Newspaper Page Text
A Familiar Slogan.
How familiar to the ear, yet how
attractive and appealing to reason,
is the cry now raised again in
Georgia—“ Live at Home,” “Feed
A “live at home” and “feed
yourself” movement is in line with
suggestions of the state agricul
tural department and which has
been urged by J. J. Brown, Geor
gia's commissioner, ever since ht
tias been in office.
The last time the people of
Georgia heard the familiar slogan
—or was it “Hog and Hominy ?”
—was m the fall of 1914. Then,
when cotton was about the most
valueless thing in the world, it
.was loudly oroclaimed as the
South’s salvation, the South’s one
hooe of salvation. Then, if you
remember, it was “Buy a Bale”
and “Hog and Hominy.”
The “Live at Home” and “Feed
Yourself” movement undoubtedly
w ll revolutionize the farming in
dustry in Georgia and the South.
The 1919 cotton crop probably
"will be cut down to fifty per cent
of normal as a result of the recent
cnprecedent rains throughout the
ootton belt, combined with other
factors, according to Commission
er J. J. Brown. He says that
thousands of acres of cotton are
being abandoned because it would
be useless to attempt to cultivate
them, and the farmers are going
to uroduce a big crop of late corn
and other food and forage crops.
“I strongly advise the farmers
to put their cotton on the market
gradually,” said Commissioner
Brown. “There is no telling how
high the price will go by fall.”
Road to Health.
If you would live to a ripe old
age and keep the doctor away fol
low the advice of the United States
Public Health Service.
Ventilate every room you oc
Wear loose, porous clothing
suited to the season, weather and
If you are an indoor worker be
sure to get recreation outdoors.
Sleep in fresh air always; in the
open if you can.
Hold a handkerchief before
your nose and mouth when you
cough or sneeze and insist that
others do so, too.
Always wash the hands before
Do not overeat. This applies
especially to meats and eggs.
Eat some hard and some bulky
foods; some fruits.
Eat slowly—chew thoroughly.
Drink sufficient water daily.
Evacuate thoroughly, regularly.
Stand, sit and walk erect.
Do not allow poisons and infec
lions to enter the body.
Keep the teeth, gums and ton
gue clean.
Work, play, rest and sleep in
KeeD serene. Worry is the foe
of health. Cultivate the cham
pionship of your fellowmen.
Avoid self drugging. Beware
Ihe plausible once a year. Also
consult your dentist at regular in
Helped Her Little Girl.
Children need all their strength
for growing. A lingering cold
weakens them so that the system
is open to attack by more serious
sickness. Mrs. Amanda Flint,
Route 4, New Philadelphia, Ohio,
writes: “Foley’s Honey and Tar
cured my little girl of the worst
tickling cough. I had tried many
things and found nothing to help
until I got Foley’s Honey and
Tar.” Gives immediate relief from
distressing, racking, tearing
coughs; soothes and heals. Good
lor colds, croup and whooping
cough. McDonough Drug Co.
New Hope.
Last Week’s Letter.
We are much interested in our
congressman, W. D. Upshaw. The
Atlanta Constitution tells us inter
esting sayings and doings of him.
The Constitution calls him the
Evangelist Congressman. That
he preaches minus a coat and that
he strongly opposes the action of
President Wilson on beer and
wine. Would that there were
more W. D. Upshaw’s.
A quotation here from Pente
costal Herald edited by Dr. Morri
“The ministers of the gospel,
the mothers of our soldiers, the
noblest statesmen, and the great
masses of intelligent and devout
Christian citizens of the nation are
deeply grieved at the action of
the President in this matter. We
are just emerging from the most
horrible war in history. Hundreds
of thousands of people in the last
few years have perished for food;
the problem of saving countless
hosts from starving is one of the
biggest problems confronting the
statesmen and philanthropists of
our time, and yet, we are asked
to start the breweries going, and
waste millions of grain in worth
less and destructive drink. The
whole decent citizenship of the
nation should besiege congress
with petitions and protests, and
plead with God in prayer that the
representatives of the nation in
congress and senate absolutely
refuse to remove the ban from
beer and wine.”
Mr. W. T. Kelley has bought the
old home place of Mr. W. B.
Ingram of McDonough.
Rev. Oscar McKibben and wife
of Atlanta visited the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
McKibben. Dr. Moseley and wife
visited same Sunday.
Mr. Ernest Bledsoe and Miss
Florence Blessit were united in
matrimony last Sunday evening at
G. G. LeGuinn’s residence.
Several from this place atten
ded singing at Bethany Sunday
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cawthon of
Butts cou.ity visited relatives here
last Sunday evening.
Why Die at Forty?
Twice as many die at 40 as at
20. Anyone with a modicum of
common sense knows that this is
not as it should be. A man should
be in his prime at 40, and some
are at 50; but according to statis
tics, men are in their prime at 12.
At this early age their vitality
begins to wane and defects accu
mulate, so that by the time they are
20 and 30 years old, they are old
men. This is largely because of
neglect of the human body, failure
to have it looked over for physi
cal defects and weaknesses, and
failure to have these remedied or
removed. Isn’t it worth while to
take a little more care as to how
you live and stay young? There
are no physical reasons why men
should grow old and die at 40. —
Adapted from “How to Live.”
It Is All Gone Now.
Samuel Kramer, Box 95, Sellers
ville, Pa., writes: “I had a kidney
trouble for two years and had a
terrible backache. That is all gone
now’ after using Foley Kidney Pills
and I feel well again.” When the
kidneys are overworked, weak or
diseased, the waste matter remains
in the system and causes pain in
the side or back, rheumatism, lum
bago, stiff joints, sore muscles,
backache. Foley Kidney Pills get
results quickly and are tonic in
their healing and soothing effect.
Good for bladder trouble, too.
McDonough Drug Co.
1. My w’ife is my boss. I shall
not w r ant.
2. She maketh me lie down
behind the bed when swell com
pany comes.
3. She restoreth my pocket
book after she has spent all of its
contents: and she leadeth me up
the main aisle of the church for
her new’ hat’s sake.
4. Yea, though I walk more
than half the night through the
darkness with a crying baby I will
not rest, for she is behind me
with her broomstick and hatpin—
they do everything but comfort
5. She prepareth a cold snack
for me, then maketh a bee line
for the Bridge Club. She anoin
teth my head with a rolling pin,
mine arms runneth over with
bundles before she is half done
6. Surely, her dressmaker’s
and milliner’s bills shall follow me
all the days of my life and I will
dwell in the house of my wife
As good health on Sunday as
during the rest of the week; the
same ability to attend religious
services as to engage in the usual
active duties of life.
As great care listening to religi
ous instructions as is given to
scrutinizing each new dress, cloak,
bonnett, etc., worn by those in at
As great ability in learning our
own faults as those of our neigh
bors. With the supply of this
want the world will soon be re
novated, society much improved,
and all made happier.
Weather to suit all, or better
still, people who are disposed to
be suited by the weather.
Booze Is Not a Good Cure.
From t lie Ames lowa Intelligencer.
When a man comes to you all
doubled ap with pain and declares
he will die in your presence unless
you procure him a drink of whis
key, send him to a doctor or else
give him a dose of Chamberlain’s
Colic and Diarhoea Remedy. There
is a mistaken notion among a whole
lot of people that booze is the best
remedy for colic and stomach ache.
For Sale by Horton Drug Co.
Task for Gardener.
At a certain camp in France
the potato crop had proved rather
a failure and the smallness of the
“spuds” was the subject of many
mess “courtesies.”
One day a sergeant ordered
Pat to dig up potatoes for the
men’s dinner and because he
would not do so, Pat was brought
up before the “bloke” as a defaul
“Why did you refuse to obey
the orders of the N. C. O.?”
asked the C. O.
“Shure, it’s like this, sur. Mv
eyesight is very bad and I didn’t
go a great deal on the hidden
treasure stunt, sur. I thought
that it was a waste of government
time and money, sur, and that the
gardener should go and dig them
himself, since he’s the only wan in
the camp who knows where he
put them, sur.”
Got Good Results.
This honest, straightforward
letter from a woman who has
suffered should be heeded by all
afflicted with backache, rheumatic
pains, sore muscles, awful tired
feeling and other symptoms of
kidney and bladder trouble: “I
have got such good results from
Foley Kidney Pills that I can sleep
much better and the pain in my
back and sides is a good lot bet
ter. lam going to keep on taking
them.” McDonough Drug Co.
A Psalin of Life.
Contents 15 Fluid Drachm
|S|p j*i j
: ' ■
igySllf l alcohol-3 PER gentT|
gig c l \j! Preparation for As -1
the food
■SIS® lingtheStomachs and BowctsQi
Mtre Thereby Promoting Digestion
Cheerfulness and RestContaus
jjSfr :i j| neither opium. Morphine no
|j<U l ■ Mineral. N o tNahcq t ,
JtecipeofOldDrSMlELfl \
i M, Jhunpkm W \
»«£•- JtxSeam I
e:£~- JbxklU Sattt I
mmrn i
fe- j
!i HbrwtSM I
| A helpful Remedy for
Jk-cf Constipation and Diarrhoea.
iP-$> and Feverishness and j
« Loss of Sleep
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Henry County Weekly
is a good thing
For Real Live Business Men
Copeland-Turner Mercantile Co.
with L & i¥i SEIVSI-PASTE PAJNT and
They are simply adding Linseed
Oil to L & M Semi-Paste Paint
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Always / »
Bears the
hJr * n
ILk U se
\Jr For Over
Thirty Years
your own Linseed Oil.
The L & M Paint is so positively good
that it is known as the “Master Paint. 11
When Linseed Oil is added, then the actual
cost oi\. & M Paint— thereby made ready
for use is about SI.OO per gallon less than
the price oi other high-grade paints that
are sold all ready for use.