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Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of Henry
County, Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Court House in the City of
McDonough, said State and Coun
ty, to the highest bidder for cash,
between the legal hours of sale, on
the first Tuesday in October, 1919,
the following real estate to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land
situated, lying and being in the
town of Locust Grove, Ga. and
part of land lot No. 186 of the sec
ond district Henry caunty. Ga.,
and known as lot No. 9 in block B
of the sub-division W. 1). Grant
property as per plat on file in the
office of G. W. Adair, Atlanta, Ga..
commencing at the corner of a
fifteen foot alley and South St.,
and running Northwesterly along
the West side of said alley one
hundred and forty (140) feet,
thence Westerly one hundred and
twenty-five and one-half (125%)
feet, thence South one hundred and
seventy seven (17?) teet to South
St., thence one hundred and seven
ty-seven and one half (177%) feet
to the beginning corner.
Also all that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the town
of Locust Grove, Ga., part of land
lot No. 186. in the 2nd District of
Henrv County, Ga., and being lots
No. fifteen (15), sixteen (16), and
seventeen (17) in block B of sub
division of the W. D. Grant prop
erty, in Locust Grove, Ga., as per
plat on file in the office of G. W.
Adair, Atlanta, Ga.. commencing
at. a point at the corner of Cleve
land St. and South St., and run
ning Northwesterly along West
side of Cleveland St. ninety (90)
feet, thence Westerly one hundred
(100) feet to an alley, thence South
along said alley ninety (90) feet to
South St. , and thence Easterly
along South St. one hundred (100)
feet to starting point.
AH that tract or parcel of land
located in the town of Locust
Grove, Henry County, Ga., lot No.
commencing at. Miss Cliff
Williams’ house and lot and run
ning along sidew T alk to T. J.
Upchurch’s lot, thence back to
alley, thence along said alley to
Cliff Williams’ lot, thence to be
ginning on Cleveland St.
One lot No. 14 in the town of
Locust. Grove in the No. 186 in the
2nd District of Henry County : in
block B of the sub-division of the
W. D. Grant property on file in the
office of G. W. Adair. And said
lot commencing at a point on the'
West side of Cleveland St. one
hundred and twenty (120) feet,
South of the Southwest of Cleve
land St. and Smith St. and running
thence West along Cleveland St.
thirty (i>o) feet, thence Westerly
one hundred (100) feet, thence Nor
therly thirty [Bo] feet., and thence
Easterly one hundred [ 100] feet to
the beginnihg point.
A certain tract of land in the
town of Locust Grove situated in
Land Lot Number One Hundred
and Eighty-six [IBGJ of the 2nd
District, of Henry County, tin.,
being the south half of what is
l: e>.vn as tilt? Livery Stable lot,
containing seven thousand and
four hundred and thirty-six [7,438]
square feet, more or less, bounded
as follows : East by a fifteen [ls]
feet alley,south by T. J. Upchurch’s
or Hotel Lot. West by W. M
Combs, North by W. I. Parr ; be
ginning at the East corner, running
West one hundred and twenty-five
and one-half [125%] feet, more or
less, thence North seventy-one [7l]
feet, thence East one hundred and
five and three-fourths [105%] feet,
more or less, thence iSoutL sixty
[GO] feet, more or less. This lot
contains one small barn, which is
also conveyed by tide deed.
The lot or parcel of land descri
bed as follows : Fitty-six and five
tenths acres of land lying and being
in Henrv County, Ga.. and about
one-half mile west of the town of
M •Donough, and bounded on the
North by public road leading from
McDonough to Jonesboro, Ga. on
the East by the home place of J. V.
Upchurch, deceased, on the South
bv lands of Mrs, Jessie Tomlinson,
W. A. Simpson and L. A. Turner’s
estate, and on the West by Camp
Creek. Said land known as lot No.
2 on the plot of the John F. Varner
lands, made by Richardson-Wey
Engineering Company, and recor
ded in Book of Deeds 11. Page 1, in
the Clerk’s office of Henry County,
A tract or parcel of land in the
county of Butts, State of Georgia,
and part of land lot No. 207 and
containing twenty-five (25) acres in
Northwest Corner of said lot known
as the Edlmun Mill property, boun
ded as follows : North by lands of
Mrs. Thurmond, east by McDonough
road, South by lands of Dr. Peek,
formerly J. C. t'dlman, West by
lands of Dr. Peek mid Mrs. Thur
mond, with piivilege to raise to
high water mark, which is desig
nated by pme stump in lot No. 208
up said creek. Also seven acres,
more or less, and being part of lot
-or. commencing, at Butts and
Henry county lines and running
N.orth along the public road ti
creek and bridge, thence down said
creek to original line, thence West
to starting corner at public road.
This being five acres, more or less.
Also two acres, part of said lot.
commencing at Southwest corner
of L. H. Moor’s, running South on
original land to a gully, and
thence up said gully to a rock
wall, thence Northeast to a rock
on dividing line ; said land in tri
angular shape, same being across
branch on original lane.
Also at the same time and place,
two shares of the capital stock of
the Atlanta Trust Company of
Atlanta, Ga., said shares of the par
value of One Hundred Dollars each.
Also ten shares of the capital
stock of the Merchants and Plan
ters Warehouse of Locust Grove
Ga., said shares of the par value of
Twenty five Dollars each.
Also a one-half undivided inter
est in a house and lot at Locust
Grove, in said State and County,
said lot commencing at. a rock cor
ner by the public road, running
along said road in a Northwesterly
direction forty-seven and one-half,
47%, yards, thence forty-seven
and 1-2 yards, or to right-of-way of
Southern Railway Company, thence
along said right-of-way Southeast
forty seven and 1-2 yards, thence
Northeast forty-seven and one-half
yards, or to commencing corner,
containing five thousand, two hun
dred fifty-six and one-fourth. 5256%
square yards, more or less, houn
ded West bv E. T Peek, South by
Southern Railway Company, East,
by lot. of William Rosser, and
North by Public Road.
Sold as the property of the estate
of the late T. J. Uj church, for the
purpose of distribution among the
legatees under his will.
This September 1. 1919.
Administrators De Bonis, Non Cum
Testamento Annexo Last Will
and Testament of T. .1. Upchurch,
late of said county, deceased.
Good two-horse fanrn for rent,
1% mile below Ola. Dock Hays,
route 1.
Two-horse farm for rent 1 1-2
miles out on route 6. J. W.
«*-Announcing the New Prices of the-®
Manufactured by \l __ _ _ . ,
Henry Ford & Son “\ ■OU !“ F. 0.8., Dearborn, Mich.
Effective immediately the price of the Fordson
Tradtor will be $750 f.o.b. Dearborn, Mich.
The Fordson Tradtor is without an equal in
the tractor field today.
It should be the choice of every tradfor
It is powerful, durable, efficient. Simple in con
struction, easily operated, and economical in fuel con
It is the kind of a tractor that we feel safe in back
ing with our own personal reputation and recommen
What it has done for others it will do for
you. It has proven itself in the hands of over
a package today. No
tice the flavor—the whole
some taste of Kentucky Burley
Why do so many “regular
men” buy Lucky Strike
cigarettes? They buy them
for the special flavor of the
toasted Burley tobacco. if If* S
There’s the big reason—it’s 1 /J
toasted, and real Burley. Make
Lucky Strike your cigarette.
fj Guaranteed by
• xee.#e..Tto
50,000 owners. Its popularity has created a de
mand that makes it certain that some farm owners,
desirous of obtaining a Fordson, will be disappointed.
NOW is the time for you to buy your
FORDSON. Make sure of getting your Ford
son at once, so you may be in position to use
it to the advantage when needed.
Bear in mind that last year orders for the Fordson
could not be filled, owing to the demand exceeding the
supply. A repetition is certain to exist, particularly
when taking into consideration the New Price of
$750 Don’t be disappointed.
Place your orders with us NOW.
H. M.
McDonough, 6a.