON IRON TONIC TABLETS HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA How is Your Complexion? A woman should grow more beautiful as she grows older and she will with due regard to baths, diet and exercise, and by keeping her liver and bowels in good working order. If you are haggard and yellow, your eyes losing their lus tre and whites becoming yellowish, your flesh flabby, it may be due to indigestion or to a sluggish liver. Chamberlain’s Tablets correct these disorders, Horton Drug Co. Optimistic Thought. Better have an open enemy than a meering friend. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative power of Hall’s Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. F- a P*p® in y° ur face that’s filled cheerily brimful of Prince 1 Afaert, if you’re on the trail of smoke peace! For, P. A. will sing' you a song cf tobacco joy that will make you wish your teSSS, -&r4 life job was to see how much of the national joy smoke you Could get away with every twenty-four hours! You can “carry cn” with Prince Albert through thick and thin. IyjjUr f:■ y You’ll be after laying down a smoke barrage that’ll make the jf INff f beys think of the old front line in France! flpf mi A. never tires your taste because it has the quality ! And, IIS Mm 111 lst lt clip into your think-tank that P. A. is made by our exclu -1 SIVG P atentea P roce3S that cuts out bite and parch —assurance [ 1 that you can hit smoke-record-high -snots seven days out of t :|i every week without any comeback but real smoke joy I J. Reynolds tobacco Company, r inston -Salem, N. C« zlron Builds Strength Eminent physicians agree that lack of iron in the blood causes weak ness, nervousness, sleeplessness, tired feeling, loss of energy and a gen eral sensation of discomfort and malaise. Medical authorities also concur in advising the use of iron, as a tonic, in these conditions. If you are weak and feel that you need a tonic, try ZIRON Iron Tonic, a scientific combination of pure medicinal iron, with the hypophosphites and other valuable tonic, strength-building ingredients. Contains no habit-forming drugs. Recommended' for young and old. Sold by all druggists on the guarantee to refund your money if the first bottle fails to benefit Price SI.OO a bottle. Try a bottle today. D. A. BROWN. DENTIST Office Hours : 7 A. M. 1,0 12 M TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. McDonough, Ga. Commendable Quality in Jewelry No matter how little von pay. you get quality for the price. No matter how much you pay, you get intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real values yon can choose from an assortment unrival ed hereabouts. T. H. WYNNE Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga. BROWN &. BROWN Attorneys at Law McDonough, Ga. Call or write us for farm loans.