The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 12, 1919, Image 8

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Billy, Junior.
At ten o’clock Sunday morning
he was chubby and bright-eyed
and as mischievous a three-year
older as ever sucked a thumb —
with his three score and ten lying
out before him.
In less time than it takes to
read this, he was changed into a
small morsel of bruised flesh and
broken bones; both fat little legs
mashed to bits and the curly little
head fractured.
In ten short seconds he was
transformed from a happy, care
free little tadkin, bubbling over
with mirth at his boyish pranks,
into a wrecked body, writhing in
the pain of two broken legs and a
shattered skull; his bright blue
eyes glazed with the approach of
death; his soft, rosy skin assuming
first an ashen hue, then a pur
plish tinge, as death crept on.
And, finally, th ' silver cord was
loosed and little Billy was no more.
The little boy we loved so well —
whom we had danced upon our
knee hundreds of times; the
youngster who was never happier
than when he jammed our hat
down over his nose and strutted
about with all thg pomp of a
Napoleon—. one, sacrificed on the
altar of speed !
Was the auto driver to blame ?
Oh, no! The driver is never to
blame —just another of those “un
avoidable” accidents. No doubt
he was in a great hurry to get to
his office to the morning
paper—he couldn’t be expected to
see such a little thing as a three
year-old boy. Both driver and
car are still here. It didn’t hurt
the car a bit, fortunately; of course
a little of Billy’s blood got on the
wheel, but don’t judge Billy too
harshly—we are confident he
couldn’t help it. —The Trestle
She Wants to Help Others.
Mrs. A. G. Wells, R. F. D.
Rocky Mount, N. C., writes: “I
cannot praise Foley Kidney Pills
enough for the wonderful benefits
I have derived from their use.
Please publish this statement as I
want the people everywhere to
know of them.” Lame back, sore
muscles, puffiness under eyes, and
an “always tired” feeling are indi
cations that the kidneys and blad
der are not working properly.
Foley Kidney Pills strengthen
weak, disordered kidneys and!
bladder. McDonough Drug Co.
Petition to Dissolve.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To tho Superim Court of said County.
The petition of tho Henderson Manufac
turing Company, a corporation with its
office and principal place of business at
Hampton, Henry county, Georgia, re
spectfully shows:
1. That it was incorporated by the Su
perior Court of said county on the 14th
•' iv of February, 1916, as the Henderson
-arm factoring Company, and authorized
by said order to exercise all the powers of
a private corporation
2 That it exercised said powers until
the 9th day of .June, 1919, when at a meet
ing of the stock hold rs, at which meeting
all the stock was represented, it was, by
appropriate resolution ordered that the
assets of said corporation be sold the
debts paid and the affairs of said corpora
tion wound up and its business discon
tinued as provided by its charter.
3. Accordingly on said date the assets
were sold, the debts paid and the remain
ing assets divided among the stockholders.
i. All the debts of said corporation
have been paid and it is no longer exercis
ing the functions and powers of acorpora
tion, and it desires to surrender its char
Wherefore it prays an order allowing it
to surrender its charter and cease its ex
istence as a corporation. This August
sth, 1919. E. M SMITH,
Petitioner’s Attorney.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
In person appeared W. Z. Henderson,
who being sworn says that he is president
of the Henderson Manufacturing Com
pany, and that the facts set forth in the
foregoing petition for dissolution of said
corpoiation arc true.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
Sept. 6th, 1919
li. G. HIGHTOWER, C. S. C.
At Chambers,
McDonough. Sept. sth, 1919.
The within and foregoihg petition of
Henderson Manufacturing Company for
surrender of its charter having been pre
sent* d to me, it is ordered that same be
tiled In the office of the Clerk of Henry
Superior Court, and that a copy of same
be published in the official organ of Henry
county, Georgia, once a week for four
weeks, and that said corporation and any
other person interested, show cause at the
October Term, 1919, of Henry Superior
Court, and on the first day thereof, why
the prayers of the petitioner should not
be granted
J. S. C. F. C.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
I, H. C. Hightower, Clerk of th- Supe
rior Court of Henry county. Georgia, cer
tify that the foregoing is a true and cor
rect copy of the petition of Henderson
Manufacturing Compa- y for surrender of
Its charter and the r ,le nisi issued there
on as it app> a. s lrom the records of die
in this office.
Given under my hand and seal this Sep
tember sth, 1919
Imitation Spoils Life.
One reason why so many girls
and boys, men and women, too,
are uninteresting, is because they
try so hard to be like somebody
else rather than to be content to
remain himself or herself in life.
In nature you don’t see an oak
posing as a willow, or a black
duck as a yellow leg, or a lilac as
a peony, or a dog as a cat. Be
natural and you’ll be alright.
An undertaker’s salesroom
might appropriately be termed a
Your Attention, Please.
If your bowels need a whole
some physic that thoroughly
cleanses, sweetens the stomach
and benefits the liver, take a Foley
Cathartic Tablet tonight and you
will feel better in the morning. It
is a quick and safe remedy for
sick headache, biliousness, bloat
ing, sour stomach, gas, bad breath,
indigestion, constipation or other
condition caused by clogged or
irregular bowels. Foley Cathartic
sablets cause no griping or nau-
Tea. McDonough Drug Co.
Boys as well as girls should be
taught to help in the house. How
often we have been disgusted to
see that the girls are made to help
until the housework while the
boys are allowed to play checkers,
or sit at the fire toasting their toes.
The Best Advertisement.
The best advertisement any mer
chant oan have is a satisfied
customer. No greater recommen
dation oan be given an article than
the following by E. P. Milburn,
Prop. Guion Drug Store, Guion,
Ark. ‘‘We have sold Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy for years and have
alwaysfonnd that it gives perfect
satisfaction.” For sale by Horton
Drug Co.
Tax Levy.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Office of Roads and Revenues
for said county—September term
of Court of Commissioner of Roads
and Revenues for said counly,
September the first, 1919.
Be it ordered, and it is hereby
ordered, by jhe authority afore
said, that the. following taxes are
levied for county purposes for the
year 1919, on all the property in
said county, said levy hiving been
recommended by the Grand Jury
for the April term, 1919, of Henry
Superior Court, to-wit:
1. To build or repair court
houses, jails, bridges, ferries or
other public improvements, 7 mills,
or $7 on the thousand.
2. To tiay sheriffs, jailors or
other county officers’ fees that
they mav be emitted to out of the
county, % mill, or fifty cents on
the thousand.
3-. Coroner. To pay all fees
that may be due him by the coun
ty for holding inquests, % mill, or
25 cents on the thousand.
4. To pay the expenses of the
county bailiffs at court, non-resi
dent witnesses in criminal cases,
fuel, servant hire, stationery and
the like, % mill, or 50 cents on the
5. To pay jurors per diem com
pensation, 1 mill, or one dollar on
the thousand.
6. To pay expenses incurred in
supporting the poor of the county,
1 mill, or one dollar on the thous
7. To pay all the lawful charges
against the county, 1% mill, or
$1.75 on the thousand.
8. To pay expenses of and
work upon the public roads of
said county, 3 mills, or $3 on the
9. Aggregate, 15 mills, or sls
on the thousand.
10. Tax Levy by Board of Edu
cation for Public School fund, 5
mills, or $5 on the thousand.
The above levy is hereby made
on ail prooerty in said county of
Henry, both real and personal,
and is ordered collected on same.
Given under my hand seal, this
Sept. 1, 1919.
Commissioner of Roads and Reye
-1 nues Henry county.
“I see you have been retained
in that murder case as an insanity
expert. How are you going to
determine the degree of irrespon
sibility of your client ?”
“By the size of the fee I get out
of him.”
Mrs. Pester—Don’t bother me.
I’ll bfi dressed as soon as I can.
Her Husband —I was just going
to say if you don’t speed up a lit
tle those clothes will be out of
style by the time you get ’em on.
Father —You don’t mean to say
the girls are going out tonight?
They are always gadding about.
“Never mind, dear. They are
to dine at home a week from
Thursday on purpose to meet
you.” —Life.
Governor Dorsey has signed the
bill putting in force the constitu
tional amendment of 1918 relative
to pensions to Confederate sol
diers. This removes all property
restrictions and makes it possible
for widows of Confederate veter
ans, who were married prior to
January 1, 1881, to secure pen
Problem —If you see a man with
a smile on his face, cut a para
graph from a newspaper and place
it carefully in his billfold, what is
your deduction ?
Answer —You are right. The
clipping mentions him. —Judge.
Feet Drag?
When it is an effort to drag one foot
after the other, when you are always
tired and 6ecm lacking in strength and
endurance, when aches and pains rack
the body, it is well to look for symptoms
of kidney trouble.
banish effects of kidney and bladder
trouble by removing the cause. They
are healing and curative. They tone up
and strenghten the weakened or diseased
organs. They relieve backache, rheu
matic pains, stiff joints, sore muscles.
W. W. Wells. Tonquin, Mich., writes: "I
get great relief trim taking Foley Kidney Pills.
lamon my 4 t most of the time and get tired
out. After! mg Foley Kidney Pills, they make
me feel like ew man. I recommend them to
my customer md never have heard of any case
where they c. i not give satisfaction.”
The McDonough Drug Jo.
Grand Circuit Races
OCTOBER 11,12,13,14,15,18,17,18,13,20,21,1013
$75,000 IN PREMIUMS $75,000
The South’s Greatest Agricultural and Live
stock Exposition. A Graphic Demonstration
Designed to Educate and Instruct the Visitor
as to the Resources and Possibilities of the
Southeastern States through Exhibits of
Farm Products by Counties and Individuals,
with the Greatest Pure Bred Cattle and Swine
Show Ever Assembled in the Southeastern
States, Supplemented by a Comprehensive
Exhibit, the Resulting Efforts of the United
States Department of Agriculture and the
State College of Agriculture, from
Farm Demonstration Efforts in Connection
with Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs and a Govern
ment Exhibit Featuring the War, Navy and
Agricultural Departments, with all the Other
Features of a Great Fair.
GENERAL ADMISSION 50 cents; children over 5 and under 12 years 25 cents; school children,
on School Day, Tuesday, October 14th, 10 cents, with Special School Ticket furnished
to Teachers on Application.
H. G. HASTINGS, President. R. M. STRIPLIN, Secretary-
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
fjP' sonai supervision since its infancy.
/•c<yCc&4' / K J Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
„ What is CASTORiA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
-been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend.
OR 3 A alw ays
Bears the Signature of
lit Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
175 acres in Sandy Ridge dis
trict; 130 in cultivation, one five
room dwelling and two tenant
houses, barns, etc. Known as the
Dave Lunsford place. Close to
Sardis church. Apply for par
ticulars to
C. D. Tomlin,
Route 1, Jackson, Ga.
For Sale.
127 acres good land one mile of
Hampton on good road with ex
cellent improvements.
Address Hampton, Ga., R. F. D.,
box 65.
Provides its Patrons with the Grand Circuit
Races—Fifteen Big Free Acts in Front of the
Grand Stand—Running Races by Kentucky
Thoroughbreds—Auto Races by the Premier
Dirt Track Drivers of the World. Magnifi
cent Victory Fireworks. Three Bands of Mu
sic. Johnny Jones Exposition Shows the
Greatest Carnival Organization in the World,
with Wild West ar.d Trained Wild Animals
Shows and Museums of Curiosities and Lat
est Sensations oi the Amusement World—
With Lakewood’s Aggregation of Gloom De
stroyers, including the Most Spacious and
Beautiful Dancing Pavilion in Dixie—The
Areo Swing—Four Abreast Carrousel—Roll
er Coaster—Old Mill, Bug House, Frolic, Fer
ris Wheel, Whip, Walking Charlie and Rifle
Range and Ostrich Farm-
On improved farm lands,
long; time, low rate of in
terest. Write or apply to
501-502 4th National Bank Building,
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, Ga.
Call or write us for farm loans.