The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 15, 1919, Image 9
Commendable Quality in Jewel ry t /)"° nm tt e r how little you pay, you get quality for P rl 9 e> matter how much you pay, you get intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real va ues you can choose from an assortment unrival ed hereabouts. T. H. WYNN E Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - . Griffin, Ga. Use DOSS Tires Made in the South o n ACCOUNT of its extraordinary thickness, the tread of the DOSS TIRE not only gives you additional mileage, but keeps out dampness from the fabric, preserving and prolonging its life and i nsuring against cuts and punctures. You will get a sur prising amount of wear out of DOSS TIRES, and without the usual worry over tire troubles. Come and See Them HENRY M AMIS HUBBARD & PITTS McDonough, Ga. Locust Grove, Ga. WILSON & PITTS Luella, Ga. WHAT TIME IS IT? Do Not Be In Doubt. When you look at your watch do you KNOW that yon have the correct time—or is your watch “somewhere in the neighborhood’ of right? The old saying that “Time is Money” is too true —especially while old man Hicosto Livin’ stays with us. We can make your watch keep perfect time. No guess about it. You would not pay good money to an employee who didn’t give you good service. Why your watch? When your watch leaves our store you can depend upon it. But maybe you haven.t a watch. We have. Plenty of them —and all good ones which old man Hicosto hasn’t heard of. Clocks, too. They’re all moderately priced- Keep CORRECT time. Come bring us your Jewelry repair troubles. We return them in tip-top shape—minus the trouble. JOHN J. BOOKOUT, Optician and Jeweler, Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade. ATLANTA. rr ED TINS ONLY i Lk AT YOUR GROCERS rHAXWELL HOUSE I COFFEE g Salesman Wanted. Lubricating Oils, Grease, Specialties, Paint. Part or whole time. Commission basis. Man with car or rig preferred. hiverside befixing oa k For Administration. GEORGIA—Henry County. To whom it may concern : Mary C. Warner having made application to me in due form to he appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Henry T. Warner late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in Sep tember, 1919. Witness my hand and official signature, this 4th day of August, 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. Usually if we postpone a worry for a day or two it will fail to keep its appointment. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. The Dutchman’s Idea. One of our exchanges tells of an old German who had a boy of whom he was very proud and decided he would find out the trend of his mind. He adopted a novel method by which to test him. He slipped into the boy’s room one morning and placed on his table a bottle of whiskey, a bible and a silver dollar. “Now,” said he, “when dot boy comes in if he takes dot dollar he’s going to be a beezness man; if he takes dot bible he is going to be a breacher; if he takes dot viskey he’s no good, and going to be a drunkard.” Then he hid behind a door to see which his son would choose. In came the boy whist ling. He ran up to the table picked up the bible and put it under his arm, then snatched up the bottle, took two or three drinks, picked up the dollar and put it in his pocket, and went out The Dutchman poked his head out from behind the door and exclaimed, “Mein Got, he’s going to be a bolitician.” Be Prepared for Vacation Ills. Many persons suffer distress and annoyance from disordered stomach when traveling. Change of food and water sometimes cau ses indigertion that leads to sick headache, biliousness, bloating, sour stomach, gas, bad breath and coated tongue. Foley’s Cathartic Tablets should be in every trav eler’s grip. They act without pain, griping or nausea. They have no costive after effect and do not encourage the uill habit. They are a fine, wholesome physic — nothing else. McDonough Drug Co. Making It Unanimous. It was married men’s night at the revival meeting. “Let all you men who have troubles on your minds stand up !” shouted the minister at the height of his spasm. Instantly every man in the church arose except one. “Ah!” exclaimed the minister, peering out at this lone individual, who occupied a chair near the door. “You are one in a million.” “It ain’t that,” piped this one helplessly, as the congregation gazed suspiciously at him. "I can’t get up; I’m paralyzed.”—Ex. WHY WOMEN SUFFER tom* do It from ignorance: som* from ear*l*Mineaa: some In a spirit of martyrdom and aom* from a mistaken tens* of duty impelling them to go oa sacrificing them selves for others, until they “drop In their tracks'*. Thousands of women have learned better; have found out that It’s wrong to suffer from the peculiar ills of womanhood; because they need not do 1L STELLA VITAE, the old-time “Wo man’s Relief” “Mother’s Cordial” has been helping tho women of the South to health and happiness for half a century. It is the prescription of a famous old Southern doctor and has proved successful with thousands of wo men and young girls. STELLA VITAE is compounded in the laboratories of the Thacher Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and sold by all druggists at a mod erate price. Money refunded if the first bottle fails to help. PALPITATION OF THE HEART! The experience of a woman who has successfully passed the “changes” Is valuable. This lady tells of the “bridge that carried her over.” “I was in a moat wretched condition, at that most critical time in a woman’* life, ‘the change.’ I had palpitation of the heart and would swell and bloat in a very distress ing way. "I took five bottles of STELLA VITAE, and I am happy to say that it cored me. When I began I weighed only 108 pound*. 1 now weigh 185 pounds.”—Mrs. E. H Bussell, N. C. FOR SALE BY HORTON DRUG CO. WE DO NEAT JOB PRINTING. I HAVE been using Doctor Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin for more than seven years. I believe it saved my little grand daughter’s life, as she had such terrible spasms, caused by the condition of her stomach, until we gave her Syrup Pepsin. Our family thinks there is no remedy like Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for the stomach and bowels.** (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell, written by\ Mr*. C. F. Brown, 1012 Garfield Ave., I Kansas City, Mo. J Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (ES) SI.OO A mild, pleasant laxative, as positively effective as it is gentle in its action. For a free trial bottle send your name and address to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington St., Monticello, 111. HKF? f vWjM HL ,<s> imm The “Green Flag” Smile It the Smile Worth While! The Smile that “Won't come off”— There was a time when he didn't smile, When he drove his motor car: For the engine knocked and thumped and bucket^ And gave him a terrible “jar”— It's different now, when he takes the wheel. And starts for his daily spin: He uses “GREEN FLAG” to lubricate, And his car runs as smooth as a pin. There are two great essentials in lubrication. First, the quality of the OIL, and second, the correct grade or “body” for your particular car. The “GREEN FLAG” MOTOR OIL supplies these two great essentials. It is the highest quality Motor Oil, and is made in varying grades of consis* tency to meet the requirements of your particular motor. Your dealer has a chart that guides you tn selection. The quality of “GREEN FLAG” is all the guide you need as to a CHOICE of motor oiL Keep it in your mind, always, that you can not exercise too much care in the selection of a motor oil; the correct grade; and never try to run your car without a full supply in the lubrication box. Then you'll keep smil ing like the man in the picture. The following well-known and reliable dealers are exclusive agents for “GREEN FLAG” MOTOR OIL in this county. They guarantee “GREEN FLAG”. It will pay you to go out of your way to buy “GREEN FLAG” MOTOR OIL TOLLESON <ft TURNER, McDonough, Ga. HENDERSON-ARNOLD CO , Hampton. Ga. BARNETT BROTHERS, Lovejov, Ga. REEVES DRUG CO., Jonesboro, Ga. J. C. WALDEN. Stockbridge, Ga. _ No. f FARM LOANS Let me sell you a farm and loan you the money to pay for it, or improve the one you now own. If you want to sell your farm let me know, PII do the selling. W. O. NEEDHAM, Ellenwood, Ga.