Newspaper Page Text
r Will the Protestant churches of this
country co-operate in bringing the
message and benefits of Christianity
to every man, woman and child in
the county?
• This question is being asked not
rntT horo t>nt In every or>e of thA
3,000 counties of America; and its
echo is being heard around the world.
Since the world war, the necessity
for religion has been felt aa never
before in the hearts of men. And one
of the outstanding lessons of the war
has been that by unified action among
allies in the same cause victory can
be achieved. The Protestant churches
of America have determined to work
together in bringing victory to the
cause of Christianity, not by giving
up their own identity or church or
ganization, but by co-operating shoul
der to shoulder in a great community
and world uplift movement.
The movement has nothing to do
with organic church union or doctrinal
matters and does not propose to set
up any super-commission with exec
utive powers. It simply seeks to show
all the Christian bodies how they
can work together for one cause with
out any of them yielding any funda
mental of belief, practice or independ
The first steps in this direction
came from the South. A year ago,
the Foreign Missionary Board of the
Presbyterian Church, South, called
upon their fellow workers in the mis
sion field from Baptists, Methodists,
Episcopalians, and all other Protest
ant creeds, to meet together and de
cide upon some basis w'hereby the
work of each might be carried on to
better advantage by co-operation.
The result of this was the forma
tion of the Interchurch World Move
ment, made up of practically all the
organizations within the evangelical
churches of America. This movement
is intended to be a clearing house of
information in regard to home and
foreign missions, community condi
tions and needs, which shall furnish
to the various denominations the nec
essary facts upon which the denomi
nations can act. This informa
tion will relate to social, mor
al and industrial problems, and it will
enable the churches to act intelligent
ly in planning their own work and in
meeting the needs of the community.
In order for the necessary facts to
be secured, a survey of local condi
tions is to be made in this county,
in every county in America, and
throughout every country in the
I want to farm in Douglas, Fay
ette, Campbell, Clayton or Henry
county. There must be at least
two hundred acres, of open land
on the farm and flowing water.
The farm must be worth approxi
mately $15,000.00 and free from
encumbrance. 1 will exchange
for it an apartment house renting
for $350.00 per-month and subject
to a loan of $200,000, which can
be paid off in monthly instalments
out the rent of the apartment.
1010 Third National Bank Build
ing, Atlanta, Ga. H. H. Turner.
en Flag’ Motor Oil in This County l|
ight “up-to-the-minute” in everything they MB
that's why they’re agents for “GREEN
IOTOR OIL. I have been using “GREEN JP£§
JOTOR OIL for more than a year, and Litfj
nothing else, and more than that, I’ll |gji
drive ten miles out of my way if it’s gjffi
necessary, to get it. I found their ad
▼ertising honest.
tonest advertising” for “GREEN FLAG”
>oys where you can "get it”— *
THERS, Lovejoy; REEVES DRUG CO.. Jones- Rag
Representatives of all the denomi
nations in each county are forming
county councils to undertake local
studies and to insure that they are
complete and accurate- Surveyors un
der their supervision will collect the
necessary information. They are to re
port upon tbe condition of every
church in the county, its member
ship, its financial condition, whether
it is gaining or losing members, wheth
er its families are receiving pastoral
care. They are to report upon church
groupings, upon conflicting efforts,
upon neglected territory or families,
upon community centers, social build
ings, lodges and other social organi
The county council will then study
this data and use its own judgment
about arranging for interdenomination
al local efforts to handle purely local
conditions. It will then certify the
information to the state council. This
body is also composed of representa
tives —at least one clergyman and one
layman—from all the denominations.
The state council assembles the re
ports of the county council, studies
them, works out its own advisory pro
gram and sends a complete report to
divisional headquarters.
In alt the work that is done, there
will be absolutely no interference with
church organization. Each denom
ination wilL do its own work in its
own way. All will unite, however, in
securing the data necessary to fulfill
the duty of the churches to their com
munities; and in this way each will
benefit, and will know how best to
enlarge‘its activities for the welfare
and uplift of the people in their sphere
of influence.
A general conference of 500 repre
sentatives from 200 Protestant socie
ties was held in Cleveland, Ohio, in
May, where the plan of the move
ment was approved. It has since been
indorsed by boards whose membership
comes from 76 denominations, repre
senting 200,000 churches, with a con
stituency of 50,000,000 persons.
The work as planned has already
been in operation in the state of Ohio,
where results have proven of the
greatest benefit to tbe forward move
ment of the churches; and tremendous
stimulus and growth has resulted al
ready from the. co-operation which has
been extended by all the denominations
in the various communities of the
state. Geargia is beginning the work
,of making a survey at the present
time; and with the help of all Prot
estant bodies in the state is expected
to make rapid progress.
For pompt jitney service any
where phone Raleigh Steele 131 J.
To or from trains 25 cents.
Bargain in Pigs
Registered Dnroc Pigs for sale,
both sex. not related. Now is the
time to begin breeding registered
Durocs. '
For prices write to
L. F. WHITE, Ellenwood, Ga.
Registration Papers go with (4ieh
Let me sell you a farm and loan you
the money to pay for it, or improve the
one you now own. If you want to sell
your farm let me know, Pll do the selling.
W. O. NEEDHAM, Ellenwood, Ga.
• \ .
Automatic Whites, Singers, New
25 Good 2nd-hand Machines cheap*
We trade ; repair and furnish supplies
for all makes*
A Good Ford For Sale*
Z. V. SUMNER, Mgr.
Money to Lend Farmers
51-2 c—No Commissions
>• i
The Federal Farm Loan Act passed by Congress several months ago
established in the United States a r tral credit system, by which the farmers may
borrow money on their farm land, at the rate of five and one-half per cent per an
num, letting the same run for forty years, if desired.
The main difficulty in connection with obtaining loans under this Act
was the detailed red-tape of organization into Farm Loan Associations. This
difficulty has just recently been overcome for the farmers of Henry county.
The Hampton National Farm Loan Association has already closed its
first bunch of loans, and is authorized to take applications on farms anywhere in
Henry county for other loans. If you are not familiar with the advantages of a
loan at such a low of interest, and with such a long time to run without re
newal, you should communicate with our secretary.
The term recommended by The Federal Land Bank of Columbia is thir
ty-five years. On a loan of SIOOO.OO, for 35 years, the borrower pays annually
the sum of sixty-five dollars, which in the 35 years, pays off the entire amount of
principal and interest; whereas, at the prevailing rate of intesest, 8 per cent, he
would pay each year SBO.OO as interest, and at the end of the time still owe all of
his principal. The privilege of paying all of the loan off, or any part thereof, is
granted to the borrower after five years.
We are taking another bunch of applications now, upon which appraise
ments will be made right away. Communicate with us at once in order to get
your loan through promptly. If your application should not be approved for as
much as you need to carry, there will be no obligation on the applicant’s part to
take the money. Communicate with
G. F. FEARS, Secretary
' Hampton, Ga.
Petition to Dissolve.
GEORGIA— Henry County.
To the Superior Court of said
The petition of the Henderson
Manufacturing Company, a corpo
ration with its office ahd principal
place of business at Hampton,
Henry county, Georgia, Tespect
fully shows:
1. That it was incorporated by
the Superior Court of said county
on the 14th day of February, 191 H,
as the Henderson Manufacturing
Company, and authorized by said
order to exercise all the powers of
a private Corporation.
2. That it exercised said powers
until the 9th day of June. 1919,
when at a meeting of the stock
holders, at which meeting all the
stock w r as represented, it was, by
appropriate resolution ordered that
the assets of said corporation be
sold, the debts paid and tbe affairs
of said corporation wound up and
its business discontinued as pro
vided by its charter.
3. Accordingly on said date tbe
assets were sold, the debts paid and
the remaining assets divided among
tbe stackholders.
4. AH the debts of said corpora
tion have been paid and it is no
longer exercising the functions and
powers of a corporation, and it de
sires to surrender its charter.
Wherefore it prays an order al
lowing it to surrender its charter
and cease its existence as a corpo
ration. This August sth, 1919.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
I, H. C. Hightower, C. S. C.,
Henry county, Ga , do certify that
the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of the petition of the Hender
son Manufacturing Company, for
surrender of its charter as appears
from the records of file in this of
Given under my hand and seal,
this August sth, 1919
C. S. C., Henry county, Ga.
To the Public
We desire to inform you that
we do all kinds of Hemstitch
ing at moderate prices, and
guarantee our work to be of
the highest quality. We kind
ly soiicit your patronage.
118 East Solomon Street
Orders taken at any Singer Shop
Out of town orders given special attention
*'■ and work returned same day
PHONE 823.