Newspaper Page Text
June 30th and a good time for
Maybe this cold snap will stop
our grass from growing so fast.
Occasionally we rave about the
beauties of nature, we grow ex
travagant in our praise of the
springtime—its brightness, its
blueness, its greenness, its alto
gether loveliness —but when we
have battled with crab grass and
weeds in our crops, gardens and
about our premises for weeks,
and it rains most every day with
no relief in sight, we feel inclined
to close our eyes to “anything
green” whatsoever for some little
And now we can’t have sugar !
Well, let’s be sweet tempered
any way—that ought to help some.
We are glad to say that Mrs.
Kate Wvnne and Rena Maud
Piper, who have recently had
attacks of appendicitis, are about
Esther Jones is very ill w'ith
typhoid fever.
Mrs. Sam Smith is slowly impro
Mrs. W. N. Austin, who has
been on the sick list, is better.
Mrs. B. L. Andrews and chil
dren, Mrs. Wyman Hicks and
Miss Mary Hicks of Oak Hill were
guests of Mrs. F. B. and Nina
Strawn last Thursday afternoon.
A new little son in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher and a
daughter in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Jeffares are the latest
additions to the population of our
Mrs. Luke Smith of Lithonia
and Mrs. Edgar Wallace of At
lanta were down to see their
grandmother last week, Mrs.
Presson, who has been quite
feeble, but glad to say is better.
Miss Easter Hooten, who has
been visiting in Atlanta, is home
again, Miss Will Thrasher return
ing with her.
Loy Strahn, carrier on Route 4,
says his Ford has learned to turn
out at mail boxes of its own voli
tion. He may have drawn a bit
on his imagination; but you can
never tell what a little Ford will
I enjoyed “Typographical Er
rors” in our paper last week.
There was a mistake in almost
every item of my communication
the week before. From the very
first when I tried to say “fried
chicken on the menu at last,” and
it came out “Fried chicken on the
move at last,” on down the col
umn. I didn’t know whether to
laugh or cry. but as crying comes
hard with me I laughed, for I was
sure I didn’t make all of them.
Mistakes are easy to make—hard
to read sometime. I must admit
that I have made some few thou
sand myself of several sorts and
sizes. And am almost tempted to
say with the man at the camp
ground, who on rising to tell his
experience, said: “I know I don’t
ive live like I ought’er, I’ve not
discharged my duty as I should’er,
but I thank the Lord I am not by
Our John Wesley Jackson made
a talk in Sunday school at Mt.
Bethel Sunday. Yes, came out of
his corner and made a talk and
who would have thought it? A
good talk, too. Now that’s the
thing to do to encourage your
superintendent and put life into
your Sunday school. I honestly
believe we are on the road to
better things.
Hope you all will enjoy the 4th
to your fullest capacity and pass
on some of the exuberance of
your spirits to others.
Mis’ Franc.
Hopewell News.
We certainly were thankful for
the rain we had Thursday and
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lewis had
as their guests Sunday afternoon,
Mrs. George Lewis, Misses Laura
and Ida Lewis and Mrs. Evans.
The friends of Mr. Oscar Tid
well were glad to see him return
home Wednesday with his dis
charge from overseas.
The singing at Mr. C. E. Driver’s
Sunday night was enjoyed by all
Mrs. Clifford Gilbert and Mrs.
Pearlie Skinner and children visit
ed Mrs. R. C. Bradberry Sunday
Mrs. Katie Wood visited Mrs. H.
L. Stephens Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Minnie Starr had as her
guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Char
lie Lewis and little son, Randolph.
Rev. Cook will preach at Hope
well the second Saturday night
and Sunday.
Mr. Adel Morgan and Miss Hat
tie Lewis were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony Sunday morn
ing, Rev. S. R. England perform
ing the ceremony at Jonesboro.
The bride and groom returned to
New Hope where they will live
with the groom’s father. Their
friends wish them much joy and
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Skinner had
as their guests Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Lem Lewis, Mrs. Ollie and
Susie Duffie. Jimmie.
—Jams •. •.?. s
A/ViA //A: h' : ' :> |l
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$1 - H
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Fill up Y our “Crank Case"' With “Green Flag” Motor Oil,
And Ride as Easy as an Airplane!
A smooth running motor, with her power up to the
notch, running without a “buck” or a thump or a
jar, makes it a genuine pleasure in driving a car. Correct
and QUALITY lubrication is the answer. It's the differ
ence between trouble and pleasure. To those who appre
ciate just what correct and “quality” lubrication means, this
information is superfluous. They don’t have these troubles.
Most of them use “GREEN FLAG” MOTOR OIL exclu
sively, and have forgotten what “engine troubles” are.
Your engine and motor are lubricated by a special sys
tem, provided by the manufacturer for that purpose. This
system reaches every part of the motive power and its
parts with minute regularity. If this automatic system of
lubrication were not provided, you could not run a motor
car at all. If you had to personally oil some 18 or 20 parts
of the engine and motor every day before you started out,
even if such a plan was necessary, and you knew exactly
Tolieson & Turner. Henderson-Arnold Co., Barnett Brothers. Reeves Drug Co., J. C. Wa'ien.
McDonough, G.. Hampton, Ga. Lovejoy. Ga. Jonesboro, Ga, Stockbridge, (, ;l
“The Kodak Box”
Contains Number 2 Kodak, Film Chem
icals and everything you need. So simple
any child can operate it. Easy to make
fine pictures. Handy, useful, educative.
No dark room, no trouble. Will pay for
itself in a few days.
Only $4.98 Prepaid
If You Already Own
Try our “Fine Art’’ Film Developing
Service. Finest work guaranteed. Prices
very reasonable. Write today for sample
print and price list.
Send us your mail orders for Kodaks,
Film and all kinds of photographic goods.
Southern Photo Material Co.
"Compete Photographic Service”
70 N. Broad, Atlanta, Ga.
f** ET your information first hand.
Upon request we will tell you
their belief and position, their prac
tices and obligations, their rights
and duties as they bear on civic and
social relations, public questions and
good citizenship.
For information addres
The Catholic Laymen's
Association of Georgia
107 9th St., Augusta, Ga.
DELTcToUS and refreshing
Mil Demand the genuine by full name
•—nickname* encourage *ub*titution.
The Coca-Cola Co.
iraarai \ irtm'lujc TkSnUllEfff
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Sold Every whore
where and how to distribute the oil, very few motor cars
would be in operation. But the lubricating system of ev
ery car obviate any attention on your part except having
the oii put in the heart of the system as you need it. That’s
easy. Ygu just drive up and have the dealer put in the
necessary amount. But the general failing of most driv
ers of cars is this they drive up and say—“GIVE ME
A QUART OF OIL.” That isn’t the correct way to ask
for it, to get the best results. Drive uo and say—“GIVE
There are a number of “GREEP ~ T \G” MOTOR OIL sta
tions in this county. The dealers are 'l-known and reliable,
ana you can buy “GREEN FLAG” MOD OIL from any on*
of them with the assurance that you are geui.-. ‘he best oil, and
the grade of oil best adapted for your needs.
It will pay you to drive out of your way to buy “GREEN
FLAG” MOTOR OIL from any of the following well-known deal
er*:— j
You can’t think of “delicious”
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You can't drink Coca-Cola without
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The taste is the test of Coca-Cola
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