Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Great Baptist Meeting.
The Baptists of the Flint River
Association are looking forward
with great pleasure to the coming
of Dr. W. L. Poteat, President of
'Wake Forest College, North Caro
lina, who has been engaged for
an address at Griffin, Ga., Thurs
day, July 24th, at 3:30 p. m.
Dr. Poteat is easily one of the
ablest speakers among the Bap
tists of the South and is in great
demand for addresses in all sec
tions of the United States.
It is earnestly desired that all
the pastors, and as many mem
bers as can possibly attend, shall
hear Dr. Poteat on this occasion.
The subject of his address will be
“What Jesus Wants With Us.”
The discussion of this vital subject
will appeal to all men and women
alike and all are urged to attend.
While this meeting is held pri
marily by and for the Baptists,
those who are responsible for the
meeting extend a cordial invita
tion to the general public, believ
ing that the service will be both
interesting and helpful.
St V <CT" ' '
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Nash Sport Model Combines
Both Beauty and Comfort
The Nash Si:: four passenger sport
mode! appeals to motor car users
who desire the utmost in style as
weu as comfort. Its low, pleasing
, „ . x . . . , . V .
lines—lts nickel trimmings and
M. « 4 -i . .
to wire wheels make ?t an es-
pocieny attractive car for social
business use. Its perfected
valve-iu-heaJ motor gives it an-
usual power, quietness and econ-
omy of operation.
McDonough, ga.
i: u sail M MUIHHI
Bridal Entertainment.
Mr. Scip Speer is in receipt of
the following account of a bridal
reception, published in their Indi
ana home paper, his daughter,
Miss Dorothy Speer, who was re
cently married in Atlanta, being
one of the brides :
On Wednesday evening. July 2d,
Mr. and Mrs. Park Walton of Elm
Grove Farm royally entertained 75
relatives and friends in honor of
the returned Soldiers of Sugar
Creek township, and also of their
sons, Harry and Frank, and their
brides, who returned home Tues
day afternoon. Harrv was mar
ried on .Time 11th to Miss Dorothy
Speer of Atlanta, Ga., an estima
ble and accomplished young lady.
Harry was stationed at Atlanta
for some time before he went to
France, where he formed the ac
quaintance of Miss Speer, which
culminated in their marriage after
his return from over-seas.
Many welcomes home and con
gratulations and well wishes were
received b.y the bridal couples. The
house was beautifully decorated
with red, white and blue entwined
with wedding bells, and a delicious
three-course supper was served,
including generous helpings of ice
cream and cake.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, july is, 1919.
Wedding Takes Place
In Fire Engine House.
An unexpected blaze or even a
false alarm at noon Saturday in
the neighborhood of Engine House
No, 11 would have abruptly inter
rupted the first wedding of its
kind solemnized in the history of
For at that hour, the Rev. L. P.
Driskel, who fights earthly fires
for a living when he’s not saving
souls from the heat commonly ac
credited to the lower regions, vv as
marrying Miss Blanche B. Wynn,
attractive Henry county girl, and
Marcus B. Sentell, Atlanta boy and
Eighty-second division veteran.
The fire-fighting parson was on
dutv. So were most of the little
gathering who witnessed ihe cere
mony. It took place in the offici
ating clergyman’s study, which is
the library on the second floor of
the North avenue fire station.
Dr. Driskell wore his uniform.
So did Lieutenant S. P. Fincher,
who was in charge of the after
noon shift. So did Clyde Phillips
is r”
Five. Passenger
t wo .passenger
Roadster . . $1490
Sport Model, $1595
seven. Passenger
t^.V P y.Bn%°r
Se * an 452575
Prices f.o.b. Kenosha
Farm Loan Organization
Completed for Henry,
The farmers of Henry county
may now avail themselves of the
benefits of the Federal Farm Loan
Act by which they may borrow
money on their farms at the rate
of five and one-half per cent per
annum on long time, for as long
as forty years if desired.
Mr. G. F. Fears of Hampton has
perfected an organization for
Henry county, having already
closed a number of loans, and is
now ready to take applications
for others on farms anywhere in
the counties of Henry, Clayton,
Fayette and Spalding.
Further particulars of this mat
ter will appear in next week’s
and J. S. Jenkins and L. C. Hoi
loway and Rov Garner, all fellow
members of the fire department
stationed at No. 11 with Mr. Dris
And if the big glistening brass
gong downstairs had happened to
clang out its imperative summons
along about the time the wedding
party was listening to (he phrase,
“I now pronounce you man and”
—the expectant bride and groom
would have seen a sudden, un
ceremonious dispersal via the
round holes and slippery metai
poles that connect upstairs with
the apparatus below. And the
couple would have waited at this
transient stage between singleness
and marriage until the fireman
pason came back to speak the
final binding word.
The groom is an old friend of
Mr. Driskell and when he got his
discharge from M. Company,
Three Hundred and Twenty
seventh Infantry recently, he
asked his chum to officiate at the
wedding. The bride is the daugh
ter of a well-known farmer of
Henry county, near Jenkinsburg.
The pair met while Mrs. Sentell,
then Miss Wynn, was visiting At
lanta. —Sunday's Journal.
GU may depend upon the qualify
of the service rendered you in
every department of this garage.
We offer you the services of experienced
and skilled workmen only, kvery job is
done neatly, corredtly and with the
expense possible. :: :: :*•
When you need garage service and want
it right come to us. :: ::
Hopewell News.
We are having some fair
weather at last.
Mrs. Clifford Gilbert and little
daughter Leamon and Mr. Jol
Gilbert visited at Woodberry last
Mr r and Mrs. Claud Skinner
visited Mr, and Mrs Charlie Lewi?
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lewi
had as their guests Sunday M.
and Mrs. Beil Lewis and fan -
and Mrs. Clifford Gilbert.
Rev. Cook preached a fine ser
mon at Hopeweil Sunday morn
Mr. Sanford Lewis is real si
We hope for him a speedy rec
Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Driver vis:
Mr. and Mrs. Cates of Eilenw
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cloma Duffie were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Lewis Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Skinner Pan
as their dinner guests Sunday Rev.
Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilbert
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pal ill
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Brad berry Sunday.
. Boys’ express wagons, nice for
delivery of packages as well as
sport for the boys. Joe J. Smith's
Variety Store.
He Was Almost Pa d Going.
“1 suffered with kidney trouble
for three years,” writes D. Belt
St. James City, Fla., “and for tin
past six months I have been al
most past going. I couldn’t stoop
down and when I would lie dowr
I could hardly get up. I began
taking Foley Kidney Pills, and
before using two bottles my pains
were all gone.” They are prompt
in action and quick to relieve
backache, rheumatic pains, stiff,
swollen joints and sore muscles.
The M Donough Drug Co.
$1.50 A YEAR