The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 15, 1919, Image 3

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Why you should use
Cardui, the woman’s
tonic, for your troubles,
have been shown in
thousands of letters from
actual users of this medi
cine, who speak from
eersonal experience. If
le results obtained by
other women for so many
years have been so uni
formly good, why not
give Cardui a trial?
The Woman’s Tonic
Mrs. Mary J. Irvin, cl
Cullen, Va., writes;
“About 11 years ago, I
suffered untold misery
with female trouble, bear
ing-down pains, head
ache, numbness ... I
would go for three weeks
almost bent double ...
My husband went to Dr.
for Cardui . . .
After taking about two
bottles I began going
around and when I took
three bottles I could do
all my work.” E-80
ZIRON Did Tills Kentucky Gentleman More
Good Than Any Other Medicine.
"Eight years ago I was down with
rheumatism,” writes M. J. Hutcherson,
of Tomkinsville, Ky. *‘l was helpless
for three months, unable to even feed
myself. Doctors doctored me and I got
up, but have had bad health ever since,
with soreness and weakness across my
back and in my arms and legs. I final
ly took Ziron, and it has done me
more good than any medicine I have
ever taken, and I intend to take more
of it, for it is the beat medicine I ever
used. I have found it just what it is
recommended to be, and I am ready to
tell other suffering people that Ziron
helped me, and anxious to 6peak a
word of praise for it.’’
Ziron acts on the blood and has been
found of great value in Rheumatism,
Indigestion, Anemia and General
Weakness. Ziron puts iron into the
blood, and iron is needed by your sys
tem to make you strong and healthy.
Ask your druggist about the guaran
tee on the first bottle.
\bur Blood Needs
Exelento Medicine Co.
Gentlemen: used f
:j can’t Btnkhten your
andruS, feeds the roots of
sea it grow lone, soft and
sd as we claim. Price <(9C
>t of Btaro p 3 or coin.
For Particulars
Atlanta, Ca. J
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA—Henrv County.
All persons indebted to the estate
of J. W. Thurman, late of said
county, are requested to make
immediate settlement to the under
signed. and all persons having
claims against said estate will pre
sent. them to the undersigned prop
erly made out.
This July 7th. 1919.
Administrators estate of J. W.
Thurman. Deceased.
■ s
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
To Whom it May Concern :
All persons indebted to the es
tate of the late John Bryans are
requested to make immediate pay
ment of the same. All persons
holding claims against- his estate
■will present them properly made
ont to the undersigned.
Agent for heirs Jno. Bryans, dee d.
Father’s Day.
A bill has been introduced in
Congress to make the third Sun
day in June Father’s Day.
Dear old Father! If this keeps
on, the time may come when he
will be recognized publicly as hav
ing a place in the scheme of things,
as a being, a real and necessary
part of the family life.
Not a word too much can be
said about mothers. But the di
vine command in the Good Book
says explicitly, Honor they father
and thy mother. For all that,
there is a sort of common fashion
of overlooking Dad when the com
pliments and the loving talk and
tears are being passed around.
But if one day in the year is set
aside purposely for honoring fath
er, it may lead to a little better
comprehension of him every day
in the year —his patience, his use
fulness, the machine-like steadi
ness with which he sticks to the
job in order that his family may
have more freedom than he ever
dreamed of for himself.
Three cheers for Father’s Day !
May the bill pass with a rush 1
But doesn't it beat all, that not
even a day can be set aside in
father’s honor without being a bill
for it? —Augusta Chronicle.
The Best Physic.
When you want a pleasant physic
take Chamberlain’s Tablets. Thev
are easy to take and mild and gen
tle in effect. They are highly
prized bv people who have become
acquainted with their good quali
ties. They only cost a quarter.
For sale by Horton Drug Co.
■ j And Cold Frosted Bottles
i Chilled clear through, it refreshes and satisfies.
Mule vs. the Farmer.
The mule is stronger than the
man. Though the mule is strong
er than the man, the man manages
the mule for his own purposes.
He puts a bridle on him, and a
saddle, and rides on his back. He
puts harness made of leather on
the mule, and by speaking to him
and giving him plenty of licks, he
induces him to walk and puli a
wagon while the man gets into
the wagon and rides. The mule
does much hard work, but all the
money gained by the mule’s hard
work the man appropriates to
himself. The mule lives roughly,
is fed in a trough and sleeps on
the ground on a little straw. The
man eats at a table and sleeps in a
warm bed. The mule is a useful
animal to the man.
The fanner is stronger than the
monopolist. Though the farmer
is stronger than the monopolist,
the monopolist manages him for
his own purpose. He puts a bri
Housework in Hot Weather.
Hot weather brings no relief
from housework drudgery. If
anything, woman’s work is more
trying. Overwork and worry
cause kidney trouble, resulting in
backache, sore muscles.stiff joints,
rheumatic pains, always tired feel
ing and other distressing symp
toms. Mrs. Kobt. Blair, 460 S.
20th St., Terre Haute, Ind., writes:
“After taking Foley Kidney Pills
backache stopped and my kidneys
were restored to healthy, normal
action. lam also free from those
tired spells and headaches and mv
vision is no longer blurred.” Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
die, called loyaltv to party, in his
mouth, a saddle on his back, and
rides him where he will. He puts
harness made of prejudice on the
farmer, and by making speeches
to him, and giving him plenty of
taffy, induces him to walk and
draw a monopolist carriage.
The farmer does much hard
work, but the money gained by
the farmer’s work the monopolist
appropriates to himself. The
farmer has become poor and lives
roughly on a mortgaged farm, and
eats plain food from diet and tin
plates, and sleeps on a straw bed.
The farmer is very useful to the
Moral: Those who do not use
their brains for themselves must
use their muscles for somebody
The girl with a sweet little
voice need not feel discouraged
because she has no opportunity to
sing in grand opera. She can
give a great pleasure by being a
song bird in the home nest, or if
she has a knack with her brush
or pencil, let her give her artistic
tendencies full sway in making
her home pretty.
An Old Fault Finder.
An irritable and fault finding
disposition is often caused by indi
gestion. A man with good diges
tion and bowels acting regularly
is usually good natured. When
troubled with indigestion or con
stipation take Chamberlain's Tab
lets. They strengthen the stomach
and enable it to perform its func
tions naturally. They also cause a
gentle movement of the bowels.
For sale by Horton Drug Co.
Nature and
the Indian
TTie Indian never liked work but In
van ted his squaw to get well as soon m
possible so that she could do the work
« and let him
t Un !;’ therefo " l
b® ditg rxipoom
Tnni ' ur> to*
J that was their
yr Igreat remedy fee
1/ n 2\ * ema le weak-
Dr. Pierce usea
the same root—
- miwfa called Blue Co*
ynL-rv bosh —in hia
Sc / “Favorite Pre
* scription” skill
.Q e J r fully combined
(WV' v ' with other
t <V„' ' * agents that mako
'*■ it more effective.
Women who are worn out, who suffer
from pain at regular or irregular intervals,
who are nervous or dizzy at times, should
take that reliable, temperance, herbal
tonic which a doctor in active practice
prescribed many years ago. Now sold bjr
druggists, in tablets and liquid, as Df.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription.
Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hofrli
Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package.
Jackson. Miss.— " Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Proscription Is a good medicine and I
have recommended It many times to
women who suffer. This medicine was a
groat comfort to mo after motherhood.
The doctor sconc'd unable to give me any
relief or help, but I had very prompt
relief as soon as I to take the
‘ Prescription.’ It cured mo of my trouble
and restored me to a perfect state of
health, and that is why I do not hesitate
to speak a good word for Doctor Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription whenever I have
an opportunity. Mas. K. (j. Sutuku-
Laud. 209 Poindexter Street.
Office Hours :
7A. M. m 12 H
McDonough, Ga.