Newspaper Page Text
"• Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge Xo. 37 F & A M meet Ist and 3d
Friday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
A. A. Lemon, w. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
R T. Daniel Lodge No. 219 I. O. O. F.
Meets every second and fourth
Tuesday nights at. 8 :30 p. m. Visit
ing brothers welcome.
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
If you want a monument. See
H. W. Carmichael.
Vulcanizing done by C. L. Sims.
All work guaranteed.
You will find Speer the spec
tacle man at the old stand.
Wanted—To buy your Beef
Hides at Thompson’s Shop.
More land buyers than sellers,
and real estate getting harder and
harder to secure.
One fine Jersey milk cow for
sale. Will be fresh in soon. M.
H. Hunt, Route 1.
Miss Irene Fisher of the tele
phone exchange is spending her
vacation at Indian Springs.
Mrs. Upchurch of McDonough
was the guest of Mrs. S. L. Huie
Friday.—Clayton County News.
Tires Vulcanized by Steam
Method on Air Cure. All work
guaranteed. C. L. Sims at Bank
Mr. D. W. Clowers, one of
Henry county’s substantial citizens
beyond Hampton, was in McDon
ough Monday.
Mr. Erie Wallace reports the
first open cotton boll of the season
on Thursday of last week. Ques
tion is—how did it happen this
wet weather.
Jarman Farm Owned by L. W. Jarman
Near Covington and Porterdale, Ga.
(On Farm, Rain or Shine)
Will be sold in 9 tradts of 20 to 400 acres each
STEV S E ales ManageTand Auctioneer. L. W. JARMAN
Rev. Paul Berry of Mercer Uni
versity is spending vacation with
the homefolks.
Call on Sneer for Zycalite gog
gles with actinectic lenses. Thev
give most protection.
Rev. and Mrs. Parry Lee of
Pelham arrived Saturday on a
visit to the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Harper.
Get your Kodaks and supplies
at Horton Drug Co. Also mail or
bring your films for prompt de
For Sale —One brick store room
with 8 feet of land just back of it.
Terms reasonable. Mrs. A. G.
Examine Speer’s line of Auto
goggles. The Welworth goggles
are the best. See them in Speer’s
show windows.
We have installed an up-to-date
Welding Machine and will have an
expert welder in a few days.
Bring us your broken castings to
weld. H. M. Amis Co.
For Sale —One to one million
feet of good, well sawed lumber.
Can begin making deliveries on
August 20th. If interested see at
once. J. M. or D. C. Carmichael.
Mrs. J. B. Newman of McDon
ough was the guest of her sister,
Miss Ida Hutcheson, last week. —
Clayton County News.
Not being able to find a store
room, Mr. T. H. Stallsworth is
selling off his stock of goods and
will go entirely out of business.
For Sale—l 66 acres good land
2% miles east of Stockbridge,
good residence, tenant houses and
two good barns. Also 100 acres 3
miles from Stockbridge. For
terms, etc., call quick or write to
W. R. Henry, Stockbridge, Ga.
194% acres land for sale. Four
houses on place, practically new,
good barns, stables, etc. Plenty
of fine timber. About half way
between Mount Bethel and Fair
view churches in Beersheba dis
trict. For full particulars see T.
H. Stroud, Route 1.
Other locals on another page
this week.
Five-room residence, to be re
painted and put in good repair at
once. One door from public
square adjoining Tye home on
Hampton street. For immediate
bargain see
This is the Post-War Maxwell
of Which You Have
Heard So Much
THE public, which has
so often expressed itself
in favor of Maxwell
cars (having purchased more
than $200,000,000 worth to
date) now finds a new delight
in this wonderful car.
It’s a Post-War Maxwell
The hundred and one things
that keen engineers worked
out in Maxwell laboratories
during the war “have found
their way into steel!”
It’s a greater car than any
of the 300,000 of this same
basic design that now may
be found on any of the world’s
You can search from axle
, to axle and most anywhere
4 you will find bits of fine en
f r
More miles per gallon
More miles on tires
gineering development that
will astonish you.
You can locate them in ra
diator, brakes, electric system,
transmission, frame, bonnet,
body and even top.
Yet, there is nothing that
long road tests have not
proved out, that ripe exper
ience and level heads have
not O. K’d. »
Also equipped with Hot
Spot and Ram’s-hom.
You pay $985 f.o.b. Detroit?
You might easily pay S2OO
more and feel that you had
a decided bargain.
Be among the first to drive
a Post-War Maxwell. Get
the most recent thing in a car. j
This lard is in Newton countv, on
t-'t highway trom Covington to Mc-
Donough. Hhs been a Stock Farm
fur many yt a s and is in a high state
of cultivation.
Good H >n*es, Large Barns, Con
crete Sih\ Good Pastures.
Fine B jttum Lands, Plenty of Tim
ber, Excellent Church and School
Terms : Ten per cent cash ; ten per
cent Jan. 1. 1 Bnlaneo in foor
annual payments, with 7 per cert
interes t. .
C°m° and look over these farms 1 -
fore sale. Trains will be met at Co"-
ington on day of sale.
Will also sell some Registere i
Duroc Hogs and Hereford Cattle.