The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 04, 1919, Image 7

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In Ye Olde Dayes
Folkes Knew Goode Coffee
•" •«- good fellows of long ago gathered about
* » ye festive board for a snack and a smack, they
. demanded that coffee be ye very best in ye land.
I That’s the kind you get today when you drink
; * idff f B Luzianne. Just try it. If it doesn't taste better than
|j/ any other coffee, you’ve got a real “kick” coming to you,
JR* and your grocer will refund every penny you paid for it.
pj J/'' coffh I Get in line with the thousands of good people who
drink Luzianne regularly. Buy some today, in the
air-tight, sanitary can.
—V— fjiMli
It Reigna" t±==*T COFFEE
I wish to announce to my Henry County friends that I
am regularly in the Real Estate Business, associated with Mr.
P. W. Walton, President of the Bank of Eatonton.
We have a number of Putnam and surrounding county
farms for sale, and can offer splendid opportunity to secure
good homes in one of the very best farming sections to be
found in Georgia, thoroughly healthy and every way attractive.
Prices compare as about two-thirds value with the Henry
county la ids. Will take pleasure in showing my friends
through at any time.
Don’t fail to call on or correspond with me before locating
Eatonton = = Georgia.
United States Railroad Administration
G: early Reduced Week-end and Sunday
Fares to Brunswick, Ga., Atlantic Beach, Fla.,
and Pablo Beach, Fla., as follows:
From McDONOUGH, GA,, to
and Return PABLO BEACH, FLA,
Week-end Rate SB-50 S 9-50
War Tax to be added.
WEEK-END TICKETS on sale for all trains
Saturdays and forenoon Sundays up to September 7,
1919. Good to return Tuesdays following date of sale.
SUNDAY TICKETS: Good for use on Sun
day morning trains and to return same date of sale.
Lands for sale
T’.'ree tracts of farming lands
close to Porterdale, on public road.
Tracts contain 99, 162 and 164
acres. Will sell privately within
two months.
Porterdale, Ga. Executor.
Alcohol for Power.
The compensation and confisca
tion plea of the alcohol makers
who h ive been devoting their en
ergies to the manufacture of al
cohol for beverage purposes con
tinues to be refuted by the many
new useful purposes to which
their plants are being applied. It
is becoming an old story, the con
verting of distilleries and brewer
ies into ice plants, packing houses,
canning factories, etc.
Now comes Henry Ford with
an opinion that within a few years
alcohol will supplant electricity
for motive power for cars and
other electrically driven vehicles.
He says that wires and poles are
costly and cumbersome in equip
ment and that alcohol will be
much cheaper and much more
powerful than gasoline. In fact
he testifies that at the present
time he can use acohol in place of
gasoline and add ten per cent to
the power. He takes occasion to
declare that alcohol is going to be
a tremendous blessing to mankind
instead of a curse which it has
been for so many years. He de
clares that it is far safer for an
engine to be full of alcohol than
for the engineer to be in a similar
If Mr. Ford’s prediction comes
true a lot of these distilleries will
soon find themselves in a more
paying position than they were
before the people outlawed the
beverage liquor traffic.
A Grateful Woman's Story.
Mrs. Robert Blair, 460 20th St.,
Terre Haute, Ind., writes: “I
suffered two years with kidney
and bladder trouble. After taking
Foley Kidney Pills a few short
weeks I found my trouble gradu
ally disappearing. The backaches
stopped and I am also free from
those tired spoils and headaches,
and my vision is no longer blur
red.” Foley Kidney Pills help the
kidneys, keep the blood clean and
eliminate the impurities that cause
backache, rheumatic pains, sore,
stiff and swollen joints and mus
cles. McDonougn Drug Co.
Our Mother.
By Oma Tarpley.
Who is it ’at tucks ns in
An’ makes us comfy too,
An' always sees ’es fore she leaves
F.f our toes are peeping fruV
It’s not nursie, it’s not dad,
For he’s away up town,
But when he comes yon may he sure
He’ll wear a big old frown.
It’s not Aunt Jane, nor Grandma,
Tho’ they are both so kind,
They nevermind to mend our socks
’Es any time.
It’s not Dorothy, that’s our sister,
For her’s got a beau,
] hear him coming up the steps
Yes. he’s knocking at the door.
It’s not Dot, nor Sue, nor Polly,
For they never take the time
To do a thintr but sit and sew
For Dolly Caroline.
I’m sure you’ve guessed her name
For there is onlyone other,
And she it is that tucks us in
Our own dear mother.
Now that the Mexican scrim
mage is on again we predict the
| death of Villa several more times.
Stop the “Snuffles”
If you want to make your distressed
babies easy and comfortable, give
Foley’s Honey and Tar.
It is just what they ought to have for
feverish colds, coughs, “snuffles,” add
wheezy breathing. It stops croup, too.
Foley’s Honey and Tar tastes good
and the little ones like it.<& It contains
no morphine, chloroform or other drug
that yoil*wouldn’t like to give to young
Do not accept a substitute.
m Mrs. B. H. Garrett, Scboolfield, Va., writer—
“My baby was stricken with a severe couch and
cold at one month old. I gave him ten to fifteen
drops of Foley’s Honey and Tar every three
hours and it surely did help him. He hasn't
been sick a day since.”
The McDonough Drug Co.
“T JUST want to thank you for Dr.
Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. It is fine.
I use it for my baby, my husband and myself,
and simply can’t do without a bottle of it in
the house.’’
(From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\
Mrs. John W. Christensen, 603 So. 2nd I
East, Brigham City, Utah /
Dr. Caldwell’s
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. (£s) SI.OO
Quickly corrects disorders of the intestinal
tract, relieves the congestion and restores nor
mal regularity. It is gentle in action and does
not gripe. A trial bottle can be obtained by
writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington
St., Monticello, Illinois.
Who Is SViiss Allen?
Why, she is that nice, polite, friendly and
efficient little lady who is always ready to
help you save money at
Miss Lorah Bell Allen knows how to please
you when it comes to selecting beautiful
J El WE l_ R V
Everybody in Henry County who wants
the Best Jewelry calk on Miss Allen.
That’s why we 7/anted her at our Store.
She knows we have it. That’s why she
is with us.
Optician and Jeweler,
Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade.
Commendable Quality in Jewelry
No matter how little von pay, yon get qnality for
the price. 'No matter how much you pay, you get
intrinsie value for vonr money. Aside from real
values you can choose from an assortmentjunrival
ed hereabouts.
Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga.
Perfectly clean teeth
will never decay. KRr
To clean, polish
and preserve t, •
theenamel ,
use not only
a Cleanser
r but Healer and
Preventive of dis
eases of the mouth.
1 30e. and 60c. «t your Druggist
| Used 40 Years |
• »
| The Womars Tonic g
££ Sold Everywhere rifr
• ... fc
YES! Job Work.