The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 25, 1919, Image 1
The Henry County Weekly VOL. XLV. Southern Baptists Go In For Mammoth Sum At the Southern Baptist Con vention in Atlanta, Georgia, in May, with more than 5,000 Bap tists assembled, it was unanimous ly agreed to raise seventy-five million dollars for missions in home and foreign lands; for their more than 130 educational institutions; for their many or phanages and hospitals; for their aged ministers; and for the Na tional Memorial Church, dedicated to Roger Williams and Religious Liberty, to be built in Washing ton. A Campaign Commission was appointed with Dr. George W. Truett, Pastor First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, as Chair man, and one member from each of the Southern States. At a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, early in June, the Commission met and made out plans for raising the seventy-five million dollars. Dr. L. R. Scarborough, president of the Southwestern Baptist Theo logical Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, was elected General Direc tor, and his headquarters estab lished at Nashville, Tennessee. Five of the Commissioners were appointed as Campaign Directors, to whom the details of organiza tion were committed. Mr. J. H. Anderson, of Knoxville, Tennessee, a wealthy merchant, was made Chairman. At a meeting of nearly 200 rep resentatives from every phase of the denomination’s life and work, in Nashville. Tennessee, July 2nd and 3rd, a complete program and organization for the campaign was effected. Each of the Southern OUR GREAT SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, JULY 25th Every pair of Men's, Women's and Chiidren’s Slippers must go at tremendous reductions. There will be nothing reserved and no Low Shoes will be sold at a profit. Many lines will be sold at a great deal less than cost. Shoes are advancing in price every day, but we must have room for our tremendous Fail Stock, despite the ever increase in prices. Get yours early. - FamOUS ) Shoes for Women jgfc. and Misses’ White Johnston & Murphys, A and big Misses EighTnd lowTeeTs Just Wrights and sl-95 sl-45 Speedwells ® Were $3.50 to $5. , / ) u , Sold at from $3 to $4. Good but slightly '' - for Men Good values. soiled 3000 PAIRS LADIES BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLE PUMPS AND OXFORD TIES with French and Military Heels, in Patents, Dull and Bright Kid, Brown Kid, Gray, White Kid and white Canvas, at less than they cost. You will need Spat Pumps this fall. They will be more stylish than ever before. 2000 PAIRS MEN’S AND BOYS’ OXFORDS in Tans, Dark Browns and Blacks, in Soft Kid and Calf, with wide, medium and narrow toes, Canvas in White and Palm Beach. We have your size, width and shape in J, & M. and Just Wrights. 1000 PAIRS MISSES AND’ CHILDREN’S SLIPPERS in White Canvas, Brown Kid, Patents and Black Kid in nature shape and medium narrow toes. Barefoot Sanders in White, Black and Brown. None sent on approval. No refunds, but will exchange. A Cash Store. Sale will last until Low Shoes are gone, but come early and get the pick. CASTILE Sc DRAKE SHOE CO. FAMILY FEET FITTERS - - - GRIFFIN, GA. A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County. States will be organized with the State Secretary of Missions as the General Director for that state. He will be aided by a General Organizer and Publicity Man, and an Advisory Campaign Committee made up of the three persons above named, the Campaign Com missioner from that state, the editor of the Baotist paper, the Secretary and Vice-President of the Woman’s Work, and the Chairman of the Laymen’s organi zation. It will be the duty of these State Organizers to organize the sub-divisions in each state, called Associations on Districts. Each of these Associations or Dis tricts will have an Organizer and a Publicity Director, and these will organize the churches, with a General Director, preferably the pastor; and an Organizer, some select layman, and an Organizer representing the Woman’s Work. All these organizations are to be aided by volunteer workers, from among men and women. The name of the campaign is “Baptist 75 Million Campaign. The time for the big drive will be November 30th to December 30th. This will be called “Victory Week” at which time cash and pledges payable in five years are to be raised to the amount of more than seventy-five million dollars. All the general organizations—The Foreign Mission Board at Rich mond, Virginia, the Home Mission Board at Atlanta, Georgia, the Educational Board at Birmingham, Alabama, the Old Minister’s Relief Board at Dallas, Texas, the Lay men’s Board at Knoxville, Ten nessee, the Woman’s Missionary Union Board at Baltimore, Mary- McDONOUGH, GEORGIA. FRIDAY. JULY 25, 1919. land, and all the state organiza tions are throwing themselves full length and full strength into the campaign. Three million Baptists are to go in and put it over. It is to be the greatest and most mean ingful campaign movement ever inaugurated bv Southern Baptists. Its issues to the cause of Christ are incalculable. This money will help every phase of religious life represented by Baptists through out the whole world. It is expec ted that every Baptist Church, more than twenty-five thousand of them, and every Baptist mem ber, more than three million, will put themselves in great fashion into this movement. State Teachers’ Examination. The state teachers’ examination will be held at the school building in McDonough on Friday and Saturday, August Ist and 2nd. T. J. HORTON, County School Superintendent. He Was Almost Past Going. “I suffered with kidney trouble for three years,” writes D. Bell, St. James City, Fla., “and for the past six months I have been al most past going. I couldn’t stoop down and when I would lie down I could hardly get up. I began taking Foley Kidney Pills, and before using two bottles my pains were all gone.” They are prompt in action and quick to relieve backache, rheumatic pains, stiff, swollen joints and sore muscles. The McDonough Drug Co. For pompt jitney service any where phone Raleigh Steele 131 J. To or from trains 25 cents. To Our Friends and Customers: Beginning August Ist we will be compelled to accept no cars for repairs except FORDS. This becomes necessary on account of the increase in the number of FORDS in this terri tory and consequent increase in repair work. We wish to assure all of our customers that we genuinely appreciate their former patronage and we will continue to wash and grease and render minor repairs to other cars, but when a job has to go to the shop we cannot handle it, as we are obliged to give FORDS preference. To all FORD owners we wish to say that we will be better enabled to give you prompt and efficient service on your FORDS and further, that all parts used in our shop are GENUINE FORD PARTS. It has been proven that spurious or counterfeit FORD parts will not hold up like the genuine Ford Parts. Our prices on repair work is fixed by the Ford Motor Company and is very reasonable in every particular, as is every other feature of the FORD system. The machinery and equipment recently installed enables us to repair your FORD in the shortest possible time. have the latest type of Running in Machine and will soon hav r e a Cylinder Reboring Machine. These machines are endorsed by the Ford Motor Company. Our stock of Ford Parts is as complete as is possible for it to be. It is our desire to give FORD Owners the best service oossibD and to this end we will exert ourselves to the utmost. i ~ Bring your FORD to the shop where FORD work onlv is done. Again thanking you for all past business, we are Yours very truly, H. M. Amis Company, FORD Dealers McDonough, Georgia. $1.50 A YEAR