Newspaper Page Text
[National Crop Improvement Service.]
To get the most out of hogs they
should he raised in relatively small
numbers on farms where there is con
siderable waste, such as skim milk,
buttermilk, culled fruits and vegeta
bles, grain and forage fields to glean,
and other foods which would otherwise
be wasted or marketed with difficulty.
Give the animals green pasture, but
also give them a plentiful supply of
concentrated foods.
Feed the young pigs well until they
are ready for the market, which should
be at about 100 pounds.
Provide shade and fresh drinking
Do not exert hogs during warm
Use self feeders for finishing market
Prevent hog cholera by vaccination.
Do not feed lice, but kill them by
means of using the dipping vat or
some device whereby the hogs may rub
crude oil over their bodies.
Breed up your herd by keeping only
the best individuals and breeding to
a purebred sire of the same breed.
[National Crop Improvement Service.]
There are many plans of financing
the pig club boy. Many banks are
now ready to. tnke the boy’s note un
secured for both nnlmal and feed.
In the endless chain plan a breeder
or a bank agrees to furnish the female
pig and agrees to tnke in return one
or more pigs from the Increase. The
contract generally provides that the
boy shall belong to a pig club and ob
serve its rules and follow as far as
possible the instructions and sugges
tions by the club leaders and to mnke
all of the reports required. The man
who furnishes the sow agrees to carry
the risk of death from causes that are
not due to negligence on the part of the
The boy agrees to breed the hog
when not less than eight months of
age to a registered boar of the same
breed and to raise the resulting litter
under the same rules that govern the
care of the sow.
The boy then agrees to give the man
who furnished the sow first choice of
all the little female pigs, and in case
it is agreed to breed a second time dur
ing the year, a second choice is given
at the age of eight weeks. These two
pigs are then considered full payment
for the original sow and the boy is en
titled to all that he can make.
There are many variations in this
plan. In case the sow pig is received
by the club member at weaning age,
two pigs from the first litter at the
same age, or one from the first and
the second, may be returned.
[National Crop Improvement Service.]
Pigs that are kept in pastures,
where they have access to green suc
culent grasses, do not suffer from a
water shortage ns much as those that
are fed in dry lots on dry feed. If the
dry feed heeds considerable water to
further the work of digestion the more
succulent green feeds will be eagerly
eaten afterward. Many feeders find
that withholding water tends to in
duce fattening hogs to eat more for
age. and helps balance the ration by
furnishing protein as well as acting
as a laxative.
But for breeding hogs, and growing
pigs, one cannot go far wrong in allow
ing the animal to decide when he wants
water and how much. He is generally
the best judge of both food and drink.
[National Crop Improvement Service.]
The most desirable hogs are those
that weigh 200 pounds, but many of
them are good up to 300 pounds, de
pending on their physical construc
Thousand-pound hogs, pound for
pound, are not as valuable as hogs
that weigh less, because their fatness
is mostly lard and other things than
ham and bacon and chops. It is the
tat that devops on such hogs and not
the meat.
Quick pork is the desideratum now
adays, and the packing houses prefer
them because they can keep up the
uniformity of their brand, and they
are certain to have young and tender
Nabbs —Believe me, a lot of folks
did’nt. have the war brought home to
; em till their boys had to go.
Nibbs —Yes, but a lot more will
have it brought home to them when
the boys get back.
Lost Opportunity.
“My first patient called on me
today,” said the young doctor.
He’s rich, too.”
“Congratulations,” replied the
elder doctor. “What was the
matter with him ?”
“Nothing. I couldn’t find a
thing wrong with him.”
“Ah, my boy, you still have a
great deal to learn about your
Making Matters Worse.
“When that irate woman was
giving you a tongue lashing why
didn’t you hum a little tune?”
“Just to show her that she
wasn’t hurting my feelings any ?”
“Of course.”
“I was afraid that I might find
out that Kipling was right when
he said the female of the species
was worse than the male.”
Most laxatives and cathartics
afford only temporary relief and
should be used only for that pur
pose. When you want permanent
relief take Chamberlain's Tablets
and be careful to observe the direc
tions with each package. These
tablets not only move the bowels,
but improve the appetite and
strengthen the digestion. For sale
by Horton Drug Co.
An Indiana man was fined SIOO
for embracing the wrong woman.
Bill Biffem, in the Savannah Press,
says always take a good look at a
girl before you hug her.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured bv the use of HALL’S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken in
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
You can learn a little each day
unless vOu are one of those per
sons who knows it all.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
i A Nervous j
For the woman who has be-
I come "a nervous wreck”, be
| cause of the physical ilia pecu-
I liar to women there’s relief and
restoration to health and hap-
I piness in an old family doctor's
i prescription used in his prac
| tice for half a century to help
I suffering women and safeguard
i young girls.
> T p, .
Mrs. Parnlee Frazier, Longview, Tex.,
said of STFLLA VITAE: “I cannot say W
too much for this wonderful medicine. \\
I had taken other female medicines for Wm
two years with no g' d results I am M
truly grateful for STiiLLA VITAE. B
Mrs. J. P. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had B
female complaint for years. ' Three a
bottles of STELLA VITAE cured her, ®
Khe said, and added, “I aui certainly S
thankful for this great female tonic.’* B
Sold by your its
Jr druggist upon
Xg agreement that if the VkH
B Tirst Bottle falls to bene-
¥ fit, money will be refunded.
Chattanooga, Tena., V. S. A. [pj
For Sale by Horton Drug Co
Sheriff for Best Man.
My father was at one time a
sheriff in Colorado, writes a cor
respondent. He arrested a young
man on a charge of assault with
intent to kill, growing out of a
quarrel over some water rights.
The man had no one to go on his
bond and had to stay in jail.
He said he didn’t mind the ar
rest so much because he was sure
he would be cleared when his case
was tried, hut it was just three
days before Ins wedding. The
next day the prospective bride
put in an appearance and pleaded
with my father to let him off for
the wedding, as everything had
been arranged for it.
Father knew it would cause
trouble with the other faction in
the quarrel if he released the man.
He agreed to let him go ahead if
they would let him act as best
man with the bridegroom hand
cuffed to him. This was agreed
to. The wedding came off at the
scheduled time. Father drove out
from the jail with the bridegroom,
stood up with him during the cere
mony, and brought him back im
mediately afterwards. A month
later the man was acquitted.
A Cheerful Recommendation.
“They should be in every travel
ing man’s grip,” writes Geo. Jen
ner, 416 Labor St., San Antonio,
Texas, of FoFy Cathartic Tablets.
“They are the best laxative 1 have
taken and I cheerfully recommend
them to anyone suffering with
constipation or biliousness.” They
thoroughly cleanse the bowels,
sweeten the stomach and benefit
the liver. They correct indiges
tion, bad breath, bloating, gas,
coated tongue and other results
of siuggish bowels. No
no nausea. McDonough Drug Co.
Honey and Tar
can be relied upon to get rid of coughs
and colds that lead to serious illness if
Every User a Friend
“The only remedy we ever use for
coughs and colds is Foley’s Honey and
Tar Compound. It has been our stand
by for years, and it never fails us.” —
T. H. Foley, Marquette, Mich.
“I surely know the worth of Foley’s
Honey and Tar, as I have taken it
with good results. Also have sold
hundreds of bottles.” —A. L. Stans
bury, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Children like Foley’s Honey
and Tar. It contains no opiates ,
and will not injure a delicate
stomach .
Th« McDonough D'-ug Zr.
Keep Well
Do not allow the
poisons of undigested
food to accumulate in
your bowels, where they
are absorbed into your
system. Indigestion, con
stipation, headache, bad
blood, and numerous
other troubles are bound
to follow. Keep your
system clean, as thous
ands of others do, by
taking an occasional dose
oi the old, reliable, veg
etable, family liver medi
Mrs. W. F. Pickle, of
Rising Fawn, Ga., writes:
“We have used Thed
ford’s Black-Draught as
a family medicine. My
mother-in-law could not
take calomel as it seemed
too strong for her, so she
used Black-Draught as a
mild laxative and liver
regulator.. .We use it
in the family and believe
it is the best medicine for
the liver made.” Try it.
Insist on the genuine—
Thedford’s. 2dc a pack
age. E-75
Luzianne is roasted
in New Orleans by The
Reily-Taylor Company
known throughout the
Southland as “makers
of good coffee!’ For
16yearsThe Reily-Tay
lor Company has guar
an teed every pound of
If, after using entire con- i
fentg of the can according Cff
to directions, you are not _ corra
■atisfied in every respect,
your grocer will refund .
the me ey you paid for it.
You Will Save Money by Buying the
IDAHOME (plain flour)
T WIN ID A (self-rising flour)
H. V. KELL CO., Griffin, Ga.
Distributors for Middle Ga.
f ‘ ’NELSON’S will make you proud of your hair ’ * -
The particular colored people of the
United Str.tes use Sj g'. ,
Nelson's h %
Hair Dressing I! |r Mw
For more
been sold and recommended by drug fj
stores everywhere. Nelson’s makes stub- : /M
bom, curly hair soft, glossy and easy to
manage. It is fine for the scalp, relieves
dandruff and makes the hair grow. PERROL DAVIS
It is important to get the genuine Nelson’s. a gir l 0 f Tampa.. Fla., say,
1 oke th.s advertisement to the drugstore there is no K a i r dressing
and be sure to get the genuine NELSON S j^ e
Nelson Manufacturing C!o., Inc. Send us jJour photograph
. RICHMOND, VA. * ou use NELSON'S.
X /
tkat Endures-
V.Tien you buy a range, you want one that will last a long time
1 and continue to give good service as long as it lasts. That is why
you should investigate
copper bearing
They are made of the famous coppcr-bcaring iron, rust-proof and durable, and the
.patented one-picce construction of top rim and body means that as the years go by, there
iare no joints to t> iden cut a" d let ;n cold air to cocl the oven and weaken the draft.
They are famous bakers, too. and the many devices for saving time and labor make
them a joy to the house* Te. For instance, there is the 10-gal!on copper reservoir ad
joining the fire-box and insuring a constant supply of hot water. Then there are the handy
warming cabinets, and the clean, roomy warming closet with pipe behind it, which
keeps food warm without drying it out.
There are Allen Princess dealers, everywhere. Consult one of them or write direct
Cor our illustrated catalogue.
STOCKBRIDGE MER. CO., Stockbridg, Ga.
We Lead, Others Try to Follow.