Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. 87 F & A M meet Ist and 3d
Friday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us. '
A. A. LEMON, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
R T. Daniel Lodge No. 219 I. O. O. F.
Meets every second, and fourth
Tuesday nights at 8 :3o p. in. Visit
ing brothers welcome.
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Goodnight, cotton.
Goodmorning, General Green.
Dog day rains a few days
Dr. R. L. Tye spent last Monday
in Atlanta.
If you want a monument. See
H. W. Carmichael.
You will find Speer the spec
tacle man at the old stand.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan is visiting her
parents in Bullochville this week.
Capt. Benton Neal spent several
days in Jacksonville, Fla., last
Good line enamel and allumnium
ware at Joe J. Smith’s Variety
Mrs. A. R. Scott left Monday for
a visit to Radford, Va., and Ral
eigh, N. C.
Mrs. Jack Craft and son Jack
Jr., returned Monday from a visit
to Cornelia.
Bill Durand, one of the earliest
weil known colored volunteers,
returned home from overseas
Tuesday night.
For Sale—One good vulcanizing
plant. Good money-making prop
osition. Good reason for selling.
Joel Bankston.
Examine Speer’s line of Auto
goggles. The Welworth goggles
are the best. See them in Speer’s
show windows.
Mrs. P. W. Stripling returned
to her home in Macon Sunday,
after a two weeks’ visit to Rey.
and Mrs. L. G. Bowden.
List your property with Talmon
Pattillo, the real estate man, if you
want to buy, sell or rent—he will
do the rest. Now is the time.
A telegram was received by
Rev. L. G. Bowden last Friday
morning announcing the arrival
of his son Robert in New York,
who in the usual course is expec
ted home in a few days.
Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Carmichael
of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Dr. T.
A. Lifley and son Truman of
Barnesville are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Crrmichael and other
relatives in McDonough.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie D. New
man, who were recently married
in Atlanta, have returned from
their bridal trip to their per
manent home in McDonough,
where they are receiving con
gratulations and best wishes of
numerous friends.
So far as reported, all the dry
spots in Henry county went wet
Tuesday night.
Miss Tommie Grace Hill of
Buliochville is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Alex Brown.
Mrs. J. S. Norton left Tuesday
for a visit to relatives in New
York and Virginia.
Call on Speer for Zycalite gog
gles with actinectic lenses. They
give most protection.
Miss Mary Barker of Atlanta
was the guest of Mrs. Annie
Nolan several days last week.
For Sale —my home place, with
five-room residence, tenant house
and six acres of land. Mrs. W. E.
Mr. Harry Dunn has returned to
his home in Birmingham after a
visit to his mother, Mrs. F. E.
Bovs’ express wagons, nice for
delivery of packages as well as
sport for the boys. Joe J. Smith’s
Variety Store.
Mr. J. P. Austin has purchased
the nice little cottage of Mr. Ben
Bankston on Decatur street and
will moye to it at an early date.
Misses Lillian and Mary Alice
Carmichael entertained last week
in honor of their cousins, Misses
Evelyn and Alice Carmichael of
Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Taylor
are receiving congratulations
upon the arrival of a daughter
Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Neal.
A special Odd Fellows meeting
will be held next Tuesday night,
July 29th, for conferment of de
grees, and a full attendance of
members is urged.
We have installed an up-to-date
Welding Machine and will have an
expert welder in a few days.
Bring us your broken castings to
weld. H. M. Amis Co.
Mr. Walter Sowell is receiving
the “glad hand” from friends this
week, returning home Monday
after about a year’s service with
the U. S. Engineering Corps over
The Horton Drug Co. has adop
ted the awning improvement
move and added a nice one to its
front this week—‘■the expert work
being done by Mr. Charlie Bank
Lieut. Dozier Fields gave his
parents a happy surprise in his
permanent return from overseas
Tuesday night, and is receiving
congratulations of friends this
A party leaving last Monday
night for Atlantic Beach, Florida,
were Mrs. E. M. Smith, Mrs. Annie
Nolan, Misses Annie Nolan, Flora
Neal, Marie Dupree and Ernest
Wanted—To rent for standing
rent a two or three-horse farm
near town with good house and
as smooth land as possible. Ad
dress William Morton, Rt. 1,
Concord. Ga.
Mr. Guy Austin’s arrival with
the U. S. Navy in Boston was
announced by telegram to his
father a few days ago, though it
is not yet known when he will
receive his discharge.
Little Miss Georgia Walker en
tertained a number of her friends
Thursday afternoon in celebration
ol her fourth birthday. After
manv interesting games on the
lawn the guests were served
cream and cake.
Misses Ella and Margaret Mundy
of Doraville and Myrtle Craft of
Atlanta are guests of Mrs. A. Y.
Get your Kodaks and supplies
at Horton Drug Co. Also mail or
bring your films for prompt de
The friends of Mr. J, D. Bowen
were pleased to greet him in the
city Tuesday and to see him much
improved in health.
Mrs. A. Y. Leslie enteitained
Friday evening at a “Prom party”
in honor of her guests, Misses
Ella and Margaret Mundy and
Myrtle Craft. Cream and cake
were the refreshments served.
Mr. Frank W. Nail of Flippen
and Miss Zimmie Lee Phillips of
Love’s district were united in
marriage by Rev. E. Oglesby at
his residence here Wednesday
morning, and are receiving the
congratulations of friends.
Delightful Party.
Miss Nellie Coker of near Oak
land gave a delightful party on
Tuesday evening, July 22nd, ini
honor of her spend-the week j
guest, Miss Fannie Boyt Pope, of j
Outdoor games were planned
for, but the weather being dis
agreeable, the guests were content j
in gaily chatting away the idle |
One of the most enjoyable feat
ures was the opportunity to have
our fortunes told. Miss Bettv
Green Coker, disguised as a
gypsy, peered into each palm and
told us things we didn’t know r our
Miss Oma Tarpley gave two
short readings: “Mr. Brown,” her
own poem, and “The Dying Sol
dier.” Also a grouo of boys and
girls sang several songs.
Before leaving the guests were
served with grapes and delicious
cake. Guest.
THE //nT) models
1920 (Jjf
QUALITY has been the foremost consideration in the"
construction of the 1920 Model K Series. An estab- |
lished standard of Buick construction that for years has , 3
given to the Buick Valve-in-Head Motor Car a reputation j |
of superiority. J I
} „ $
Upon such a foundation of strength, durability, and value L*
has the 1920 Buick Series been designed and manufactured. If
t . . . I'-
An inspection of the new line will reveal improvements
and refinements that are sure to please the most exacting I
purchaser. ' L
Let me sell you a farm and loan you
the money to pay for it, or improve the
one you now own. If you want to sell
your farm let me know, Fll do the selling.
W. O. NEEDHAM, El!enwood,Ga,
Price* of the New Buick Series
Model K-Six-44 Three-Passenger Roadster . • • $1495
Model K-Six-45 Five-Passenger Touring Car . • • 1495
Model K-Six-46 Touring Coupe 2085
Model K-Six-47 Five-Passenger Touring Sedan • • 2255
Model K-Six-49 Seven-Passenger Touring Car » i 1785
Model K-Six-50 Seven-Passenger Sedan • •*_
P. 0.8. Fttni, tlkJdtma
Goodyear Tire Conservation Day
Saturday, July 26, will be
Goodyear Tire Conservation Day at
our Garage* A man from the At
lanta Branch will be with us, and we
cordially invite all our friends and cus
tomers to come around and let him
tell you how to get more miles out of
your tires; how to get more miles for
the dollar*
Remember the date, Saturday,
July 26.
Cordially yours,