Newspaper Page Text
Utils Girl Improves Rapidly When Given
ZIRON Iron Tonic.
Many mothers try one remedy after an
other, for the sufferings of their little ones,
without apparently being able to find the
right one. If anything seems wrong with
the blood, or stomach, or if the child’s
system is run-down and needs strengthen
ng, you may benefit by the experience of
this Westmorelantl, Tenn., mother, Mrs.
|ohn F. Anglea, who writes:
“My little girl had a terrible skin disease
and her stomach was in such a bad condi
tion. Nothing helped her, so we finally
started to give herZiron.
She improved so rapidly from the first
bottle, so we have given her two more.
She is much better.
Don’t try other remedies first! Choose
Ziron from the start. It has benefited
many people suffering from poor blood,
general weakness, less of appetite and
other symptoms which indicate lack of
Iron in the blood.
Sold by druggists on a money-back
9 ZN 15
Your Blood Needs
“Exelento Will Make Your Heir Lons, Too'*
’"Every woman ran
Bg have nice. lon* hair.”
** : JssßKi: f?aya May Gilbert. "My
hair has grown 28
Wr mgpKjWf inches lon* by using
Don’t be fooled by fake Kink Removera. You
can’t straighten your hair until it’s soft and
long. Our pomade removes dandruff, feeds the
roots of the hair and makes it grow long and
We make Exelento Skin Peautlfler, an
ointment for dark, sallow skin. Used In
treatment of skin troubles. ■
Write for Particulars
Bargain in Pigs
Registered Duroc Pigs for sale,
both sex. not related. Now is the
time to begin breeding registered
For prices write to
L. F. WHITE, Ellenwood, Ga.
Registration Papers go with each
n p on
j-roor or purity
5 / From cleanser to crowner, Chero
/ Cola is handled by automatic con
fc 1 veyors, but to establish proof positive
\ a °f purity, every bottle of Chero-Cola is hand
°'r’".£o o inspected before leaving the plant, by being
placd over a powerful electric Hght -
O Uniform amount of ingredients, perfect
\ carbonation and freedom from all impurities
h are the composite reasons for Chero-Cola’s
Life on the Farm.
The one that chooses rural life
Is free from every city strife
And on the farm in many ways
He spends his pleasant nights and days.
Among the singing birds he loves
The meadow larks and cooing doves
And always finds his greatest joy
When living as a country boy.
And when the days of labor close
He seeks his cot for sweet repose
And listens to the to the pat’ring rain
That falls against the window pane.
Next morning brings a cheerful scene
As he surveys the fields of green
Tho’ he may chance awhile to roam
He’ll not forger, his country home.
For there his early years were spent
And with surroundings was content
He always took a great delight
In all he did from morn till night.
Fanned by the gentle summer breeze
He’d rest beneath the cherry trees
And felt there was no better way
For him than on the farm to stay.
And yet the fellow city bred
Will often get it in his head
That he is on a higher plane
Than those who on the faim remain.
He says to them, just town
And see the circus with its clown
He claims there is a greater charm
For him than one upon the farm.
There will be lots of fun for you
In playing Bridge and Forty two
Our handsome girls are hard to beat
And some of them you ought to meet.
So come along and have a chance
To see them at a social dance
There need not be the least alarm
For you that live upon the farm.
Our girls can spin a reel with ease
And everyone in this agrees
But now, the farmer boy replies
Tho’ you may laud them to the siies
No fairer girls you’ve ever seen
Than country girls of sweet sixteen
And so he feels there’s greater joy
In living as a farmer boy.
McDonough, Ga. T. P.
Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money
this slip, enclose with 5c and mail
it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave.,Chicago, 111., writing your
name* and address clearly. Yon
will receive in return a trial
package containing Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and
rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder ailments; and Foley Ca
thartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache
and sluggish bowells. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
Germans Built Zeppelin
To Bomb United States.
A 600-foot Zeppelin, which was
ready to start for America with a
cargo of bombs to drop on New
York city when the armistice ne
gotiations began, is now in a shed
in Spandau, Germany, and if the
allied governments will permit will
soon start for America on a peace
ful mission under control of Amer
ican officers, according to Emil J.
Simon, of New York, a radio en
gineer who recently arrived from
“This Zeppelin,” Mr. Simon said,
“is the only one built for war pur
poses that was not destroyed by
the Germans. It is said to be the
best and largest machine of its
kind that the Germans ever built,
and was designed and constructed
with the idea of sending it over
the Atlantic to drop on New York
city a load of more than three tons
of high explosives.”
A Good Cough Medicine for Children
Mrs. ,T. W. Phillips, Redon, Ga.,
phoned to J.. M. Floyd, the mer
chant there, for a bottle of Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy and said
she had bought a bottle of it at his
store recentlv and that it was
doing her children so much good
that she wanted to keep up the
treatment. You will find nothing
better for coughs and colds in chil
dren or for yourself. It keepstho
cough loose, expectoration easy and
soon frees the system from oold.
For sale by Horton Drug Co.
“Brudders and sistahs,” said the
old colored preacher, 4 1’se gwine
to preach a powahful sermon dis
maunin. I’s gwine to define de
indefinable, I’se gwine to exolain
de inexplainable and I’se gwine to
unscrew de unscrutable.” —Uncle
Jim Williams.
This Means You.
When you get up with a had
taste in your ujouth, a dull tired
feeling, no relish for food and con
stipated, you may know that vou
need a dose of Chamberlain’s Tab
lets. They not only cause an agree
able movement, of the bowels, but
cleanse and invigorate the stomach
and improve the digestion. For
sale by Horton Drug Co.
Wasn’t it a Pity.
Little Annie was very fond ot
ripe olives, and her mother had
to watch her to see that she did
not indulge too freely. One day
there was company, and Annie
managed to have the olive dish
stopped near her plate.
After the dinner her mother
pointed to the pile of pits on
Anne’s plate and asked :
“How could you make such a
pig of yourself ? I should think
you would be ashamed to see so
many pits and ashamed to have
others see them.”
Annie hung her head and said :
“1 was. That’s the reason I
threw all the rest of them on the
floor.” .
mMM immWm. other ills
There are times when you need a blood medicine —
We Have It
When you need a constipation remedy that will really
cure and not just give temporary relief—
We Have It
In short, we have anything and everything in the way
of reliable remedies, Guaranteed by us, that you may
need. We will help you to keep fit.
McDonough, Georgia. •
This Woman Found Relief.
Men and women suffering from
backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
ana swollen joints, lameness and
soreness, will be glad to learn
how one woman found relief from
kidney and bladder trouble. Mrs.
G. Hyde, Homestead, Mich.,
writes: “I have been troubled
with weak kidneys ; and several
times in the last ten years I had
that terrible backache and tired
out feeling, scarcely able to do
my work. Foley Kidney Pills made
me feel like a new person.” The
McDonough Drug Co.
Our fat girl friend says that the
reason she doesn’t like a kiss over
the telephone is because it is so
much like a straw hat —it isn’t
felt, says Paragrapher Tucker of