Newspaper Page Text
It Helps!
There can be no doubt
as to the merit of Cardui,
the woman’s tonic, in
the treatment of many
troubles peculiar to
women. The thousands
of women who have been
helped by Cardui in the
past 40 years, is conclu
sive proof that it is a
good medicine for women
who suffer. It should
help you, too.
Hie Woman's Tome
Mrs. N. E. Varner, of
Hixson, Tenn., writes:
“1 was passing through
the . . . My back and
sides were terrible, and
my suffering indescriba
ble. I can’t tell just how
and where i hurt, fiout
all over, I think ... I
began Cardui, and my
pains grew less and
until I was cured. lam
remarkably strong for a
woman 64 years of age.
1 do all my housework.”
Try Cardui, today. E-76
■■ - i
When Your System Needs Strength, After a
Sick Spell, Try Zfron.
Tour blood must have Iron to give
your body strength. Lack of Iron
makes many people pale, weak and
languid. To put Iron Into your blood,
take Ziron Iron Tonic. Especially af
ter a severe Illness do you need Ziron
to bring back appetite and build up
weakened vitality.
J. E. Clifton, of R. P. D. 8, Lyons,
Ga., writes: “Last summer I had ty
phoid fever and had hemorrhages of
the bowels and my health was wretch
ed. I seemed to be unable to get my
strength back. I had no appetite, I
tad no energy, I didn’t think I was
ever going to get well. My knees were
weak, my flesh felt clammy, I was In
A pretty bad condition. I heard of
Ziron and what a good tonic and
etrengthener it was, and I sent for it
at once. It helped me. I began to
improve and soon felt much better &n 4
All druggists sell or can get Ziron
for you. Get a bottle today. It is
\our Blood Needs
"Exelento Will Make Your Hair Lens, Too'*
. “Every woman can
have nice. Ion;? hair.”
Bays May Gilbert. "My
hair has grown 28
inches lonpr by using
your wonderful
Don’t be fooled by fake Rink Removers. Yon
ean’t straighten your hair until it’s soft and
long. Our pomade removes dandruff, feeds the
roots of the hair and makes it grow long and
We make Exelento Skin TtoauUfler, an
ointment for dark, sallow skin. Used In
treatment of skin troubles.
Write for Particulars
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary, will he sold
before the court house door in Mc-
Donough, Ga., within the legal
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday
in October, 1919, the following
described land belonging to the
es’ate of Moses Hooten, deceased,
lying in Beersheba District of said
county and bounded as follows:
North and East by land of John
Rivers; West by Clms. Jeffries,
and South by Bob Banks. Sold
for distribution.
For Sale—One to one million
feet of good, well sawed lumter.
Can begin making deliveries on
August 20th. If interested see at
once. J. M. or D. C. Carmichael.
Ft. Kamehameha, Hawaii.
August 3. 1919.
Editor The Weekly—Will you
please print this letter for me on
my first trip to Hawaii ?
On the fifteenth of May I enlis
ted in the U. S. Army at Camp
Gordon, Ga. Was in camp there
three weeks, when we went to
Camp Presidio, California. Was
in camp there about a month,
when we boarded the transport
Sherman for Honolulu. And many
were the shouts and many were
the hands waving when we left
the pier at San Francisco for the
western country. I was only one
of the seven hundred and fifty
that had enlisted for service in the
western country. The wind was
blowing strong, but despite that
we were a happy bunch.
I had imagined that a boat could
only go about as fast as a duck
swims. So when we started off
with a jerk I was amazed, as we
moved much more rapidly than I
had supposed. We passed by the
old exposition buildiftgs which we
knew we were viewing the last
time for three years —and some
of us probably for the last time —
we had not much of a chance to
view Presidio and Frisco. And
now while we could see these
Diaces very easily, you could also
see that a boat would have to go
through the gates of hell in order
to capture Frisco. The western
coast is much better protected
than you would think. In about
an hour the only portion of the
good old U. S. A. that was left to
our vision was a small dim spot of
£3f L The Golfer knows how much better you
, i . i . i
land which was far to the east.
Finally nothing could be seen but
water, water, everywhere, and
not a drop to drink. Our course
was due west.
As it was Sunday, the commis
sary was not open, so we had to
content ourselves with such as the
“Y” could pass out. And believe
me, they were sure plentiful.
All of a sudden my attention
was called to a young fellow lean
ing over the rail and who seemed
to be very much attracted by
something. What could it be ?
Maybe i* was a whale, or maybe
he was talking to the captain’s
daughter, who had stuck her head
out of a port hole. Well, young
man, I thought, I am going to see
what you’re looking at. I got up
very Quietly, and rising on my
tiptoes, proceeded to a place in
about ten feet of him. What in
the world was it that hit me in
the fact- ? It was of a liquid tvpe
and seemed to have a very dis
agreeable odor. Glancing toward
the man I noticed that he was
seasick. I immediately left him
For Men Working Hard.
Factory workers, railroad men,
farmers, miners, mill employees
and all men who work at hard,
straining physical labor are more
or less subject to kidney trouble.
Nature gives warning by frequent
lameness, stiff joints, sore muscles,
backache and rheumatic pains.
J. G. Wolf, Green Bay, Wis,
writes: “Foley Kidney Pills re
lieved me of a severe backache,
that had bothered me for several
months. A few boxes fixed me
up in good shape.” McDonough
Drug Co.
when I saw other fellows doing
the same thing. The whole bunch
looked very forlorn and home
sick. Darkness came on very sud
denly and we retired to our
The boat rocked very much that
night and it was a restless look
ing bunch next morning. The
next three days we spent in plav
ing games. The “Y” man seemed
to be the only one of good cheer.
He gave several prizes to the one
who could jig the best and did his
best to cheer us, but everyone
continued seasick until Thursday.
After then they became more
We passed a steamer early Fri
day morning and one about nine
o’clock, but they were too far
away to see what kind of boats
they were or to what country
they belonged. We are going to
bed tonight with the hope that
some of the Hawaiian Islands will
be in sight in the morning. Sat
urday morning came with no land
to be seen so we played games all
day. Night came and we went to
our bunks but did not sleep very
We arrived in Honolulu at eight
o’clock Sunday morning, and 1
am now at Fort Kamehamea,
Honolulu, where I will stay three
years, and then I am coming back
to the good old U. S A
George C. Evans.
Sufferers from indigestion are
apt to become discouraged and feel
that complete recovery is not to bo
hoped for. No one could make a
greater mistake. Hundreds have
been permanently cured bv taking
Chamberlain’s Tablets and can now
eat anything that they crave
These tablets strengthen the stom
and enable it, to perform its func
tions naturallv. If you have not
tried them do so at once. For sale
by Horton Drug Co.
hT* JWHir B
Ljh yonr I
fiver works
JsF all right, the m
SSH xlrest of your B
inside works are B
apt to be all right B
w —otherwise not so. B
■V Then look after your B
JET liver, see that it runs B
JtKjlr “smooth and steady"; ■
that it doesn’t get clog;- H
SBtT ged up or skip a cor- and B
WST throw the whole machinery B
■ *out of tear. m
Dr. Thacher’* M
M Liver and Blood m
M Syrup M
M 1> aTD or ltegulator, al3lood B
U Purifier, a Laxative and a B
■ Tonic of 67 years standing; B
B ‘he prescription of an old B
■u family doctor of large prac-
B tjee; a standard remedy for B
B the whole family from the B
m children to the grand B
B Parents. M
M “•About three years ago. I was B
B , ru . n vn in health, weighed M
H o,l *y lbs., and gelling worse V
B every day. I lagan the use of B
B BLOOD SYRUP, and today l M
M thankful Kj say that I’m in B
B Perfect health, ami weigh 155 M
W * n ? “‘tribute my good B
B health to the use of that
B F ost wonderful medicine—
B DLOOL) SYRUP. My husband
B Joins me in recommending
iff tins great tonic.—Mrs.
Jm C. E. Chadwick, Ala.
thacoer adl -
jR Chattanooga, jHFlßiJilrfiiffli imW
HU Tenn., f .WUP
sS 0.8,5 j/wNI rf~*l
il si J r.V J jiaßri
»j n *T*I 4'4 ‘lll v B
OFinnrc Hours :
7A. M to 12 M.
McDonough, Ga.