Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Preparations Actively Under
Way for New Enterprise in
McDonough at Once. Char
ter Applied For.
Even before the current is to
be turned on, the first direct re
result of advantages arising from
Dr. Smith’s power plant on Cotton
Indian river is already a reality.
In our advertising columns this
week appears an application for
charter for the Henry County
Milling and Ice Plant. As will be
seen, the company is composed
of Mr. J. J. Fisher, Mr. Fred Var
ner, and Dr. J. G. Smith. What
is known as the Upchurch brick
buildings in rear of the stores on
Macon street have been purchas
ed from Mr. Bail Elliott, and nec
essary preparations are already
being pushed to completion.
The mill is to be put into oper
ation as soon as the electric cur
rent is turned on, which Dr. Smith
states will certainly be some time
before Christmas. Then the ice
plant will follow in time for next
season, and the new enterprise
will be fully open for business.
Aside from the advantages of
mill products right at home, the
For el Less GHAS. D. AN Fo? el Less
Outfitter to Men, Women and Children
Just Arrived!
Extraordinary values in
L»adies Coat Suits
At extremely Low Prices*
To skeptical customers, all we ask of you is drop in and examine our extensive line of mer
chandise, and we will be able to call you our regular customers from then on, and you will also quote
the following: “Why Worry About High Prices When Newman Sells for Less/'
Sells For Less CHAS. D. NEWMAN Sells For Less
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Ford Car for Sale.
1916 Touring Car, just over
hauled, bran new 1919 engine,
new fenders, lamps, cushions, tires
and hood. Fine condition, runs
good as new.
See W. D. Knight.
For Sale.
One Hudson Super Six Car.
Would exchange for a Ford Car.
Joel Bankston,
McDonough, Ga.
We wish to thank our many
friends for their acts of kindness
shown and words of sympathy
spoken during the recent illness
and death of our dear son and
brother. May God’s richest bless
ings rest upon each and everyone
and their reward according to the
riches of his grace is our prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Welch
and family.
assurance that we are not to un
dergo the tortures of another ice
famine next summer will be cor
dially welcomed by this entire sec
tion. Also, if the Jackson project
has not materialized, our neigh
bors are heartily invited to send
up next summer and get all the
icee they want —likewise the en
tire surrounding territory.
Welcome to the Henry County
Milling and Ice Company. The
Weekly wishes it mighty weii.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, November 7, 1919.
Major H. D. Russell
Will Locate in Macon.
The following from the Jackson
Progress Argus will be read with
interest by Major Russell’s numer
ous Henry county friends.
Friends of Major H. D. Russell,
known to hundreds of Butts
county friends as “Dick” Russell,
will be interested in the announce
ment that he has decided to iocate
in Macon for the practice of law.
Major Russell, who led the old
Jackson Rifles to the border, and
served with distinction through
out the entire war, has just been
discharged from service. There
is not a more efficient military man
in the state than Dozier Russell
and his friends wish him mighty
well in his new location.
Major Russell was in Jackson
Saturday and stated that he would
attend the reunion of the old
Jackson Rifles in Jackson on Fri
day, November 7, when a barbe
cue will be given the Butts county
soldiers at the fair grounds.
The estate of Gus Solomon, col
ored, consisting of 200 acres west
of the Southern railroad between
McDonough and Locust Grove,
was sold Tuesday in four fifty-acre
lots, aggregating nearly SIB,OOO.
The place was bought by Gus
from Mr. John Copeland on credit
at S2O per acre, and paid for a
number of years before his death.
Young Men’s Suits
Just Arrived, some beautiful mixtures of
latest material in Young Men's models* silk
lined, fashioned to meet u YOUNG AMER
ICA'S" taste* A look will convince you*
Do you know that you can buy a
1920 Model White Sewing Machine
by paying Cash, on a less per cent
profit on the dollar, than on any other
Standard article sold on the market,
and get all the improvements known to
the invention ?
White Sewing Machine Company
Z. V. SUMNER, Mgr., M SP
$1.50 A YEAR