Newspaper Page Text
-•* Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and B'.i
Friday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
A. A. Lemon, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
R T. Daniel Lodge No. 219 I. O. O. F.
Meets every Tuesday night at
8 :30 p. m. Visiting brothers wel
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
July 4.
Two-cent stamps.
We’re off—July Fourth.
The first day of July dawned
perfectly clear.
Mr. R. A. Sloan went up to
Atlanta Monday.
Good milk cow for sale. H. R.
Pair, Flippen, Ga.
If you want a monument. See
H. W. Carmichael.
Let Speer fit you with a pair of
those elegant Fit-U-noses glasses.
Miss Sara Peace of Douglasvilie
visited Mrs. Will Peace last week.
Get your fruit jars and cans in
time. Joe J. Smith’s Variety Store.
Mrs. W. A. Harris of Jackson is
the guest of her niece, Mrs. H. M.
Here’s to the Glorious Fourth!
May each and all get everything
there is in it.
Mrs. A. M. Nolan and daughter
Miss Annie were visitors to At
lanta Monday.
Mrs. W. C. Pollard leaves for
Macon Sunday, where she will
visit relatives.
1 Mr. John R. Smith spent Sun
day in Macon with his brother,
Mr. I. P. Smith.
Call on Speer for Zycalite gog
gles with actinectic lenses. Thev
give most protection.
Lot new tea glasses, pretty and
attractive, just received at Joe J.
Smith’s Variety Store.
For Sale —Hampshire pigs. Can
be seen at Manson place west of
town. W. A. Clements.
Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagan
left last week for a two weeks
visit to White Sulphur Springs,
Fla., for the benefit of Mrs. Rea
gan’s health.
Conductor Shields of Atlanta
came down Sunday to be with his
wife and children, who are visit
ing Mrs. Shields’ parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Bunn.
We have installed an up-to-date
Welding Machine and will have an
expert welder in a few days.
Bring us your broken castings to
weld. H. M. Amis Co.
There will be singing at Locust
Grove Baptist Church Sunday
afternoon, July 6th, at 2 u. in.
All singers and the public are cor
dially invited to attend.
Nice new stock goods just re
ceived at Joe J. Smith’s Variety
Miss Bess Fouche returned
home Tuesday from a two weeks
stay at Clayton.
Miss Blake Bunn of Atlanta is
taking a vacation with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bunn.
Mr. J. C. Daniel, to the delight
of his friends, is out again after
an illness of several days.
Mr. Ernest Tarplev of Atlanta
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tarpley.
Miss Beulah Atkinson of At
lanta visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Atkinson, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tolleson and
daughter Miriam left Sunday for a
month at Daytona Beach, Fla.
Mr. Frank Grant has much im
proved his handsome residence
with a petty new coat of paint.
Clarence Hubbard and Adel
Joyner motored over to LaGrange
last Sunday on a tender mission.
Miss Annie Laurie Fields has
returned from a visit to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Wise of Fayetteville.
Mrs. J. F. Wall of Atlanta was a
pleasant visiter to her McDonough
friends several days the past week.
For Sale—my home place, with
five-room residence, tenant house
and six acres of land. Mrs. W. E.
Mrs. Ed Roberts of Atlanta and
Don Lee Martin of Bowden were
guests last week of Mrs. Frank
The Weekly comes out a day
ahead this week in order to take
the Fourth of July—here’s to eve
rybody !
Mrs. Watts of Akron, Ohio, and
Henry McGarity of Codele were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Sowell.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Copeland,
Mrs. Aldine Combs and Miss Eu
nice Tarpley were visitors to At
lanta Tuesday.
A cordial invitation is extended
all men to attend the Bible Class
at the Methodist Sunday School
every Sunday.
A highly interesting drainage
article relative to Clayton county
lands will be found in this issue
of The Weekly.
Miss Lillie Lee Elliott left last
week for Athens, where she will
take a six weeks course at the
Normal School.
Claims for removal of the State
Capitol to Macon are fully set forth
in a two-column article on our 6th
page this week.
Judge R. O. Jackson went over
to Monticello last week and re
turned home Sunday with Mrs.
Jackson and little daughter.
List your property with Talmon
Pattillo, the real estate man, if you
want to buy, sell or rent—he will
do the rest. Now is the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carmichael
announce the birth of a boy last
week —and Ordinary Harris is
pround of his ’steenth grandson.
Mr. Talhnon Pattillo, the real
estate man, has purchased the
splendid home of Mrs. J. F. Wall,
to assume possession October Ist.
A telegram from Mr. Hendley
Daniel to Mrs. Daniel announcing
his permanent discharge to be
made at CamD Mills, N Y.. Thurs
day, was received here Tuesday.
She was wired in Birmingham and
immediately left to join him for
the return trip.
Good line enamel and allumnium
ware at Joe J. Smith’s Variety
Lookout Mountain Seed Irish
Potatoes. Begin planting now for
the fall crop.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
The friends of Mr. Rufus Rodg
ers were glad to welcome his
return from overseas last week,
after receiving his permanent dis
charge from the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bledsoe with
their little son arrived from Brox
ton Sunday on a visit to Mrs.
Bledsoe’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. D. Beard, and other relatives.
Major Beecher Rosser has the
thanks of the entire Weekly force
for a basket of elegant Botan
plums. May he live long and
prosper. Let others come forward.
The Bible Class is the largest j
and best ever known in McDon-;
ugh, and those who fail to attend
are missing a splendid opportuni
ty for good. Go out next Sunday.
Mrs, Mamie Borders Noel and
little daughter returned home to
Atlanta Sunday after a week’s vis
it to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Borders, Mr. Noel coming
down for the day.
Mr. Grady Russell returned
home Monday from the U S. Navy
at Charleston, where he received'
his permanent discharge after be
ing on duty some time, and is re
ceiving congratulations and a warm
welcome among friends.
Henry county’s Representative,
Hon. W. A. Bellah, was honored
by Speaker Holder with appoint
ment on four committees in the
organization of the House last
week as follows : Vice President
Labor and Labor Statistics; Gen
eral Agriculture No. 2 ; Privileges
of the Floor, and Temperance.
Rev. Mr. Yarbrough of Rome,
son of former Presiding Elder
George W. Yarbrough of the
McDonough district, was the guest
of his friend, Rev. H. C. Emory,
Tuesday. Rev. George Yarbrough
is warmly remembered by a num
ber of our older citizens, who are
pleased to know he is still hale
and hearty, although 82 years old.
The friends of Mr. Charlie Far
gason regret to know of his seri
ous illness at his home east of
McDonough. He had the mis
fortune to lose two of his fingers
while threshing wheat one day
last week, the wound developing
blood poison. It is hoped, how
ever, that his condition may soon
The Weekly is in receipt of a
handsome folder from Assistant
Passenger Agent Beam, isssued by
the U. S. Railroad Commission
for the season of 1919, descriptive
of the numerous delightful sum
mer resorts located in the terri
tory of the Southern Railway.
Copies of the folder may be had
upon application to ticket agents,
or by addressing J. C. Beam,
A. G. P. A. So. Ry. Atlanta, Ga.
Dangers of Hot Weather.
Anyone is doubly liable to ill
effects from the hot sun when the
stomach and blood are clogged
with a mass of undigested food.
If you suffer from sick headache,
biliousness, bloating, coated ton
gue, “heaviness” or any ill caused
from indigestion take a Foley
Cathartic Tablet and you will feel
better in the morning. J. L. Hor
ton, 505 W. Fair St., Atlanta, Ga.,
writes: “I found mvself feeling
like a new man. Foley Cathartic
Tablets are the best ever.” Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
New Hope.
On last Sunday Mr. Adel Mor
gan of this place was united in
happy wedlock to Miss Hattie
Lewis of Stockbridge.
Our Sunday school is at its best
at this place. More than usual in
terest is being manifested.
We expect some time this sum
mer to repaint our church, inside
and out; subscription now is being
taken to improve the church.
Several from this place went to
McDonough Sunday to the singing.
Dr. William Brady of The At
lanta Constitution says “over-eat
ing and insufficient exercise is the
most common cause of premature
physical break-down, etc. The
use of alcohol as a beverage comes
second to over-eating. The use
of tobacco as a narcotic comes
third in the list of causes. The
younger the individual that uses
the tobacco the greater the dam
age done. A penalty of at least
ten years imprisonment should be
exacted,” says Dr. Brady, “from
any oerson under th a age of twen
ty one found with tobacco in his
Mr. Tom Glass, who spent his
boyhood days around Wynn’s
Mill, but who now resides in Grif
fin, was shaking hands with
friends here last week.
Why People Go to Church.
Some people go to church forsooth
It was a habit formed in youth
Some go because they like to hear
The preacher rake their neighbors
Some go to show their dress and
| At what the other people wear,
j Some go because they are afraid
| To not do so might injure trade
| Some go because they think it
The week day shady sin affairs
Some go to take a quiet snooze
While sitting in the restful pews
Lulled by a soporific talk
i As gentle as a cradle’s rock.
Some go. they really do not know
Just why; they simply dress and
Some young men go because the
Girls they like so well are there
And yet among the chaff we find
Much golden gram of human kind
Good Christian men and women
To holy things are ever true.
Bright flowers that spring from
sinful sod
Who really go to worship God
But oh, the millions on this ball
Of earth who never go at all.
On improved farm lands,
long time, low rate of in
terest. Write or apply to
501-502 4th National Bank Building,
Let me sell you a farm and loan you
the money to pay for it, or improve the
one you now own. If you want to sell
your farm let me know, Pll do the selling.
W. O. NEEDHAM, Eltenwood, Ga-
Mrs. Georgia Nunnally of Grif
fin and Mrs. Dink Harden of
Atlanta spent the week-end with
j Mrs. D. L. Patrick, Jr., and family.
Mrs. T. 0. Hammock was the
: guest of Mrs. Gordon Patrick last
i week.
Mr. L. W. Pullen and family and
Mr. O. W. Sims and family mo
tored to Jasper county Sunday
and spent the day with T. W.
Patrick and report that the crops
in Jasper are very grassy.
Mrs. Fannie Apple spent one
day in Griffin last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pullin, Mrs.
W. S. Patrick, Sr., went over to
see Mrs. W. F. Huddleston Mon
day p. m. She received a very
painful wound in an auto acci
dent recently and is still confined
to her bed.
Miss Annie Lou Lawrence re
turned Sunday from a week’s visit
to her aunt in Atlanta.
Martin and Ulmer Welden have
returned from overseas and are
at home, having received their
discharges last week. Welcome
Mr. Hendley Parham is receiv
ing a hearty welcome from his
many friends. He has also just
returned from overseas.
A marriage of much interest to
their many friends was that of
Miss Addie Mae Stroud and Mr.
Bryan Burke, which occurred at
the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroud, near
Jackson on Saturday evening,
June 28. Best wishes are extend
ed them from their numerous
trie.ids here.
Mrs. Gordon Patrick has recov
ered from her recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goins and
family spent the week-end with
the former’s mother near Pattillo.
Mrs. D. E. Clements is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Collins,
near Dailey's mill.
Office Hours :
7 A. M. 60 12 M
McDonough, Ga.
International Stock
—And —
Poultry Food Tonics
How the people are praising the Won
derful EL VIGOR Tonic, and these are
the Home People that you can easily find.
El Vigor Company,
Atlanta, lia
Dr-ar Sirs:
During a visit in Atlanta I bought your medi
cine and used according to directions and found
it did me more good than anything I have taken
in 3 years
We would lie glad to continue treatment, so
please send me a bottle by mail at once. lam
glad to recommend chis wonderful medicine to
all my friends, because I know its real worth to
the Sick and Suffering.
You can get this wonderful medicine from—
Horton Drug Co., McDonough; Pinson’s
Pharmacy, Stockbridge; J. A. Cook, Stock
bridge; A. F White, Flovilla; L. D. Hoard,
Indian Springs; J. C. Maddox, Locust Grove.