Newspaper Page Text
Keep Well 1
Do not allow the m/*
{>oisons of undigested Sf*
ood to accumulate in
your bowels, where they
■E are absorbed into your Hg
system. Indigestion, con
life stipation, headache, bad
.Jg blood, and numerous |*u
other troubles are bound
Iflafif to follow. Keep your S»*«
T[ system clean, as thous- Sir
mP ands of others do, by
MA taking an occasional dose
-Wf of the old, reliable, veg- Eb
' etable, family liver medi- L ■
J& cine. EL
jA ThedfcrcTs |j|
£ t A lC* fci rlm i
Mrs. W. F. Pickle, of
'"lp Rising Fawn, C?., writes: jD
“We have used Tried- f&T;
ford’s Black-Draught as
a family medicine. My
mother-in-law could not raj*
HC take calomel as it seemed
too strong for her, so she peg
jfcl used Black-Draught as a fig/
Jpar mild laxative and liver
ahfl regulator .. . We use it fiJp
pm in the family and believe
|5 it is the best medicine for IP
dr the liver made.” Try it.
Insist on the genuine— af!
Trfj Thedford’s. 2ocapack- Bg|
in age. E-75 spj
fe'ho Says He Now Feels Fine, Since Taking
Ziron Iron Tonic.
David Jones, of Forbus, Term.,
writes: **l got a bottle of Ziron and
•will say that I never had anything to
come in so good a time as I was think
ing of giving up, I was so weak. I
cannot tell you how bad I felt. Had
stomach trouble, loss of appetite,
couldn’t sleep, in fact was a total
wreck all over, as I am subject to weak
spells In the Spring of the year. After
using Ziron will say I now feel fine
and can do a fine days work. I think
you have a good medicine, and I can
surely recommend it to any one who
needs a tonic'’.
Medical authorities and text books
agree that iron is needed to keep the
system in good condition. Investiga
tion shows that pale, weak, tired peo
ple generally lack the necessary a
mount of iron in their blood. Th*
strength that Iron gives may be ob
tained by taking Ziron Iron Tonic.
Try it Ask your druggist about his
guarantee on Ziron. ZN 4
,\bur Blood Needs
yo j*r l-xel4n\oQuinine
»!iort, COP-30 cad nappy, M
| but bow it ■
Don’t let coma fake 1
: you. You really can’t Straighten your |
hair I
doen. Removes dandruff, feeds the rcot3 of B
the hair and makes it growloneßoßanu |
silky. Guaranteed an w e clmm. Price zsc rj
hv mail oe receiptcf e Lamps or coin.
K agents wanteo everywhere 1
K Write For Particulara
Alania, Ga. JA
GET your information first hand.
Upon request we will tell you
their belief and position, their prac
tices and obligations, their rights
and duties as they bear on civic and
social relations, public questions and
good citizenship.
For information addres
The Catholic Laymen’s
Association of Georgia
JO7 9th St., Augusta, Ga.
Prof. W. W. Combs
Pleases Covington.
The revival that has been in
progress at the Covington Baptist
'church since June 29th came to a
close Monday night, at which time
i Rev. Walter Combs, the pastor,
announced that thirty-nine new
| members had applied for admis*
! sion to the church and twenty
four would be baptized next Sun
day night.
Prof. W. W. Combs of Law
renceburg, Tenn., directed the
music, the singing of the large
choir being an inspiring feature
of the eyening service. Prof.
Combs is an able director and
soloist of pleasing effect.—Coving
ton News.
The Stranger Won.
“What are those splendid silver
cups there?” inquired the man of
the jeweler.
‘ Those, sir, are race cups to be
awarded as prizes,” replied the
“Well, if that’s the case,” said
the stranger, taking the biggest
one in his hands, “suppose you
race me for the biggest one.”
He started off with the jeweler
after him, but the stranger won
the race.
Summer Complaint Quickly Relieved.
“About two years ago when suf
fering from a severe attack of sum
mer complaint, I took Chamber
lain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
and it relieved me almost instant
ly,” Mrs. Henry Jewett, Clark
Mills, N. Y. This is an excellent
remedy for colic and diarrhoea and
should be kept at hand by every
family. For sale by Horton Drug
fistinctive n||v
;e al the j\ %/ / f \ 1
itain or // : > -y / J j jiSf&l
tore. \ ns
Work for Everybody.
All this bunk about unemploy
ment is disgusting to sensible
people. There is work for every
body. The trouble is a consider
able percentage of the complain
ing class don’t want to work.
They love agitation; they revel in
making trouble and muddying the
waters, hoping to gain something
by social revolution in violent or
modified form. Manufacturers,
building contractors, farmers and
other classes of employers are
looking for employees but in vain.
There is a job at good wages for
every person who wants to work
and the agitators tell a black lie
when they say men are idle be
cause they cannot get work. —
Commerce Observer.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for yeftrs it was sup
posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional
remedy, is taken internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. Onfe Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any case that Hall’s’
Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Leave to Sell
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it nmy Concern : H. S.
Coker, administrator of the estate
of S. M Coker late of said county,
deceased, having tiled an applica
tion for leave to sell the lands
belonging to said estate, this is to
cite all persons interested that the
same will he heard on the first
Monday in August. 11)19.
Given under my hand and seal
this July 7th. 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Eight Million Women
Sewed for Soldiers.
Washington. “Sister Susie,”
who sewed for soldiers, produced
millions of dollars’ worth of cloth
ing and other necessities, the Red
Cross announced today.
During the eighteen months
ending last January American wo
men working ns Red Cross volun
teers, knitting, sewing, etc., made
garments and surgical dressings
worth $81,449,997. Eight million
women volunteered. They turn
ed out 854,868,855 articles and
worked 300.000,000 hours.
ReMc of Noah.
The Desert do CarMtto, in the Pyre
nees, close on ; 0.0( v ) feet above the'
sea, contains nr . .er than (10 lakes of
varying sizes. These, according to lo
cal tradition, were left at the time
of tin 1 flood. When tin* water subsided,
it is, Noah and his family landed
on the Pay de Prlgue, one of the high
est pe’ ks in the district.
THE strong and vigorous man or
woman is envied by less fortunate
humanity afflicted with aches, pains,
infirmities and ailments. The sufferer
says to himself, “If I could only be
well, how happy I would be,’’ for health
is more essential to the joy of living
than is wealth. •
The kidneys almost literally wash the
blood and keep it clean and free from
impurities. When the kidneys are out of
order, they fail to filter out this waste and pois
onous matter. It remains in the system to cause
backache, rheumatic pains, sore muscles and
stiff joints.
help the system eliminate this poisonous watte.'
They soothe, strengthen and heal sore, weak
and diseased kidneys and bladder. When the
kidneys are working properly, appetite returns,
refreshing sleep is possible, and health and
strength come again. *.
C. W. Smith, 1205 No. 4th St., Salina, Kas.,
writes: 'I am very much pleased with Foley
Kidney Pills. I am working in a coal yard and
have been very much troubled with toiy back.
I have taken several doses of Foley Kidney Pills
and they have already helped me.’’
i ho IVI cDag h Q Uo
| _ “Just c a n’t
J work any
more.” The
faded* jaded,
, sAJkM ove r- worked
t K f jglMi woman, with
W T Prfipjß pains here or
should ask
TWT7V *T,n\ \\ for “ (I ' ric «-
jj t °" -
* /—Z - ** merits of her
eex, and was completely cured by
that temperance tonic made from
wild barks and roots, and know'n for 50
years as Dr. Tierce’s Favor:to Prescrip
tion. When a woman complains of back
ache, dizziness or pain—when everything
looks black before her eyes—a dragging
feeling, or bearing-down, with nervous
ness, she should turn to this “temperance”
herbal tonic, known as Dr. Pierce’s Favo
rite Prescription. It can bo obtained in
almost every drug store in the land and
the ingredients are printed in plain Eng
lish on the wTappcr. Put up in tablets or
liquid. Dr. Tierce, of Invalids’ Hotel, Buf
falo, N. Y., will send a trial size forlO-centa.
Baton Rouge, La.—" Going thru
middle life I was afflicted with heat
flashes and dizzy spells. Some friends of
mine advised mo to try Doctor Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription and I was mighty
glad I took their advice for it gave me
more comfort and relief than any medi
cine I had ever taken. I camo thru the
change in excellent health; tbo heat
flashes and dizzy spoils left me at once.
I cannot praise ‘Favorite Prescription’
too highly for the good it did me at that
critical time.”— Mbs. N. 11. Ricuarjdson,
155 St. Napoleon.
Ofkiok Hours :
7 A. M. i.O 12 M
McDonough, Ga.