The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 12, 1919, Image 10
Mr. Lon Payne Passed Away Last Saturday. The death of Mr. J. A. Payne, ■which occurred at his home west of McDonough on the Hampton road last Saturday, removes an other one of Henry county's well known citizens and prominent farmers. Mr. Payne had been affected some time with heart trouble, which grew gradually worse, causing much suffering a week or two before the end came. Mr. Payne was one of the best of neighbors, a genial companion, an enterprising, prosperous far mer, and besides the bereaved family leaves numerous friends who regret his taking away. In the presence of a very large gathering, the tuneral occurred at the Baptist church at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Powell of Milner, a special friend with whom the deceased had been associated, after which the remains were laid to rest in McDonough cemetery. Tribute of Respect. The many friends of Mrs. J. G. Banks were grieved to learn of her death, which occurred at her home near Hampton, Monday evening, Sept. 1, at 9:30 o’clock. Her sickness was of short dura tion. While knowing she was in declining health, her death came as a shock to loved ones and friends. She was a good woman and was much loved in her com munity and will be sorely missed. She leaves a husband and seven children and a host of other rela tives to mourn her going away. She was a faithful wife and a de voted mother. She did her work in the realm of home, and a splen did work it was. We believe she loved her Lord and was faithful to her church and to all the duties of life. She was sorely needed here, but her Hevenly Father had other plans for her, and we be lieve she is now with Him at home. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved family, especially the grief-stricken husband. May God comfort and bind up their broken hearts and draw them nearer to Him through her going away. Her body was laid to rest in Liberty Hill cemetery Tuesday afternoon, her pastor, Rev. J R. Anderson, conducting the funeral services. Carrie Barnette. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. J. G. Banks and familn wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness dur ing the passing to rest of their be loved wife and mother, Mrs. J. G. Banks, also for the beautiful floral offerings. Men give up a great deal for their families—their time, their strength, the knowledge they have gained in life’s experiences —they spend everything freely for their home’s sake, and the home should pay its debt in much outspoken love. Mothers, train your boys to be neat in the house. They should be taught to look after them selves, and to keep their hats and their coats in their proper places. Teach them this habit and you will also do a kindness to the boys by teaching them neatness and self- respect. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Hopewell News. We are having fine weather for cotton picking. Mr. Sanford Lewis is making syrup this week. We are sure somebody is going to get sweet. Mrs. Susie Duffie and Miss Mat tie Lewis have returned home, after a few days’ visit to Milner. Mr. Dock Gilbert of Griffin was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilbert, Friday. Mr. Sanford Lewis has had a telephone put in his new bunga low and Mr. George Lewis has also had one put in his home — sure must mean business. Miss Sallie Fannie Wood of Griffin visited Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bradberry Sunday and Monday. Niss Lizzie B. Moselev of Law renceville and Mrs. Hattie Parker were the guests of Mrs. Minnie Starr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilbert had as their guest Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilbert and family. Mrs. Minnie Starr and Mrs. R. C. Bradberry visited Mrs. Pearlie Skinner Friday afternoon, Jimmie. Beersheba. Misses Mamie and Nellie Allen and Rena Maud Piper spent the day Sunday with Miss Florence Green of Sardis. Messrs. Rastus Kitchens and Lester McCaron spent the week end in Atlanta. Miss Nina and Emmett Allen spent Sunday afternoon with their school teacher, Miss Ethel Ander son, of near Hampton. Mr. Jim Allen and family had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Allen, Mr. Carl Luns ford and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Piper motored to Covington last Thurs day. Mrs. Luther Smith and Mrs. Nolen visited Mrs. Burl Smith last Tuesday. Mr. Jim Allen of this community was the first man to sell a bale of 1919 year’s cotton. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Libel for Divorce- GEORGIA —Henry County. Miles R. Stapleton vs. May Davis Staple ton —Divorce. The Defendant, May Davis Stapleton, is hereby required to appear personally or by attorneys, to be and appear at the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the Third Monday in October, next, then and there to answer the Plain tiff’s demand in an action of complaint, as in default thereof the Court will pro ceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. E H,Searcy, Jr.. Judge of said Court, this 9th day of September, 1919. H. C. HIGHTOWER, Clerk. The C. & B. Hat Fadtory 123 Broad Street JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, is the owner of and is carrying on the Mail Order business formerly handled by the H. W. Clarke Hat Company. Ail orders should be sent to The C. & B. Hat Factory. Agents Wanted Send For Catalogue Bargain in Pigs Registered Duroc Pigs for sale, both sex. not related. Now is the time to begin breeding registered Durocs. For prices write to L. F. WHITE, Ellenwood, Ga. Registration Papers go with each Pig. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH. GEORGIA Manhattan Shirts Back of your Manhattan Shirt is a half century of achievement in shirt perfection, an experience enjoyed by eo other organization in the world. When we claim absolute supremecy for Manhattan Shirts we voice the verdict of thousands of particular men whose year in and year out shirt preference has always been a Manhattan. All Manhattan Shirts are Guaranteed. GRIFFIN, GA. FIRE LOSS AT JENKINSBURG -OVER SSO,OOO Only Partially Covered by Insurance If you have not increased your Insurance in the past 3 years you are taking a big risk. Can you afford it, with the high cost of lumber and furniture? Think of the amount of Insurance you are carrying and of what it would cost to replace your home and its con tents. Come to see me about this important matter. Better come today —the fire might come tonight. JULIAN T. WEEMS, The Agent that gives Service as well as Safety