Newspaper Page Text
The Odd Fellows lodge of Mc-
Donough will hold a special meet
ing next Tuesday night. Refresh
ments will be served and degrees
conferred. All members ot the
order are requested to be present.
In the midst of the most pros
perous times the United States
has ever experienced, we are all
at the same time passing through
a most critical period of unrest
and discontent, and what the out
come is going to be only the
future can reveal.
Mr. H. A. Sims, one of our
clever and efficient R. F. D. carri
ers, has purchased the brick
building just in the rear of B.
B. Carmichael & Sons and has
opened up a garage. Thus Mc-
Donough keeps growing.
The colored M. E. Church of
McDonough held a rally last Sun
day in the interest of a new church
building and raised between three
and four thousand dollars as a
beginning, which means that it
will be a success.
The rush of cotton being put on
the market is taxing the capacity
of warehouses everywhere. Our
thriving little town of McDonough
has several good warehouses, but
they are just simply unable to
meet the present rushing demand.
The working team of the great
75-million-dollar campaign of the
McDonough church were very
pleasantly entertained at the home
of the pastor, Rev. J. M. Gilmore,
Tuesday evening. The working
team is composed of eleven teams
of two each, making a committee
of twenty-two, which will make a
complete canvass of the church
November 30th.
John R. Smith, H. C. Hightower,
Lovett Burch and ye local, atten
ded the Masonic lodge at Stock
bridge last Friday night to witness
the conferring of the first and
third degree work. A team from
Hapeville lodge put on the work,
Dr. Mills of that city acting as
presiding officer, conferring the
first degree on three candidates
and the third on two. Oyster
and Brunswick stews were served
in abundance, a large number of
the fraternity were present and
Stockbridge lodge extended a
hearty welcome and the occasion
was highly enjoyed by all.
i - it
ill Writes
1 Right,—
A Perfect Self-Filling
J Fountain Pen
Free From Faults
Why Come to One Price
Dental Office?
Here are five good reasons:
1. Tainless methods used which insure
your comfort,
2. Only skilled dentists employed.
3. Finest materials and workmanship
4. Hundreds of enthusiastic patients
guarantee satisfaction to you.
5_ Our prices will more than save yoitr
104$ Whitehall St* : Cor. Mitchell
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
The petition of j. J. Fisher, Fred
Varner and J. G. Smith, of Henry
County, Ca., respectfully shows :
1. That they desire for them
selves, their associates and success
ors. to be incorporated and made a
body politic under the name and
stvle of Henry County Milling and
Ice Company, for the period of
twenty years.
2. The principal office of said
Company shall be in the City of
McDonough, state and county
aforesaid, but petitioners desire
the right to establish offices else
where, whenever the holders of
the stock may so desire,
3. The object of said corpora
tion is pecuniary gain to itself and
its shareholders.
4. The business to be carried on
by said Corporation is a regular
milling business and the buying
and selling of grains of all kinds
and the grinding of said grains into
flour, meal or foodstuffs, and any
and all relating in any way to or is
a necessary part of a regular mill
ing business either for toll or for
other remuneration. They also
desire to run an ice business, mak
ing and manufacturing ice, buying
any and all necessary articles for
the carrying on of such business,
selling or otherwise using the pro
duct of such ice plant, keeping cold
storage for rent or hire, making
and bottling and selling drinks
such as are allowed by law and
doing any and all acts necessary to
or in any way connected with the
regular business of making and
selling ice and bottling and selling
5. The capital stock of said Cor
poration shall be Twenty Thousand
Dollars ($20,000) with the privilege
of increasing the same to Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000) said
stock to be divided into shares of
Twenty Dollars ($20.00) each. Ten
per cent of tbe amount of capital
to be employed by them has been
actually paid in. Petitioners desire
tbe right to have the subscription
to said capital stock paid in money
or property to be taken at a fair
6. Petitioners desire the right
to sue and be sued, to have and use
a common seal, to make all neces
sary hv-laws and regulations, and
to do all other thing that may be
necessary for the successful carry
ing on of said business, including
the right to buy, hold, and sell real
and personal property suitable to
the purpose of the corporation,
and to execute notes and bonds as
evidence of indebtedness incurred,
or which may be incurred, in the
oonduct of the affairs of the corpo
ration and to secure the same by
mortgage, security deed, or other
form of lien, under existing laws,
7. They desire for said corporation
the power and authority to apply
for and accept amendments to its
oharter of either form or substance
by a vote of a majority of its stock
outstanding at the time. They also
ask authority for said incorpora
tion to wind up its affairs, liquidate
and discontinue its business at any
time it may determine to do so by
a vote of two-thirds of its stock
outstanding at the time.
8. They desire for said incorpo
ration the right of renewal when
and as provided by the laws of
Georgia, and that it have all such
other rights, powers, privileges
and immunities as are incident to
like corporations or permissable
under the laws of Georgia.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to
be incorporated under the name
and style aforesaid with the powers,
privileges and immunities herein
set forth, and as are now, or may
hereafter be, allowed a corporation
of a similar character under the
laws of Georgia.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
1, H. C. Hightower, Clerk of the
Superior Court of Henry County,
hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct copy of the
application for charter, as the same
appears of file in this office.
This, the sth day of November,
Clerk of Superior Court.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: A. S. McGar
ity having in due form made application
to me to lie appointed permanent admin
istrator upon the estate Jno. M. McGarity
late of said county, notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard at the
regulai term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county, to be held on the first Mon
day in December, 1919
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 27th day of October, 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Signature of
It Doesn’t
Any More
To Be Stylish
We have a fine assortment
of the New Fall Models for I; ''ijkfljjmty
men and young men here;
they.have the value tailored if
right into the fine All-Wool l||p ImL
One fine thing about Hart Mr Jg|
Schaffner & Marx Clothes ||J/ H
is that their Superior Style Jpp/
doesn t add a cent to their cost. Alright i9i9,uartschaSiiu&Marr
YOU’LL FIND- -Some exceptional
values in Suits and Overcoats here now* It'll
pay you to make your selection promptly*
Our prices on Quality Stoves cannot be
equalled. Read below and become convinced.
The following prices include No. 2 of
Ware and Four Joints Pipe.
No. 8 Laßelle Cook Stoves, 17-inch oven on base, nickel trimmings $33*50
No. 8 Laßelle Cook Stoves, 19-inch oven on base, nickel trimmings 37*85
No. 8 Marvel Cook Stoves, 16-inch oven on legs 26*45
No. 8 Marvel Cook Stoves, 19-inch oven on legs 28*75
we: offer vou in
A Heater that will not puff, and is the next easily kept
clean; a Heater that will save you time and money in great
ly reduced fuel bills ; a Heater in which the fire is not out
from Fall until Spring. Cole’s Original Hot is the
only Stove of any kind that has all these advantages.
Decide Now —Put this handsome and economical
Heater in your home Today.
9 Blades, Steel Wheels, Staggared Spokes, Non-Clogging
Knife Head, Proof Bearings and other features you
will appreciate. Figure with us on your Stalk Cutter.
mcdonough, - Georgia.