The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 12, 1919, Image 5

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Johr nv Jones Exposition Shows at the Southeastern Fair Pro
vides Amusement for Everybody
An amusement organization that
Teqmres eighty cars to move it is
Abound to contain a variety that was
unknown to comparatively few years
a go and it may be said without fear
Exm° n, i adiCl i° n that the " Jolm y Jones
the f * OWS which '''in furnish
the ammc nt on the Midway of
tv. S ° atheaStorn Fair - October 12-21
iion t T a , test 0f aU carnival organiza
on and also the cleanest from every
thf h ‘? S , been the aim of Mr. Jones
through his successful career to only
permit in his organization such shows
and attractions as are fit for every
body to enjoy. This array has a be
wildering number of freaks, novelties
; and sensations in more respects than
one, but they are all clean and satisfy
tne cun ty of respectable people or
.they would not be shown. There are
twenty-five different attractions some
of them being star features and never
[before exhibited at a fair in the south.
One of the big attractions is Essie
Fa} s society horse show with her
wonderful performer, Arabia, one of
the greatest equine stars’in the world,
doing things t’ at are very' human.
There are also circus features that
can only be seen in large organiza
tions, including * trained lions, t'igers
and elephants with one lion who rides
|r" - *jf ■ /s ft
Building in which the big Govern ment War Exhibit will be housed, to
gether with the co-ordinated efforts of the Department of Agricul
ture and the State College of Agriculture, Atlanta, October 11-21.
One of the important features of
every place where thousands of peo
ple gather, is modern comfort arrange
ments. The management of the South
eastern Fair Association has' 1 .been
soliciliomi- not only f*r the health of
those who atend the fair, but for their
r onal comfort ds well and it is the
desire of the management that every
one shall know in advance of these
comfort stations with toilets, wash
bowls, mirrors, etc. the use of which
adds much to the enjoyment of the
fair especially to mothers with small
The main comfort station is in the
Liberal Arts building at the main en
trance to the Midway; another station
for the exclusive use of the women is
in the basement of the Auto Building
directly opposite this building.
This place is really the most comfort
able and has a number of rocking
chairs for the elderly ladies who may
wish to go there for an hour’s rest.
There is also added conveniences in
this respect this year in the grand
stand providing for the health and
comfort on a scale unknown at any
other fair in the South.
Pnvs’ Corn Clubs of Georgia “show off” at the Sout’ ca iern Fair,
/v nCi c w*t« Uvy ;''
on horseback. Alongside this big
menagerie is the Wild West of Dakota
Max, the most complete show of Its
kind that is traveling today. Rough
riders, cow girls, bucking bronchos
with all the flavor of the roundups of
the great w r est of the past.
Other features are Etta Louis
Blake’s Superba; Consul the Great and
Lady Betty—those great apes which
have created interest and wonder
wherever they have been shown;
Stella, The Midget City—Jenson the
great Magician—Serpentina—The Fat
Folks Chautauqua—Over the Falls—
The Midgets The Modern Siamese
Twins with an autodrome where Mile.
Marie rides at the rate of a mile a
minute. v
Then there are the rides —the Whip,
the Frolic, Merry Go Round and Giant
Ferris Wheel, with the permanent
attractions of Lakewood Park, wiiich
include the new dancing pavilion,
Giant Coaster, Old Mill, Four Abreast
Carrousel, Bug House, Circle Swing,
Walking Charlie, Rifle Range and Os
trich Farm.
The foregoing provides such a
varied list of attractions that they
practically combine everything in the
amusement world commonly shown in
the midw'ay of any fair or exposition
each, being shown for a vei’y small
As an enducational enterprise, the
Southeastern Fair leads all others in
the Southeastern States because of
the possibility of giving the finishing
touch to “book learning” to thousands
of people annually. We may fancy we
know T much about good corn, fine cat
tle, swine and poultry, but many peo
ple will learn that they really were
poorly informed about these matters
until they come in contact with the
best produced in the world which will
be on exhibition.
In order to encourage attendance on
the part of those who will be most
benefited, Tuesday, October 14, has
been designated as School Day when
all school children will be admitted
for 10 cents when provided with a
special ticket which may be had by
any school teacher in Georgia on ap
plication to R. M. Striplin, Secretary,
Box 1006, Atlanta. A special program
has been arranged for that day and
every child in Georgia, who can should
12 acres just outside city limits
of Hapeville, fronting National
Highway and Central of Georgia
Railway. Has a 6-room cottage,
barn and other outbuildings.
Fronting on 2 railroads. This
tract is practically level and in
high state of cultivation and will
produce a bale to a bale and one
half to the acre. Price, $6500.
14 acres located at Jonesboro,
Ga. Improvements consist of an
8-room home, good barn, garage
and other outbuildings, fine or
chard, abundance of grape and
berinuda pasture. Price, $6500.
35 acres, 3 miles College Park,
on soil road. Has a tenant house,
some fruit, nice spring and branch
with 10 acres rich bottom land,
about 15 acres upland in fine
shape. This is a high class truck
or dairy proposition, close to
schools and churches. Price,
3 acres, 17 miles from center of
Atlanta, at Morrow, Ga., which is
on the main line of the Central of
Georgia railroad with good busi
ness schedule into Atlanta and s<*
fare and 5 round trips per day.
Has a 6-room cottage, good barn
and the entire tract inclosed with
Paige wire, good bermuda pas
ture, within 2 city blocks of center
of the town stores, nine months
school within sight. This is an
ideal suburban home and just the
place for the man who would like
to continue business in Atlanta
and have the benefit of suburban
life. Price, S3OOO.
Ellenwood, Ga.
House rent free to family to
help gather crop. J. W. Weems.
Just Received
A Gar Load of
HAVE just received a shipment
’ * of a car load of Thornhill Wagons
—the wagon made in the heart of the
hardwood region of tough highland oak
and hickory.
These are the long wear wagons with
many patented features. Made with the
old standard track.
Not the lowest priced wagons but the best and in
the end die cheapest. , 511 „,
Rex, Ga.
SMSS® frank LEAHY buys anJ ToN
ROGERS, TEXAS, Aug. 30, 1919
Mess. Smith-Newman Mfg. Co.,
McDonough, Ga.
I am attaching my check for $75.00 for
one Tri-Plex Gin Saw Gummer and Filer.
I have used several different makes of
gin saw filers and gummers, but have never
used one that has given me the satisfaction
this one has. It's a remarkable little
I gave a boy $5.00 to file my 4/70/12"
Murray stands and he did a better job than
I had done last year at a cost of $35.00.
Yours truly, FRANK LEAHY.
I will sell to the highest bidder at McDonough, 3 P, m.,
Saturday, Sept, 13th, what is known as the Harris Carmichael
Farm, located 1 3-4 miles north of McDonough, on the White
House road between Walnut and Camp creeks.
Farm contains 111 1-2 acres, as follows: 16 acres rich
bottom lands and 85 acres upland in high state of cultivation. 5
acles alfalfa now producing 3 or 4 crops hay each year. 5
acres bottoms in woods with some timber. Ample building ac
commodations. 2 large 4-room dwellings with good barn and
out-buildings, all in first-class condition. Also new modern barn,
50X100 feet, suitable for every farm need. Buildings worth
Go and see the improvements, the 2-bale-to-the-acre cotton
and 50-bushel-to-the-acre corn growing on this farm and come
to the sale.
Terms: SSOO day of sale, balance Jan. Ist, 1920.