The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 25, 1919, Image 7
♦ "6711 Feet Mi£l? * Tbe Highest Moapteir? ii? Eastern America (20 Miles East of Asheville) Many Attractive Resorts iotbe Moootaios iof Westemflortb Carolina Averse Elevation 2500 Ft Above Sea Levs! Insures healthful and Delightful Sommer Gliro&te ASHEVILLE'HEfIDERSOfIVILLE’HIGHLAND LAKE' BREVARD’ BLACK MOUATAIA • WAYAESVILLE • LAKE JUfiALUSKA-TRYOrt ’SALUPA'FLATROCK, r KANUGA LAKE* BLOWING ROCK' LIAIVfLLE' TATE SPRIrtG.TErtfI.'SIGrtALMOUNTAIrtJEW!. Or?e Hundred Thousand orMore Visitors &o to these EverySuroroer Because of tbe fu! SuroroerGLmfc « Good Motels aix! Hooses 'EXCURSION FARES’ GOrt SCHEPULES 'LAND' " AftPSERVICE ' v United States Railroad Administration, —Director General of Railroads. SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES Commendable Quality in Jewelry J iM No matter how little mm pay. you get quality for the price. No matter how much you pay, you get intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real values you can choose from an assortment mini val ed hereabouts. „ T. H . VVY NNE Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga United States Railroad Administration SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES Greatly Reduced Week-end ard Sunday Fares to Brunswick, Ga., Atlantic Beach, Fla., and Pablo Beach, Fla , as follows: From McDONOUGH, GA,, to BRUNSWICK ATLANTIC BEACH and and Return PABLO BEACH, FLA. Week-end Rate SB-50 $9-50 War Tax to be added. WEEK-END TICKETS on sale for all trains Saturdays and forenoon Sundays up to September 7, 1919. Good to return Tuesdays following date of sale. SUNDAY TICKETS: Good for use on Sun day morning trains and to return same date of sale. SEASON TICKETS ON SALE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON APPLICATION TO TICKET AGENT, CoWWljl. MAXWELL ask your cboceJl Dissolution Notice. This is to notify the public that I. G. W. Mosely, have this day sold my interest in the firm of Scar brough <Sr Moseley to C. W. Scar brough, C. W. and Lon Scarbrough assuming all obligations of the firm of Scarbrough & Moseley, and all outstanding notes and accounts will be payable to the firm of Scar brough Brothers. G. W. MOSELEY. July 14, 1010. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. The Heads of “Ths Inner i!cn” and “fka Inner iVesian” It’s hard to "minister to a MIND diseased”, but an easy matter to minister to a diseased BODY; to supply the remedial needs of “the inner man” —and the inner WOMAN. Most everybody Is, more or less, constipated and frequently bilious. Neglect of these conditions is dan gerous—foolish and useless. The “inner works’’ of the human body are so complicated that they easily get out of order; and when anything’s the matter with any of THEM, there’s going to be trouble with the whole physical machinery of life. DR. THACHEK’S LIVER AND BLOOD SYRUP is a standard remedy for the internal ills that bring about the ailments common to men, women and children. It is gently but effectively LAXATIVE, or vigorously and thoroughly CA THARTIC, according to the dose prescribed. It purifies and tones up the BLOOD, making it run red, rich and riotous in health-giving current through the system. It helps to induce natural action of the KIDNEYS—the drainage system of the body which must be kept open and clean to perform its proper function. DR. THACKER’S LIVER AND BLOOD SYRUP is the prescription of an old family doctor, used with his thousands of patients in a life time practice. It is a purely VEQ ETABLE preparation compounded in the laboratories of the THACK ER MEDICINE CO., Chattanooga, Tenn., sole proprietors. It is sold by druggists everywhere. FOK SALK BY HORTON DRUG CO. A Macon preacher says that the girl who will “shimmy” in the light will less and hug in the dark. We are looking for the man who told us Macon was a slow town. — Greensboro Herald-Journal. Less of Appetite. As a general rule there is noth ing serious about a loss of appetite, and if you ski]) a meal or only eat two meals a day for a few days yon will soon have a relish for your meals when meal time comes. Bear in mind that at least five hours should always elapse between meals so as to give the food ample time to digest and the stomach a period of rest before a second meal is taken. Then if you eat no more than yen errve and take a reasona hie amount of outdoor exercise every day yon wili not need to worry about your appetite. When the loss of appetite is caused by constipation as is often the case, that should be corrected at once. A dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets will do it. For sale by Horton Drug Co. We see where the various papers offer a year’s subscription to the person bringing the finest or the biggest watermelon to them. AHhis writing, even with our li’l fan going 100 miles per, we are willing to go the whole hog and give plant, press and typewriter for just a wee slice of iced melon. —Dublin Tribune. Summer Complaint in Children. There is not anything like so many deaths from this disease now as before Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Bemedv came into such general use. When this remedy is eiven with castor oil as directed and proper care is taken as to diet, it is safe to say that fully ninet-niney out of every hundred cases recover. Mr. W. G. Campbell, of Butler, Term., says, “1 have used Cham berlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea. Rem edy for summer complaint in chil dren. Tt is ahead of anything I have ever nsed for this purpose.” For sale by Horton Drug Co. The LaGrange Reporter is re sponsible for the statement that the fair nymphs at Tybee are carrying their bathing suits in their coin bags. Which reminds us ’of the Greensboro girl who went to Tybee and forgot her bathing suit and wrote to her parents to send it in their next letter. — Greensboro Herald. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears .. ~ Signature of u jT\R. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is al! that it is claimed to be and ( will always keep it in the house as it is all that 1 need for my children, and grown folks as we?!» I do not hesitate to recommend Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin to my friends.’* / From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\ I Mrs. Esther Porter Harrelson, George- 1 \ town, S. C. / Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (22) SI.OO A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of si pit* laxative herbs with pepsin that acts easiiy and natuially. Children like it and take it willing ly* A trial bottle can be obtained by wviung to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Mon'icello, Illinois* Who Is Miss Alice:'. Why, she is that nice, polite, friendly nr efficient little lady-who is always re.; 1 y ‘ help you save money at BOOKOUT’S WELL STOCKED JEWELRY Sj uKt Miss Lorah Bell Allen knows how to plea you when it comes to selecting beautiful JEWELRY Everybody in Henry County who wants the Best Jewelry calls on Miss Allen. That's why we wanted her at our Store. She knows we have it. That's why she is with us. JOHN J. BOOKOUT, Optician and Jeweler, Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade. ATLANTA. T>S**t '»^ * jJJjt,-’•f - l ’*nj(4 (^ ■ »• ■ .B a \ J mjf * s^sK*'»'”» j ' v \*■' ’, • '^* % *v, '■ • "L#***^’®*^•^ , «v* •-iJsF'^* With inferior oil, or oil of incorrect grade or “body* for your motor, will show first signs on “heavy” roads, or going up bill. Your engine gets red hot; expansion tabes place; your engine busks, and grunts and knocks like and you’ve got to “grind” up the hill in low gear. Then you “get sore” and say things not found in reli gious publications, and all the while the fault is primar’V yours; because you weren’t specific or concerned in v ’ t sort of motor oil you were using. If you’ll always “oil up” with “GREEN FLAG” you’re going to get the longest wear and tlae greatest service and the most pleasure out of your car. The following well-known and reliable dealers in this county, are exclusive agents for “GREEN FLAG” MO TO A OIL. It will pay you to go out of yeur way to reach of them, when you need motor oiL TOLLESON & TURNER, McDonough, Ca. No. i " —m—" "T" 1 ■ ■rmrMTnwwnMmriTiss - . n - i.c. a x- - -- 1 - . HENDERSON-ARNOLD CO., Hampton BARNETT BROTHERS, Lovejoy REEVES DRUG CO., Jonesboro J. C. WALDEN, Stockbridge