The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 25, 1919, Image 2
The Henry County Weekly i i By J. A. FOUCHE. Entered at the postoffice at McDon ough, Ga., as second class mail matter. Advertising Hates 15c per inch, posi sition 5c additional —special contracts. Official Organ of Henry County. McDonough, Ga., July 25, 1919. “All the world loves a lover” — but the girl. She loves ice cream. What are you doing for the betterment of your community? Be a booster. The annual session of the Indian Springs holiness camp meeting begins August 7. The city of Jackson is preparing to put in a large ice plant, $6,000 having already been subscribed. Nature’s funny. You never hear of a negro exodus to the North along about watermelon cutting time. How many of us do our share in making such a home that it shall be a haven of rest to all who may come within its influence. The man who sits down and waits for fortune to come to him usually finds that it is knocking at the door of some other fellow. The best paper is none too good for our community. But to make it the best each and every one should feel a personal interest in it. A woman doesn’t mind going to church when she has just pur chased a new hat or dress and there’s not another one like it in town. These interminable trade dis putes raise wages and raise the dickens, but they don’t raise wheat or increase the factory pro duction. A man can’t accuse another one of hiding behind a woman’s skirt because it’s too thin —we mean the excuse, of course. Uncle Jim Williams. Cupid is always pulling off some new stunt. Eloping by aeropplane is now coming into vogue —doubt- less because dad cannot hope to overtake them in his tin Lizzie. When a fellow is young he wants to be old, and when he is old he wants to be young, and when he is half way between the Lord only knows what he wants. The fact that a woman has been permitted to wear men’s trousers reminds us that there are some wdio have been wearing their husband’s pants ever since they were married. An American soldier who fought his way up to the grade of lieu tenant colonel in France solved the job question himself by don ning overalls and going back to his old position of janitor of the high school building in his home town. A bill has been introduced in the general assembly by Repre sentative Sw'it't of Elbert county to relieve all soldiers who served in the u r orld war of poll taxes for the years 1917, 1918 and 1919. The bill should be passed without a dissenting vote. WATCH THE LABEL ON PAPER Greater Georgia. Hearty endorsement of the .Georgia Chamber of Commerce’s plan to wage a national campaign for a “Greater Georgia,” was giv en the body at a luncheon of a score of Atlanta’s most influential citizens, who agreed not only to supDort it morally, but to give fi nancial aid as well. The Georgia chamber plans to inaugurate a campaign immediate ly to raise $12,000 from the state at large, in order to tinance a much larger campaign later. Aft er these two campaigns are finish ed, several bureaus will be estab lished, plans for which have al ready been drawn, and which will systematize the advertising and exploiting of Georgia and Georgia products. W. J. Rudland, who is general secretary of the body, explained that if Georgia did not advertise herself all over the country, she would not reap her share of the benefits arising from the era of reconstruction which is now fac ing the country. “Other states are advertising,” said Mr. Rudland, “and we must also make Georgia and Georgia’s resources known over the country if we are to share in the growth and prosperity which is coming.” As soon as the financial cam paigns are concluded, the chamber will establish bureaus of county councils, agriculture, immigration, resources, industries and highway systems. In charge of each of these bureaus will be a man thor oughly competent to handle this particular subject, and associated with him will be experts in their line. The county council plan has al ready been started, and the suc cess obtained has been very grati fying. Although the campaign to establish in every county in the state a council of the state body has been in progress but a few weeks, over ten counties have been formed into county councils, not a single county which has been invited to form a council has rejected the plan. Every county in the state will be visited before the campaign ends, it being the idea of the chamber to put a number of more organizers in the field to hasten the work of forming county coun cils in every county. This olan has received a hearty endorsement of a number of the state’s most influential citizens. Governor Hugh M. Dorsey has written the chamber a personal letter, commending them for the plan and urging every county in the state to become affiliated with the state chamber; others have also given their approval to the plan, urging that the counties adopt it. Annually the housewife won ders why Providence has decreed ; that canning cherries, making cur rant jelly and the haying season should all come at once. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA —Henry County. All persons indebted to the estate of J. W. Thurman, late of said county, are requested to make immediate settlement to the under signed, and all persons having claims against said estate will pre sent them to the undersigned prop erly made out. This July 7tli, 1919. C. Y. THURMAN, W. G. THURMAN, Administrators estate of J. W. Thurman, Deceased. Notice to Debtors and CreJitors. To Whom it May Concern : All persons indebted io the es tate of the late John Bryans are requested to make immediate pay ment of the same. All persons holding claims against his estate will present them properly made out to the undersigned. H. S. BRYANS, Agent for heirs Jno. Bryans, dec’d. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McPONOUGH, GEORGIA Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Henry County. This is to notify all persons con cerned. that C. Y. Thurman and W. G. Thurman, Administrators of the estate of J. W Thurman, late of said county, deceased, have filed application for leave to sell all the lands belonging to said estate and the following stocks and bonds to-wit: Ten shares capital stock Bank of Rex, 1% shares Bank of Stock bridge, 2b shares capital stock of Rex Warehouse Co., 1 share Doss Rubber Co., arid 8 Liberty Loan Bonds of the 4tli Loan of the value of SIOO each. Said application will ho heard on the first Monday in August 1918. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. For Dismission. GEORGIA —Henry County. To whom it may Concern : C. C. Clark, administrator of J. W. Clark late of said county, deceased, hav ing filed his petition for discharge from said administration, alleging that he has fully administered said estate, this is to cite all parties interested that said application will be heard on the first Monday in August 1919. Given under my hand and seal this 7th day of Juiv. 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. - For Leav e to Sell. GEORGIA—Henry County. Notice is hereby given that H. S. Coker as Administrator of S. M. Coker, deceased, having applied to me hv petition, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, all heirs at law and creditors of said S. M. Coker, deceased, will take notice that I will pass upon said application on the First Monday in August, 1919, and unless cause is shown to the contrary, at said time, said leave will he granted. This July Ist. 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. WE DO NEAT JOB PRINTING. United States Tires H 7 are Good Tires • / The Through Put United States Tires under your car and you’ll find them the real thing. They’re built to wear —to give you the kind of economical service you want And thafs just what they do. Hundreds of thousands of regular users will vouch for that—lots of them right around here. There are five distinct types of United States Tires —one for every need of price or use. We have exactly the ones for your car. i % We know United States Tires are good tires. That’s why we se!! them. 11. M. AMIS Company. BwrA r DEliciOUS and REFRESHING Quality tells the difference in the taste between Coca-Cola and counter feit imitations. Coca-Cola quality , recorded in the public taste, is what holds it above imi tations. \ cnrJgfr Demand the genuine by full name \ ITjJI —nicknames encourage substitution v\ FnrW A I « The Coca-Cola Co. ATLANTA, GA.