The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 18, 1919, Image 3
Stella-Vitae THE GUARANTEED TONIC FOR WOMEN Stelfa-Vitae has been in success ful use in the t reatment of those diseases peculiar to women for more than a third of a century. For nearly ten years it has been sold under a plain, positive guarantee to benefit. Less than one bot tle out of every one thousand sold has been refunded for, and every claim for a refund has been satisfied. Thousands cf letters like this praising Stelia-Vitae and telling of benefit to suffering women have been received. Hrs. E. fl. Russell, of Mill Spring , K. C., gratefully writes us as follows: “I was in a most wretched condi tion; had palpitation of the heart and world swell and bloat in a most distressing way. When I began using Std!?-Vitae I weighed 108 pounds. Now I wctoh 135. lam > la.c ft c .. Ii v. v* CL 'll yon for th- rival od thir won derful meccr 1; done me.” - T rr. Uu.- va . . t at c-* ical period. t,kv oti.„igc, ' a.. V. L.acere gratituue /or the blessed relief will be understood and appreciated by every woman who rei.ds her letter. Stelia-Vitae has proved a boon to suffering womanhood, to young girls approaching their first vital period, to women approaching the anguish of childbirth, to women approaching the “change of life.” SteMa-Vitae strength ens the female organs and promotes regularity in the monthly function. No risk of loss is taken by any suf fering woman who tries SteMa-Vitae on our guarantee of the first bottle. '•All dealers sell SteMa-Vitae and will return your money if it does not bene fit you. Don’t nut off a trial. For sale bv Horton Drug Co. It Helps! There can be no doubt as to the merit of Cardui, the woman’s tonic, in the treatment of many troubles peculiar to women. Ihe thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui in the past 40 years, is conclu sive proof that it is a good medicine for women who suffer. It should help you, too. Take The Women’s Toms Mrs. N. E. Varner, of Hixson, Tenn., writes: “I was passing through the . . . My back and sides were terrible, and my suffering indescriba ble. I can’t tell just how and where I hurt, about all over, I think ... I began Cardui, and my pains grew less and less, until I was cured. lam remarkably strong for a woman 64 years of age. I do all my housework.” Try Caraui, today. E-76 KINKY »HAIR Exelento Medicine Co., Gentlemen: Beforo I nsed your Exelento Quinine Pomade my hair was short, coarse and nappy, but now it has grown to 32 inches lung, and is sosoft up any way I wan. to. i I Don’t let some fake Kink Remover fool 51 you. You really can’t straighten your hair fi until it is nice and long. That’s what I EXELENTO POMADE I I does, removes Dandruff, feeds the Roots of I the hair, and makes it grow long, soft and 9 silky. After using a few times you can tell 9 the difference, and after a l'ttle while it « will be so pretty and long that you can hx I ,V.;oto suiVycu. If Exelento don’t do as I we claim, we will give your money back. R Price 25c by mail on receipt of stamps I agents wanted everywhere. Write for particulars. EXELENTO MEDICINE CO., Atlanta, Ca. PORTO RICA POTATO PLANTS Ready Now. 1000 to 5000 at £2.25 per 1000. 6000 to 10000 at £2 00 per 1000. * Wanted—a dealer in every Geor gia town. COLEMAN PLANT CO., Tifton, Ga. Tribute of Respect to W. A. Tolleson Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, the Great Archi chitect of the heavens, has seen fit to break the ties of our mystic circle by removal from our midst a beloved member of this Frater nity; Whereas, the angel of death in thus entering our ranks and summoning the soul of our de ceased brother to join the eternal pilgrimage to the tomb, has taken from our band of heroic workmen, one of its most faithful and con scientious laborers; and Whereas, we cherish the mem ory of his Stirling character, his exalted ideals, his zealous activi ties in every field of modern re ligious and civil endeavor; There fore, be it Resolved, That the grim reaper has removed from the scenes of action a brother whose soul was as pure and as majestic as the heavens above ; whose heart was a temple of sunshine to those about him, and whose many qual tues are therefore worthy of em ulation by every member of this craft; and be it further Resolved, that we, the members of Ola Lodge No. 650, F. & A. M., take this occasion to express our heartfelt sorrow and regret over the death of brother W. A. Tolle son ; that we extend to his sor rowing relatives our sincere sym pathy in their bereavement, as suring them that the lit* of our good brother shall be a source of constant inspiration to us until we too shall cross the great river and abide with Him in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Read and adopted by Ola Lodge. A. C. Norman, G. W. Capps, J. H. Rape, Committee. * Country stores are ready to 57RAW /)jjf||j| serve you with the same I lllgl wholesome and refreshing II • Chero-Eola |pw Vll "In a bottle—Through a straw jj cit >' fount and refreshment stand. Give our Soldiers and /f &P >■» The same everywhere served only Sailors a Job-'lShej; ' n sterd * zed bottles- Pure, whole- Deserve it. jL, r HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. McDONOUGH GEORGIA. IfflSit w Hh ij / ST - ,OSEPM OKLAHOMA CITY slapdiS I k Co h baBI j m - TOW* r E i, Tlt|? 7 t HA « nil”* HOME OFFICE BPANCH OFFICES S 'st PPI; Bl ATLANTA 1® W Why Morris Brands flpl Are Sesf «Our SUPREME and PACKING HOUSE BRANDS being Molil ammoniated 100% with the highest grades of genuine old time Packing House Tankage and Blood, are pot leached away, by exces- ffljT w&mm sive rains like ordinary fertilizers. Their ammoniates, being slowly CfTjigwJS soluble, insure constant feeding of the plant till late maturity, thus ? preventing shedding and. promoting vigorous, healthy growth. The Tankage in them is rich in potash and also liberates idle potash in , l\ j the soil,, thus supplying the potash requirements of ordinary field m I crops without extra cost. Read what our customers say about them if" -?/ M ii in our Year Book. | B\ V r e use the same grade of Tankage and Blood in our GOLD wLIj BOND BRANDS which insures cheir high quality and contin nous service. "Cp j URF.FN, TARPLEY & CO.. McDonough; % CRESCENT MERCANTILE CO., Hampton; / Jl Jc&mm \ JOSEPH MANN, Stockbridge; / \