The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 18, 1919, Image 7
If, after usins entire contents of the sati Sl dll< ,0 directions, you are not lIITI AM V*> w U rlmn'dlhe' 5 ’ r ** pec '- grocer HJZI AJN!\t "hi reiund the money you paid for it 7y| # if/ I IIA II / ' ***&s*"*' J" f (L/3 1/ v • Tou will like Luzianna It is real coffee. Real because it is careftilly selected,properly roast ed—7-and because its goodness is sealed!?! Lvery pound oF LuzP anne is sold in an indi vidual air-tight tin can The Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans r 1 JP ** THE UNIVERSAL CAR] When you want your Ford car repaired, insist always upon getting the genuine Ford Parts, made by the Ford Motor Company, in order to insure relia ble quaiiry, There are “spurious/' ‘•counterfeit/ ’ “imitation” parts made by outside concerns who have no regard for quality in material, so insist on your Garage or Repair Man furnishing you the genuine Ford Parts. All reliable garages may now buy the genuine Ford Parts from us—so there’s no excuse for anyone using the “bogus” parts. To be sure, bring your car to us for repairs or replacements. H. M. AMIS COMPANY McDonough, - Georgia. IS IT INSURANCE YOU ARE Concerned About? Either Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Tornado And Indemnity Bonds of all kinds, written in only the very best compa nies ? If so, then you should see J. B. DICKSON Resident Agent At the Bank of Henry County Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co. GENERAL MDSE. PAINTS OILS MAKE YOUR own PHOT with L & M SEIVU-PASTE PAINT and _ ( your own Linseed Oii. (±rsX{ MAKES EEST PAINT—WEARS LONGEST W fyy&V The L & M Paint is so positively good that it is known as the “Master Pain£, 3: When Linseed Oil is added, then the actual / cost of L & fVI Paint— thereby made ready U for use is about SI.OO per gallon less than the price ot other high-grade paints that They are simply a^ ing .^ i "* e are sold ail ready for use. Oil to L& M Semi-Paste Paint “ HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. KEEP THE WORMS OUT OF THE FRUIT Apple and Peach Trees Should Be Protected. About the time the little peaches are bursting from their shucks the eur culio is laying eggs and feeding. These eggs soon hatch into tiny little* grubs. These grubs bore into the little peaches and develop into the “worm” so com monly found in these fruits. Wormy peaches are very undesir able as tney cannot be shipped and a great deal of the fruit has to be cut away if the peach is used for culinary purposes. Every effort should be made to keep the worms out of peaches. This can be easily done by properly spray ing. Arsenate of lead at the rate of one pound of the powdered material and one pound of quick lime to 50 gallons of water should be applied to the lit tle peaches just about the time they are bursting out of their shucks. It is sometimes well to use self boiled lime and sulphur solution with this application of arsenate of lead. Particularly is this true if some dis eases of the peach were prevalent and serious last year. A second spraying of self-boiled lime sulphur and arsenate of lead should be made about three weeks after the first. For varieties of peaches ripen ing before Elbertas this is sufficient. Apples are also attacked by an in sect which makes a worm in the fruit. This insect is known as the coddling moth. It lays its eggs just after the petals fall from the apple trees. In order to control this pest It is necessary to spray these little fruits -when they are still erect, and before the lobes of the calyx close.* This means that the apples should be spray ed a few days after the petals have fallen from the trees. For this spraying arsenate of lead at the rate of from one and one-half to. two pounds, the same quantity of quick lime to 50 gallons of water should be used. In three weeks this spray ing should be repeated. Concentrated lime and sulphur diluted to summer strength should be used with it. With the high cost of living all farm ers should use every possible precau tion against wormy fruit this year. For more definite information get in touch with your county demonstration agent, or write direct to the College of Agriculture, Athens, Georgia. Woman Cried With Pain. Thousands of women work to day while suffering from kidney or bladder ailments that can be relieved. Mrs. L. Wavue, 2726 3d St., Ocean Park, Cal., writes: “I had to sit down during my house work. My hack ached so, also my hip pained me so 1 used to erv out, the pain was so great. Now I am thankful to say that Foley Kidney Pills rid me of all my pain.” Backache, sore muscles, stiff or swollen joints; rheumatic pains are indications of kidney trouble. Fo ley Kidney Pills are safe and reli able. They bring quick result*. The McDonough Drug Co. GOOD WORK DONE BY COUNTY AGENTS According to Director J. Phil Camp bell, 79,746 Georgia farmers worked in co-operation with the county agents of the Georgia State College of Agri culture last year as “demonstrators.” These men represented the best agri cultural thought and practice in their respective communities paid under the direction of the county agents cultivat ed 471,857 acres of corn, cotton and other farm crops for demonstration purposes. > Rushing to the Grave. Everything hurries in New York, in cluding the undertakers. If the mourners will consent to the vehicle moving at a trot on the way to the cemetery, the charge is about half of that for a walking funeral. —Emporia Gazette. DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light »nd Power Plant Enjoy your family ciicle under bright, safe, convenient electric light. GEO. SCIPLE, JR. ’Phone 95, - - Griffin, Ga. Subscribe for THE WEEKLY. “T FEEL that I must write and tell you the great benefit I have ex perienced from using Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pep sin. I had always suffered from indigestion but since taking Syrup Pepsin I am no longer troubled in that way, and I cannot praise it too highly as a laxative.’’ /From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by \ I Mrs. Geo. Schaeffer, 1103 West Ave. 1 V UtFa, N. Y. / Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere - 50 cts. (ES) SI.OO A combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, mild and gentle in its action, that re lieves constipation quickly. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. j£„v . " / BACKACHE! t / When your growing girl approaches the 7 more mature age and complains of back- I ache, periodical headaches and other pains, / she needs helpful advice from ( her parents. Help her at this critical time in her life "Ihavebeen using DU. MILES’ by relieving heroi periods ul headaches, ANTI-PAIN PILLS backaches, etc., with DR. MILES ANTI- Telenfjit iLve delLd fJZ PAIN PILLS- the wonderful little tab them. For nervous headache lets that for more than 30 years have and monthly t>ams they have relieved women, men and children of nevet Jailed. . . MRS. WINIFRED JONES. misery and pain. Stockton, Md. DR. MILES’ ANTI-PAIN PILLS are — ——™ ,perfectly harmless —they contain no jfllL 11 liiil l«il@) dangerous habit forming drug, but V \\\ lii' t pfillf afford prompt relief from Headache, vII " |j i ll • Backache, Neuralgia, and all pain. \ feiiinm d ii! fill Your druggist can teH you of the merits of 1 • Sri I llm/ / thesp wonderful pills— Ask him about them— I II 1* lljfi If (P-41 * they cost only a few cents a box. * I An ©TILL doing optical work for my many friends and patrons, examining eyes, filling prescriptions and duplicating lenses. Since moving to my new location I have spared no expense toward making this depart ment one of the best in the city, having engaged the services of one of the msst competent Opto metrists obtainable, and am pleased to say that I can give you very much better service than heretofore. Remember our prices for this unexcelled service are very moderate, and that satisfaction is fully guaranteed. JOHN J. BOOKOUT, Optician and Jeweler, Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade. ATLANTA.