The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 12, 1919, Image 9
CnimiKmkihle Quality in Jewelry No matter how little von pay, you get quality for the price. No matter how much you pay, you get intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real values you can choose from an assortment unrival ed hereabouts. T. H. WYNN El Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga. I Your Grandfather Knew U* In Busines* Here 49 Year* Cotton Storage and Insurance I We make only a small charge of 50c per bale per month for storing and insuring your cotton. Ship to us and get beft re turns. Our commission too small to mention. Don’t lose money by country damage—ship TODAY. Write or wire for information if you wish. | Money Loaned 1 Willinghams Warehouse 1 Up to 80* Of 1 R, F. Willingham, Pre.. | Value of Cotton H mmm -irwrwininMifl a MACON GEORGIA Drainage Report. S. C. McWilliams et al vs. J. P. McCullough et. al. Petition for the establishment, of a Drainage District in Henry County, Georgia, to be known as Henry County Drainage District Number One, in the Drainage Court of Henry County. Notice is hereby given that the final report of the Engineer and Viewers in the above stated case have been filed as required by law, and the same having been found in due form and in accoadance with the law, and accepted by the court, and that the final hearing upon said report will be had before the Drainage Court of Henry County, at the court house in the city of McDonough, at 10 o’clock a. m. on the 24th day of September, 1919. In the meantime a copy of said final report will remain on tile in the office of the Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Henry County for inspection by the land owners or others interested in said Drainage District. H. C. HIGHTOWER, Clerk Superior Court Henry Co. T. C. KELLEY, Comr. Composing the Drainage Court of Henry County. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA— Henry County. By virtue of an order granted bv the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty. will be sold before the court house at McDonough, 'said county, on the first Tuesday in October, 1919, between the legal hours ot sale.’ to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Fifty acres, more or less, in the Northeast corner of land lot No. 157. in the Twelfth Land District Henry County, Georgia. Land hounded North by lands of G. C. Clark ; East by the dower of Mrs. Zipporah Thurman ; South by the lands of the estate of J V . 1 hnr man and lands of Crumley estate, and West by lands of W. E. Barr. Also at the same time and place, fifty acres of land, more or less, in the Northeast corner of land lot No. ]' in the Twelfth Land Dis trict oi Henry County, Georgia, hounded North by lands of J L. Howell; East by lands of J. C. Burks and Talmon Pattillo ; South bv lands of C. Y. Thurman, and West by lands of the dower of Mrs. Zipporah Thurman. Also at the same time and place, fifty seven acres of land, more or less, part of lots 15< and 158 in the Twelfth Land District of Henry County, Georgia, bounded North bv lands of the estate of J. W. Thurman and dower of Mrs. Zip porah Thurman ; East by lands of C. Y. Thurman ; South by lands of Mrs. Rosa Lawrence, and West by lands of the Crumbley estate. Sold as the lands of the estate of J. W. Thurman late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of distri bution among heirs. Also at the same time and place, twenty shares of the capital stock of the Rex Warehouse Company, as represented by stock certificates Nos. 39, 54, 5, and of the par value of §25.00 per share. Also at the same time and place, one share of the capital stock of the Doss Rubber Company, certifi cate No. 530, of the par value of SIOO.OO. Also ten shares of the capital stock of the Bank of Rex, represen ted by stock certificates Nos. 67, 75, 91, 87, 90, of the par value of SIOO.OO per share. Also one and one-half shares of the capital stock of the Bank of Stockhridge, Georgia, represented by stock certificates Nos. 46 and 106, and of the par value of SIOO.OO por share. Also three Liberty Loan Bonds of the par value of SIOO.OO each. Said st< cks and bonds sold as the property of the estate of J. W. Thurman, deceased, for the pur pose of distribution among the heirs. This September 1, 1919. C. Y. THURMAN, W. G. THURMAN, Admrs. estate of J. W. Thurman, Deceased. For Sale. 86 acres land located in 6th Dis trict, near Progress school house, known as the J. F. Johnson home place. About 30 acres in cultiva tion, plenty wood land, two nice streams running water through the place, good pasture. L. P. Johnson, Route 3. Stockbridge, Ga. TINS ONLY JWr AT YOUR GROCERS I Maxwell house coffee in ~ i. i,yi HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. Make the Punishment Fit the Crime. A few days ago a judge sent enced a convicted white slaver to one vear in the state penitentiary. Had he been barefooted and sto len a pair of shoes he would have got three years. How are we to keep from having contempt of court or being in favor of a recall of the judiciary as long as such inequality of justice as this pre vails ? A white slaver is the low est dog on God’s fair earth, a white-livered cur who ought to be lashed naked through the streets with a whip of scorpions and branded on the forehead with red hot iron, yet he is given when convicted a lighter sentence than the poor hungry cuss who breaks into a smoke-house and gets away with a ham. That sort of justice is as rotten as the business of the human polecat who traffics in man’s honor and woman’s vir tue and barters innocent girlhood for filthy gold.—Exchange. When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you; but while it is not spoken, you reign over it. Just What She Needed. “T used a bottle of Chamberlain’s Tablets some time ago and they proved to be just what I needed,” writes Mrs. Volta Bankston, Chilli cot.he. Mo. “They not only re lieved me of indigestion but toned up my liver and rid me of back ache and dizziness that I had been subjected to for some time, They did me a world of good and I will always speak a good word for them.” For sale bv Horton Drug Co. Consider the Judgment of the Large Operators of Motor Trucks The judgment of some of the largest operators of motor trucks in this and foreign countries is well expressed by the Repeat Orders which they place for Selden Trucks year after year. It is profitable to operate motor trucks that are possessed of the stamina of Selden Trucks, that are constructed to render Continuous service at Low Cost. 1,1%, 2,3% and 5-Ton Worm Drive Models. Ask us for full information on Selden Trucks. “It Has Been SELDEN Since 1877.” W. S. JONES & SONS, Griffin, Ga. % , BDliicb I JUST want to thank you for Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. It is fine. I use it for my baby, my husband and myself, and simply can’t do without a bottle of it in the house.” (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\ Mrs. John W. Christensen, 603 So. 2nd 1 East, Brigham City, Utah / Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (225) SI.OO Quickly corrects disorders of the intestinal tract, relieves the congestion and restores nor mal regularity. It is gentle in action and does not gripe. A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. Auction Sale. CITY BUSINESS LOTS McDonough, Ga. FIRST TUESPAY IN OCTOBER Three lots approximately 24x8(5, facing the square, with 10-foot al loy on back. Lots now occupied by Dunn House, which will be moved. Will sell separately or as a whole. Plat can be seen at Dunn House, or office of E. M. Smith. HELEN D. COOK. For Administration. GEORGIA —Henry County. To whom it may concern : Mrs. Mary E. Morris, having made appli cation to me in due form to be appointed permanent administra tor upon the estate of J. E. Morris, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at. the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said conntv, to be held on the first Monday in October, 1919. Witness my hand and official signature, this 22nd day of August, 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. A