The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 25, 1919, Image 4

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A tang pull, a strong pull, and a
pull all —alone and General Green
will be coquered for this season.
it you want anything done go
do it yourself. If you don’t want
it done send somebody.
Every housewife is complain
ing of the scarcity and inferiority
of fruit, very little canning being
done. Well, can’t help it. Just
can more vegetables and make
’ 'is of pickles —thatjwill be a great
, eip.
Listen well and you may hear
the wedding bells soon.
W. W. Hooten’s family have a
} 'ord and Mr. and Mrs. O. T.
Jeffares a new piano.
We are having more experience
of the same sort of raising an
over supply of foodstuff since we
have gallons of the finest sorghum
syrup made at C. Jones’ mill and
that’s enough said, that we don’t
need, yet no one wants this com
modity and still we sop yet alone.
We can sell cotton, whether we
get what it costs us to raise it or
not. We’ll admit that this is a
bad argument but lots of truth in
it nevertheless.
Miss Lillian Thrasher of Atlanta
is making an extended visit in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hoot
<en and among other relatives.
One of our gas men recently
having filled up our tank with
gasolene and having a little gas
left over poured it into a can of
kerosene sitting near by. We
being unaware of the proceeding
filled up our lamps as usual, but
having lighted them they began
to act so queer we thought our
iamus were bewitched. Had quite
a conflagration on two occasions—
bursted two lamps, broke several
chimneys and ruined a bran new
tablecloth, set the house on fire,
created quite a little interest and
excitement. We enjoyed that,
but don’t believe we care to re
peat the experience. We think
country folks should have electric
'ights or something, anyway, and
not bother with kerosene lamps.
Misses Lila Bledsoe, Nellie
Hooten and Wilsie Bledsoe are
spending the week at Jenkins
Miss Lillian Copeland has re
turned from a visit to Hampton
and other places of interest.
Quite a number of Mt. Bethel
people enjoyed a picnic on the
river one day last week.
Prof. W. W. Hooten is singing
fe'or the revival at Jenkinsburg this
Our new physician, W. A. Wil
liams, is now at Elliston. The
people give him a hearty welcome
and wish him great success.
Charlie Bledsoe of Atlanta was
visiting the family of J. W. Bled
soe last week. Miss Franc’.
Dangers of Hot Weather.
Anyone is doubly liable to ill
effects from the hot sun when the
stomach and blood are clogged
with a mass of undigested food.
If you suffer from sick headache,
(biliousness, bloating, coated ton
gue, “heaviness” or any ill caused
from indigestion take a Foley
Cathartic Tablet and you will feel
better in the morning. J. L. Hor
ton, 505 W. Fair St., Atlanta, Ga.,
writes: “I found myself feeling
like a new man. Foley Cathartic
Tablets are the best ever.” Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
For Sale —One to one million
feet of good, well sawed lumber.
Can begin making deliveries on
A ; gust 20th. If interested see at
once, J. M. or D. C. Carmichael.
Nice line girls and boys tricycles
;at Joe J. Smith’s Vareity Store.
Announcing the New Prices of the
foßd s o N
F. O. B. Dearborn, Mich.
Effective immediately the price
of the Fordson Tradtor will
be $750*00 i o. b. Dearborn,
The Fordson Tradtor is
without an equal in the tractor
field today.
It should be the choice
of every tradtor purchaser.
It is powerful, durable, efficient.
Simple in construct! jn, easily op
erated, and economical in fuel con
It is the kind of a tractor that
we feel safe in backing with our
own personal reputation and rec
What it has done for
others it will do tor you.
It has proven itself in the
hands of over 50,000 own-
McDonough, = Georgia.
ers. Its popularity has created a
demand that makes it certain that
some farm owners, desirous of ob
taining a Fordson, will be dis
Now is the time for you
to buy your FORDSON.
Make sure of getting your
FORDSON at once, so you
may be in position to use
it to the advantage
when needed.
Bear in mind that last year
orders for the Fordson could not
be filled, owing to the demand ex
ceeding the supply. A repetition
is certain to exist, particularly
when taking into consideration the
New Price of $750*00.
Don't be disappointed.
Place your order withius