The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 22, 1919, Image 3

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In Her Mother’s Home, Says This
Georgia Lady, Regarding Black*
Draught. Relief From Head
ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc.
Ringgold, Ga.— Mrs. Chas. Gaston,
©f this place, writes: “I am a user
of Thedford's Black-Draught; in fact,
It was one of our family medicines*
Also in my mother’s home, when I
was a child. When any of us child
ren complained of headache, usually
caused by constipation, she gave us
a dose of Black-Draught, w r hich would
rectify the trouble. Often in the
Snrlng, we would have malaria and
chills, or troubles of tbis kind, we
would take Blaclc-Draught pretty reg
ular until the liver acted well, and
■we would soon be up and around
again. We would not be without it,
for it certainly has saved us lots of
doctor bills. Just a dose of Black-
Draught when not so well* saves a
lot. of days in bed.”
Thedford’s Black-Draught has been
In use for many years in the treat
ment of stomach, liver and bowel
troubles, and the popularity which it
now enjoys Is proof of its merit
If your liver is not doing its duty,
you will suffer from such disagree
able symptoms as headache, bilious
ness, constipation, indigestion, etc.,
and unless something is done, serious
trouble may result.
Thedford’s Black-Draught has been
found a valuable remedy for these
troubles. It is purely vegetable, and
acts in a prompt and natural way,
Tegulating the liver to its proper
functions and cleansing the bowels of
impurities. Try it. Insist on Thed
ford’s, the original and genuine. E 79
ZIRON Iron ionic Proved The Right Remedy
For This And Other Troubles.
“Sometime back”, writes W. T. Pal*
mer, of Soperton, Ga., “I was in a run
down state. My nerves were all torn
to pieces. It was an effort for me to
do my work. I did not rest well at
nights. I felt tired when morning
came, and didn’t feel like starting the
day. My skin was muddy. My appe
tite was poor. I felt very much in
need of a tonic. I thought it was the
lack of iron and decided to try Zlron,
as I heard there was no better tonic
made. I began taking it and can safe
ly and gladly say it did me a world of
good. Ziron is a good all-around tonic
for young and old, and makes one feel
that life is worth living.”
Ziron is an iron tonic which gives
quick, dependable strength. You need
it to put rich, red, iron-medicated
blood into your blood vessels, to steady
your nerves, put fresh color into your
cheeks and brightness into your eyes.
Your druggist sells Ziron on a guar*
antee. See him today. ZN-8
\bur Blood Needs'
y can’t straighten your I
eKto*poissi I
andruff. feeds the roots of |
<ea it growlon*,soft.and k
:dasweclaim. PriCi»Z3C R
>t of stamps or coin.
For Particular*
Itianta, Ga. 1
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA —Henrv County.
All persons indebted to the estate
of J. W. Thurman, late of said
county, are requested to make
immediate settlement to the under
signed. and all persons having
claims against said estate will pre
sent them to the undersigned prop
erly made out.
This July 7th, 1919.
Administrators estate of J. W.
Thurman. Deceased.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
To Whom it May Concern :
All persons indebted to the es
tate of the late John Bryans are
requested to make immediate pay
ment of the same. All persons
holding claims against his estate
will present them properly made
out to the undersigned.
Agent for heirs Jno. Bryans, dec’d.
“Out of sight, out of mind.” is
an old adage vve have heard for
quite awhile, but vve find it very
different. Our mind is more on
the unseen things than that we
see. Why ? Because happy
thoughts of the past and the big
meetings of former years are ever
in our minds. We are told not to
look back at the past—look to the
future. But we have had such a
happy life behind us that we like
to remember, and the Lord only
knows what is ahead.
We had a letter from a loved
one today that brought tears to
our eyes and made us think of
many happy hours, as well as sad
events. Some will say, “Oh, you
have got the blues.” No, not one
bit, if so they are mighty happy
We made our first effort last
Sunday to attend our church since
adding our membership. We were
met by the sexton and told that
the league was only meeting that
night, the pastor being away. We
turned our steps toward the Bap
tist church. We found that their
pastor was also away, but that the
vacancy was being filled by Rev.
Person of Atlanta. He delivered
quite a touching sermon, dwelling
largely upon whatsoever state we
are placed, therewith be content,
and all things work together for
to them that love the Lord. It
was worth walking several blocks
to hear, and we came home say
ing in our hearts, “Lord, every
the parlor or the kitchen,
the housewife’s favorite—
"ln a bottle—Through a »trau j l
Bought by the ease and kept chilled |
serve. Its refreshing qualities sal*
■■■■■ SB 1 E 3B ——^
i" * .
Wife —Speaking correctly, Wil
liam, ought Ito say: “I shall
have a new dress,” or “I will have
a new ?”
Hubby Speaking correctly,
Marie, you should say : “I won’t
have a new dress.”
Housework in Hot Weather.
Hot weather brings no relief
from housework drudgery. If
anything, woman’s work is more
trying. Overwork and worry
cause kidney trouble, resulting in
backache, sore muscles,stiff joints,
rheumatic pains, always tired feel
ing and other distressing symp
toms. Mrs. Kobt. Blair, 460 S.
20th St., Terre Haute, Ind., writes:
“After taking Foley Kidney Pills
backache stopped and my kidneys
were restored to healthy, normal
action. lam also free from those
tired spells and headaches and my
vision is no longer blurred.” Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
day, and every hour, let us feel
thy cleansing power.”
We are almost isolated from
town now on account of the trench
which is being dug for the sewer
system. When completed it will
be a great benefit to Eighth street
as well as Hill, and we are told,
will add greatly to the value of
Just a week now until camp
meeting. We are trusting that
the Lord will help us get there
and back safely. But if we should
get disappointed vve will sing that
song vve like so well, “Never Give
Up,” and that soon all our little
troubles and trials will all depart
One Two.
Timely Advice to
Young Negroes
Young negroes, those who ser
ved as soldiers as well as those
who remained at home, would do
well to heed the level headed,
sober advice of the older members
of their race. Nothing will stir
ud trouble in this country quicker
than for a few hot headed young
negroes to get out of their place.
The two races can get along to
gether all right as long as each
keeps in his own sphere. The
remnant of the “old time negroes”
—who hold a warm place in the
hearts of the South—as well as
the teachers and preachers and
acknowledged leaders of that race
should give the young negroes
good counsel. —Jackson Progress-
Extravagance rots character;
strain youth away from it. On
the other hand, the habit of saving
money, while it stiffens the will,
also brightens the energies. If
you would be sure that you are
beginning right begin to save. —
Theodore Roosevelt.
An Old Fault Finder.
An irritable and fault, finding
disposition is often caused by indi
gestion. A man with good diges
tion and bowels acting regularly
is usually good natured. When
troubled with indigestion or con
stipation take Chamberlain’s Tab
lets. They strengthen the stomach
and enable it to perform its func
tions naturally. ' They also cause a
gentle movement of the bowels.
For sale by Horton 1 )rug Co.
Such a Change
I ged down
V V ii by weak :
' VVllb nesses of
1117 scx ~
* u my eyea
sunken, black circles and palo
cheeks —I was restored to health
by the Favorite Prescription of Dr.
Pierce. ,, So write many women.
| Changed too in looks, for after tak
ing Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip
tion the skin becomes clear, the
eyes brighter, the cheeks plump.
Druggists sell it in tablets ot
liquid. It’s a woman’s best tem
perance tonic, made from wild roots.
Whistler, Ala.—"l was bothered
with backache and headache and waa
not abie to do my work until I tried
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, and
I can say I am now able to do all my
work, such as cooking, washing and
ironing, and even cutting wood, where
before I used this medicine I waa
almost an invalid and did not care
whether I lived or died.” —Mrs. Eliza.*
beth Canovan, Carr Street.
Office Hours :
7am go 12 hi
McDonough, Ga.