The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 20, 1919, Image 5
Local Happenings Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M. Regular communications of Fraternal Lodge No. 37 F & A J 1 meet Ist and 3d Friday nights in each month. All duly qualified brethren fraternally and cordi ally invited to meet with us. A. A. .LEMON, W. M. O. L. Adams, Sec. K. T. Daniel Lodge No. 219 I. O. O. F. 4 Meets every Tuesday night at 8 :30 p. m. Visiting brothers wel come. Call on Speer, the Optromtrist when you need glasses. He keeps in stock all the latest styles of frames and nose glasses. Hot days in June. Get ready for the Glorious Fourth. Mrs. Walter Cook spent Friday in Atlanta. Fine time for a good washing machine agent. For Sale —New or old Overland car. A. R. Scott. Longest days of the year Satur day and Sunday. Two cent postage again from Ist of next month. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tarpley spent Friday in Atlanta. Judge E. J. and Mrs. Ed Reagan spent Wednesday in Griffin. Misses Marie Welch and Elon Payne spent Friday in Atlanta. Let Speer fit you with a pair of those elegant Fit-U*roses glasses. Miss Myrtice Hunt left Tuesday on a visit to relatives in Pelham. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Welch were down from Atlanta Sunday. Miss Bessie Sowell is visiting friends and relatives in Jenkins burg. Let’s have that McDonough compress ready for next season. Fine field for it. County Court Solicitor Paul Turner made a trip to Indianapolis, Indiana, last week. Call on Speer for Zycalite gog gles with actinectic lenses. Thev give most protection. Everybody invited to the Young People’s Rally at the Baptist church Friday, June 27. The U. D. C’s. will meet Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. H. B. Carmichael at 5 o’clock. Miss Elon Payne of Birming ham, Ala., is visiting friends and relatives in McDonough. Misses Blake Runn and Martha Brown of Atlanta were week-end guests of the homefolks. Miss Ethleene Upchurch of At lanta spent Sunday with her moth er, Mrs. Anna Upchurch. Mr. R. H. Hankinson is on an extended business trip to all im portant points in Florida. Speer’s new optical goods have arrived, and a neater and better line is not to be had anywhere. A visit to his place will please any one interested. Mr. W. W. George spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. Hanse George, of Kirkwood. Mrs. Lamar Etheridge left Tues day, after a visit to her parents, Judge and Mrs. Paul Turner. Miss Beulah Atkinson of Atlanta spent the week-end with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson. Mr. Ernest Tarpley of Atlanta spent the week-end with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tarpley. Rev. J. M. Gilmore and family are spending a two weeks vaca tion with relatives near Eatonton. Miss Annie Pearl Smith is tak ing a business course in Atlanta, with which she is very much pleased. News has been received from Mr. Hendley Daniel that he ex pects to start home from France in a short time. Examine Speer’s line of Auto goggles. The Welworth goggles are the best. See them in Speer’s show windows. The friends of Mrs. Clem Huling are glad to know that she will re turn from Macon to her McDon ough home Sept. Ist. Mrs. L. K. Purks and little daughter returned Wednesday ffom Mansfield, where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eiton Sims and son Elton, Jr., of Covington spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sims. Mr. Charlie Bankston has been seriously sick the past week, but his friends are pleased to know he is now able to be up again. If it’s a building for a garage, furniture, or undertaking, you’re looking for, call on Talmon Pat tillo, Real Estate, McDonough, Ga. The Dr. Mays Estate of Butts county, was appraised by Ordi nary Ham at practically $171,000, and the inheritance tax was $1,500. Mr. Ab Harris, Jr. looked after the ordinary’s office several days this week in the absence of his father at the yeteran’s reunion in Dawson. The Annnual Linen Shower for Wesley Memorial Hospital will be June 28. Any one wishing to contribute, please send to Mrs. W. B. Kelley by June 24. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Rosser came down from Atlanta Tuesday to at tend the Allen reunion at the home of Mrs. Rosser’s father, Mr. W. J. Allen, near Ola. Mrs. J. B. Newman and daught er, Miss Nellie, motored here from McDonough Monday, and were the guests of Miss Ida Hutcheson. Jonesboro locals in Sunday Jour nal. Misses Rosalee Brown, Lilah Copeland and Eunice Tarpley left Tuesday to attend the State meet ing or the B. Y. P. U. at Fitzger ald as delegates, and will remain until Friday. Mr. Homer J. Turner is Treas urer for the Methodist Centenary fund for McDonough district, and all moneys are to be paid to him for the next five years. H. C. Emory, pastor. Ordinary Harris, Messrs. W. H. Harper, W. C. Hamilton, C. W. Dupree, J. M. McDonald and T. R. Stewart ltft Tuesday morning for Dawson, to attend the State meet ing of the Confederate Veterans Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Carrie Dupree and Mr. Henry Stewart were also among the par ty as visitors. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA Mrs. R. H. Hankinson attended the luncheon of the Executive Committee of the Woman’s Liber ty Loan of Georgia (of which she is a member) at the Piedmont Hotel Saturday. Lieut. Perry Sowell returned home Sunday night with his per manent discharge, after active service overseas, adding another to the list of warm welcomes to our gallant.boys. Mr. J. F. M. Fields exhibited a 12% pound cabbage in front of the Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co. a few days. He is authority for the statement that it was grown in his own little garden. Beat it ? Mrs. Marvin Turner and little daughter Martha, Misses Bess Fouche, Frances Ammons, Mary Weems and Maude Townsend are spending a week or two in the mountains of North Georgia at Clayton. The Woman’s Club was enter tained by the president, Mrs. J. B. Settle, on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. R. H. Hankinson of McDon ough district president being hon or guest of the occasion.—Atlanta Sunday Journal. Quite a lot of cotton has been turned loose in McDonough since the rise in price, ranging from 30 to 33 cents a pound. Others are still holding, in the belief that they will yet get 35 cents. Several thousand bales yet remain in the warehouses here. Because of recent high prices for all kinds of farm products, land values in Central Kentucky have advanced greatly, good land selling at S2OO to S4OO an acres. — Inland Farmer. And Henry coun ty iands are right aiong in the same class. Morai —better buy now while they are cheap. Miss Irene Varner returned home Saturday from Macon, where she spent a week with her aunt, Mrs. Clem Huling, and while there witnessed the graduation of her cousin, Miss Lorene Huling at Wesleyan. Miss Irene was ac companied home by Misses Lo rene and Kathlene Huling. Mr. Fred Varner, of the U. S. Navy, arrived home last Saturday with his permanent discharge, and is taking a well deserved rest for j a while. Fred was first class ma chinist on one of Uncle Sam’s most powerful war vessels, and had many thrilling experiences during his service on the highseas. The Weekly joins his home friends in warm congratulations upon his safe return. Capt. Benton Neal Re ceives Service Honors Mr. H. B. Neal a few days ago received the citation of his son, Benton, honoring him for distin guished service overseas, which is a source of gratification and pride to his many friends. Notice has also been given of prepara tion for his permanent discharge, and he is expected home soon. Following is the exact wording of the citation forwarded to his father by the army officers: United States Army. Citation. Captain Turner B. Neal. For Meritorious and Conspicu ous Services as Supply Officer Air Service: Prod. Center. American Expeditionary Forces. In testimony, and as an expres sion of the appreciation of the services, I award him this citation. Awarded on 19th April, 1919. JOHN J. PERSHING, Commander in Chief. Liberty Bonds wanted, atjhigh est cash value, by J. O. and C. M. Kimbell. For particularsjsee Olin Kimbell at once For Croup ~ Mothers— Always Keep this Handy The day of the Croup scare Is over for those parents who wisely keep To ley’s Honey and Tar Compound in the home ready for instant use, W. C. Allen, Boseley, Mo., writes: “I have raised a family of four children, and have used Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound with all of them. I find it the best croup and cough medicine I have ever used and I have used it for eight or ten years, and can recommend it for croup.’* If toward rlghtfa!! the little ones grow hoarse or croupy, if their breath ing becomes wheezy and stuffy, give them Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound promptly and it will ward off an attack of croup. If you are awakened by the hoarse brassy cough that means croup, give Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound at once. It will ease the little sufferers quickly, cut the thick choking phlegm, and soon they will have easy breathing and peaceful quiet sleep. ★ -k * Every uaer Is a friend. if 1 m* IpJWJM MM/ ’dSte ■ ■ . ; , FRESHING £ rililill il Demand the genuine by full name M/l l If; SSft —nickname* encourage •übatitution. m The Coca-Cola Co. IvMgM •~~~ ATLANTA, GA. HI I i 111 "Sold Everywhere r mKmmLcW„S « -6711 Feet HiJb • Tbe HiftbestMoantaip ip Easterp America. (20 Miles East of Asheville) Many Attractive Resorts ip tbe Mountains ipf Western flortb Carolina, Average Elevation 2500 Ft. Above Sea Level, - Insures Healthful &nd Delightful Summer Climate ASHEVILLE’HENPERSONVILLE-HIGHLAND LAKE BREVARD- BLACK MOUNTAIN-WAYNESVILLE • LAKE JUNALUSKA-TRYON -SALUDA'FLATROCK, j KANUGA LAKE-BLOWING ROCK-LINVILLE TATE SPRING,TENN.’SIGNAL MOUNTAIN,TENN. OneHandredTbousand orMoreVisitors to these EveiySuronter Because of , Good Hotels and Boe,ndip£ Houses _____ -EXCURSION FARES vacation CONVENIENT SCHEDULES Tano, * AND SERVICE--• LAND United State? Railroad Administration, m^—^ Director General of Railroad*. SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES ■• ,v*' 71P * *-^^ i : You emack your lips over it, because you like its taste, its quality, its genuine gratifica tion. It satisfies thirst. Nobody has ever been able to suc cessfully imitate it, because its quality is indelibly registered in the taste o£ the American public. OLD REBEL International Stock —And — Poultry Food Tonics —At— HORTON DRUG CO. D. A. BROWN. DENTIST Office Hours : 7 A. M. to 12 M. TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. McDonough, Ga.