The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 22, 1919, Image 9
Commendable ry lltUe ... I"T.i quality for eP r ce. No matter how much you iwv, you set intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real values you can choose from an assortment unrival ed hereabouts. * T. H. WYNNE Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga I 5 fipe pfP f]fjW Tirpe | ' Made in the South inch of a DOSS TIRE represents the skilled workmanship cf experienced tire makers—men who build it, layer by layer, in our Atlanta factory, usir-s the finest materials the world can supply. DOSS TIRES appeal to the motorist who wants to reduce tire cost and escape tire trouble. Come and Bee them. HENRY M. AMIS HUBBARD & PITTS McDonough, Ga. Locust Grove, Ga. WILSON & PITTS Luella, Ga. WHAT TIME IS IT? Do Not Be In Doubt. When you look at your watch do you KNOW that you have the correct time —or is your watch ‘•somewhere in the neighborhood’’ of right? The old saying that "Time is Money” is too true—especially while old man Hicosto Livin’ stays with ns. We can make your watch keep perfect time. No guess about it. You would not pay good money to an employee who didn’t give you good service. Why your watch? When your watch leaves our store yon can depend upon it. But maybe yon haven.t a watch. We have. Plenty of them—and all good ones which old man Hicosto hasn't heard of. Clocks, too. They're all moderately priced- Keep CORRECT time. Come bring us vour Jewelry rep r troubles. We return them in tip-top shape—minus the trouble. JOHN J. BOOKOUT, Optician and Jeweler, Est. 1891. 119 Peachtree Arcade. ATLANTA. Ask Your Grocfer ■ vA-; ■' .'fs' r ;. v ' rQr • COFFEES Best Esiveryfet _ steftaßfc ®idensXeb> Sick headache, biliousness, piles and bad breath are usually caused by inac tive bowels. Get a box of J^ e *‘ o Orderlies. They act gently afldeffeo tively. Sold only by us at 10 cents. For Administration. GEORGIA— Henry County. To whom it may concern : Mary C. Warner having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Henry T. Warner late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in Sep tember, 1919. Witness my band and official signature, this 4th day of August, 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. God living in us, and with us, and under us ! How then can a man for jet God ? HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. Woe to the Profiteer. | We are much gratified to know i that President Wilson is looking j into the methods of oid man High (Cost of Living. The way things have been going, it makes things look shaky. If we were president we’d fly things or crawl under the bed. Hell is going to be so full of profiteers and such like, that the devil will have to hire out the common -sinners to make their board.—Greensboro Herald-Jour nal. The Politics of It. ‘‘Do you think the government can operate industry with suc cess?” “It all depends,” replied Senator Sorghum. “On what ?” “On whether my political party is running the government.” Got Nothing on Us. Greensboro is growing fast, and there is not an available house in the city. An empty house is an invitation from the town to new comers. Greensboro Herald- Journal. Be Prepared for Vacation Ills. Many persons suffer distress and annoyance from disordered stomach when traveling. Change of food and water sometimes cau ses indigertion that leads to sick headache, biliousness, bloating, sour stomach, gas, bad breath and coated tongue. Foley’s Cathartic Tablets should be in every trav eler’s grip. They act without pain, griping or nausea. They have no costive after effect and do not encourage the pill habit. They are a fine, wholesome physic— nothing else. McDonough Drug Co. ‘ His Summer Name. One day William, while visiting his grandmother, met the woman across the hall with her little dog. William inquired what she called the dog and she replied: “We cail him Zero because we got him in the winter.” William then ask ed : “Well, if you call him Zero in the winter what do you call him in the summer ?” Hard luck is almost a synonim for laziness. FOR SALE BY HORTON DRUG CO. WE DO NEAT JOB PRINTING Constipated: bilious: dizzy; headaches; nervous; irri table; “feeling --bad all over”. Whole system con gested. “AH plugged up." 03. THACKER'S L:?er amd Blood Syrup is what you need. Tt's a purely vegetable tonic and blood purifier. Mildly laxa tive or thoroughly cathartic according to tne dose. It wakes up a lazy LIVER and keeps It “on the Job”. It Induces healthy action of the KIDNEYS. It puts the BOWELS in good condition and keeps them that way. YOU need something of this kind—and every mem ber of the family, from tha children up, does too. Get it at your drug store. “For two years I differed with Some kind of stomach trouble end indigestion. I tried several remedies, but could get no re lief until I tried your DR. THACHER’S LIVER AND BLOOD SYKUP. Two bottles cured me. I hare no trouble with my stom ach now; can eat anything I de sire without fear."—Miss Fannie Johnson—Tenn THACHER MEDICINE CO. l Muttaneefi, Tenn., M. t. JL S ‘T HAVE used Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and find it a most effective and pleasant laxative—one that is worth recom mending to one’s friends. I know that my health has been greatly improved since using it.” (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\ Miss Alice Lombard, 22 Boylston St., I Springfield, Mass. J Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (suS) SI.OO V A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Brings relief without griping or other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing ton Street, Monticello, Illinois. Is it Possible to Legislate Life and Brains? Swift & Company is primarily an organization of men, not a collectioi of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and useful ness are only outward symbols of the intelli gence, life - long experi ence, and right purpose of the men who compose the organization and of those who direct it. Will not Government direc tion of the packing industry, now contemplated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, ex perience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of the industry? What legislation, what politi cal adroitness could replace such life and brains, once driven out? Let us send you a Swift “Dollar.” It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. // 0 VEE3 UT (BCDBB 0 \ 1 P \iz96%~7 t w oj \V ToStock Raiser J 7r WHAT BECOMES OF Yk / THE AVERAGE DOLLAR \ / RECEIVED BY \ /SWIFT & COMPANY^ FROM THE SALE OF MEAT 1 AND BY PRODUCTS ft • » CENTS IS PAID FOR THE If ft LIVE ANIMAL f, ft CENTS FOR LABOR // » EXPENSES AND FREIGHT 1 \ t. 04 CENTS REMAINS £ V WITH 7 VSWIFT& COMPANY 7 At PROFIT