The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 15, 1919, Image 4

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    South Avenue.
Protracted meetings nearly all
over and not many souis saved.
Rev. Claud Hendricks of Atlanta
done some wonderful preaching
at Bethel last week and some
interest was manifested —but not
a soul was saved or reclaimed.
1 know it was not the preacher’s
fault, for he manifested his love
fur lost souls in every sermon. It
seems that we will never have
another sin killing revival. The
writer is hungry to be revived
and see the whole church for
God. But alas! there are some
things that will have to be gotten
out of the way first, it seems.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gardner
and children were dinner guests
of Mr. W. H. White’s family Sun
Misses Snowdie and Chiffie
Clark spent the week-end with
their sister, Mrs. John Henry
Wilson, near Decatur.
The Ford family had their re
union at Mrs. J. W. Thurman’s
this year. Among the relatives
that came up from South Georgia
were Mr. and Mrs. William Ford,
Mr. and Mrs. Barnie Henry and
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ford.
Mrs. Sallie Ford was the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Fred How
ell, last week.
Mrs. Maggie Wellhatn of Atlanta
was the guest of Mrs. C. W.
South the latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. South had
as their dinner guests Sunday Mr.
C. P. Tyson and Mrs. Maggie
Wellham of Atlanta and Mr. and
Mrs. B. H. Martin and children,
Ruth and B. H. Jr.
Miss Sarah Moseley was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howell
last week.
The marriage of Miss Leek
Scarbrough and Mr. Harvey
Bowen Saturday was Quite a sur
prise to their many friends. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. N. South. Busy Bee.
We’ll shoot again this week,
after an absence of two weeks.
How’s everything this week,
anyhow? Fine! fine!
After attending two weeks of
revival services, we should feel
better, if we do have to look
ugly. Of course we can’t help
that anyway —lots of rain this
week and weeks past.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson of
Atlanta are visiting relatives here
this week.
Mr. J. M. Gilbert and family,
visited Mr. W. N. Strickland and
family one afternoon last week.
Mrs. L. P. Sohnson is spending
this week at Ola, attending revival
services at Bethany.
Mr. Walter Berry and family of
County Line were visitors of Mr.
J. W. Foster and family Sunday.
Mr. Boyd Johnson of Columbia
S. C., is spending a two weeks
vacation with L. P. Johnson and
Remember Noah’s Ark protrac
ted services beginning third Sun
day p. m. August 17th. Every
body come. All who will join in
singing be sure to come and help
us. As other churches, we need
it. Bro. W. J. Debardleben is the
pastor and can’t be beat —always
at his post.
Miss Eddie Berry of Dutchtown
and Miss Mamie Jim Foster spent
Sunday afternoon with Misses
Lillie Mae and Willie Kate Foster.
Mr. Leroy Strickland spent
Sunday night with Mr. Boyd
Johnson. TOMMY.
k Real estate still on a boom.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Scarbrough
have returned to their home in
Cedartown after spending a few
days with relatives and friends.
Misses Bertie Miller and Ruby
MeCue of Atlanta are visiting Mr.
Foster Miller and family.
Miss Maurice Lott of Havana,
Fla., is visiting Misses Annie and
Irene Mitchell this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Austin, Loy
Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Austin were the dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Austin Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ward and
children spent Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. Lucy Ann Ward.
Misses Kate Patterson and Vel
ma Mason have returned to their
homes in McDonough after spend
ing several days with Misses Annie
and Irene Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. R.
Miller near Stockbridge Sunday.
Misses Katie B. and Mamie Ray
White spent last Monday with
their sister, Mrs. J. G. Masters.
Mrs. Florence Bullard and three
grandsons of Atlanta are visiting
Mr. J. F. Mitchell and family at
this writing. ROSEBUD.
Hopewell News.
Fodder pulling time most here.
Rev. Bowden preached quite
interesting sermons at Hopewell
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Skinner had
as their guests Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Lewis and son Ran
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bradberry
had with them last week Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Bradberry of Akron,
Ohio, and Miss Beatrice Bradberry
of Atlanta.
Misses Maggie and Elma Starr
had as their guests last Thursday
Misses Uniabell and Trelace Skin
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lewis
had as their guests Sunday after
noon Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gil
bert and family and Mr. Clifford
Mrs. Adell Morgan of New Hope
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Lewis, this week.
Miss Ellen Duffie is the guest of
Mrs. Ed and Cloma Duffie this
Miss Estelle and Master David
Lewis are visiting their uncle, Mr.
Paul Lewis, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bradberry
had as their dinner guests Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradberry of
near McDonough. JIMMIE.
For Infants and Children
fln Use For Over 30 Years
A,w X w s
Signature of
The C. & B. Hat Factory
123 Broad Street
is the owner of and is carrying on the
Mail Order business formerly handled by
the H. W. Clarke Hat Company. Ail
orders should be sent to The C. & B Hat
Agents Wanted
Send For Catalogue
Bargain in Pigs
Registered Duroc Pigs for sale,
both sex. not related. Xow is the
time to begin breeding registered
For prices write to
L. F. WHITE, Ellenwood, Ga.
Registration Papers go with each
Petition to Dissolve.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To the Superior Court of said
The petition of the Henderson
Manufacturing Company, a corpo
ration with its office and principal
place of business at Hampton,
Henry county, Georgia, respect
fully shows:
1. That it w T as incorporated by
the Superior Court of said county
on the 14th day of February, 1916,
as the Henderson Manufacturing
Company, and authorized by said
order to exercise all the powers of
a private corporation.
2. That it exercised said powers
until the 9th day of June, 1919,
when at a meeting of the stock
holders, at which meeting all the
stock was represented, it was, by
appropriate resolution ordered that
the assets- of said corporation be
sold, the debts paid and the aff tirs
of said corporation wound up and
its business discontinued as pro
vided by its charter.
3. Accordingly on said date the
assets were sold, the debts paid and
the remaining assets divided among
the stockholders.
4. All the debts of said corpora
tion have been paid and it is no
longer exercising the functions and
powers of a corporation, and it de
sires to surrender its charter.
Wherefore it prays an order al
lowing it to surrender its charter
and cease its existence us a corpo
ration. This August sth, 1919.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
I, H. C. Hightower, C. S. C.,
Henry county, Ga , do certify that
the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of the petition of the Hender
son Manufacturing Company, for
surrender of its charter as appears
from the records of tile in this of
Given under niv hand and seal,
this August sth, 1919
C. S. C., Henry county, Ga.
To the Public
We desire to inform you that
we do all kinds of Hemstitch
ing at moderate prices, and
guarantee our work to be of
the highest quality. We kind
ly solicit your patronage.
118 Eust Solomon Street
Orders taken at any Singer Shop
Out of town orders given special attention
and work returned same day
PHONE 823.
Money to Lend Fenners
51-2 c—No Commissions
The Federal Farm Loan Act passed by Congress several months ago
established in the United States a r iral credit system, by which the farmers may
borrow money on their farm land, at the rate of five and one-half per cent per an
num, letting the same run for forty years, if desired.
The main difficulty in connection with obtaining loans under this Act
was the detailed red-tape of organization into Farm Loan Associations. This
difficulty has just recently been overcome for the farmers of Henry county.
The Hampton National Farm Loan Association has already closed its
first bunch of loans, and is authorized to take applications on farms anywhere in
Henry county for other loans. If you are not familiar with the advantages of a
loan at such a low rate of interest, and with such a long time to run without re
newal, you should communicate with our secretary.
The term recommended by The Federal Land Bank of Columbia is thir
ty-five years. On a loan of SIOOO.OO, for 35 years, the borrower pays annually
the sum of sixty-five dollars, which in the 35 years, pays off the entire amount of
principal and interest; whereas, at the prevailing rate of intesest, 8 per cent, he
would pay each year SBO.OO as interest, and at the end of the time still owe all of
his principal. The privilege of paying all of the loan off, or any part thereof, is
granted to the borrower after five years.
We are taking another bunch of applications now, upon which appraise
ments will be made right away. Communicate with us at once in order to get
your loan through promptly. If your application should not be approved for as
much as you need to carry, there will be no obligation on the applicant's part to
take the money. Communicate with
G. F. FEARS, Secretary
Hampton, Ga.
R. F. D. No. 6, McDonough, Ga., July 5, 1919.
Smith-Newman Mfg. Co., McDonough, Ga.
Dear Sirs: I bought one of your TRI-PLEX machines last year,
and after sharpening my gins with the TRI-PLEX it increased their
capacity fully one hundred per cent. When I bought this machine I
already owned and had been using another make of Filer, and it was
hard for me to believe your statement when you told me that if I
would use the TRI-PLEX according to instructions that it would
more than pay for itself the first season, but I find that you are ex
actly right about it. It is the best $75.00 I have ever spent to go
in my Gin House. Yours truly,
(Signed) R. A. RUSSELL.
There is no use in spending your good hard earned money for a
marchine that is an imitation or an infringement on our TRI-PLEX.
Get the original from
McDonough, Ga.
Olds rr\obile
For matchless values it is useless to exploit the
merits of this well known automobile.
Symmetrical, perfectly constructed and complete in
all parts.
I am pleased to announce to the trade that I have
accepted the sales agency of this wonderful car, and
will be glad to demonstrate it to the thorough satis
faction of all at any time.
Until arrangements .can be made for the opening
of my regular garage, please call at the postoffice.