Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County ¥/eek!y
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
An appeal has already been made through the columns of this
paper by Federation of Women’s Clubs and U. D. C’s. of Henry coun
ty to citizens of the county to form a Memorial Association for the
purpose of erecting a Memorial Building to the boys of Henry county
who were called into service during the war.
The city council of McDonough has generously given a lot for
this Memorial Building. That we may know more fully the sentiment
of the people concerning this method of showing our appreciation for
the sacrifices made by these brave, gallant young men and of thus
honoring both the living and dead, we would be glad to secure ex
pressions from all our patriotic citizens.
If your heart is in the movement, please sign the following cou
pon, clip it out and send to Mr. George Alexander, Publicity Director:
I fully approve of the formation of a Memorial Association for the
purpose of commemorating the sacrifices made by our Henry county
boys during the war, and believe that we should erect a serviceable
building as the best means of showing our love and appreciation.
Tax Collectors Notice.
Monday, Nov. 17, Greenwood, 8 a. m.; Luella, 10 a. m.
Tuesday, Nov. 18, Flippen, 8 a. m.; Sixth, 10 a. m.; R. W. Exum’s,
11 a. m.
Wednesday, Nov. 19, Stockbridge.
Thursday, Nov. 20, Locust Grove.
Will be in McDonough every Saturday and all public days.
C. R. HAND, Tax Collector.
Forluss CHAS. D. NEW AAA IN FoML S ess
Outfitter to Menu, Women and Children
Just Arrived!
Extraordinary values in
Ladies Coat Suits
At extremely Low Prices*
To skeptical customers, all we ask of you is drop in and examine our extensive line of mer
chandise, and we will be able to call you our regular customers from then on, and you will also quote
the following: “Why Worry About High Prices When Newman Sells for Less,”
V f
Sens For i.ess CHAS. D. NEWMAN Sells For Less
mcdonouoh, Georgia. Friday, November 14, 1919.
Bible Class Supper a
Delightful Affair
One of the happiest and most
thoroughly enjoyable occasions
that could be imagined, was the
oyster supper at the Brown House
(Thursday night of last week, got
! ten up for the Men’s Bible Class
of the Methodist Sunday School.
About sixty ine.i were present,
including nearly every member of
the class, with a few specially in
vited guests.
The best idea of the nature of
the entertainment may be had from
the following neatly printed in
vitation :
“Boy howdy! Glad to see you.
Bring a smile and come to supper
at the Brown House Nov. 6, 1919,
7 to 10 p. m., with the Men’s Bible
Class. Menu : Oysters more
oysters—and then some —business
—coffee. Music. Desert: Speech
es fun, choice of either one. At
tire—anything but a grouch. Big
After a royal feast of oysters
and accompaniments, Rev. H. C.
Emory assumed the role of toast
master, calling upon various guests
for speeches, a veritable “feast of
reason and flow of soul” follow
ing, with numerous happy hits.
After transacting routine busi
ness, electing officers, etc., a mo
tion was adopted making the oc
casion an annual affair, which was
amended by Mr. John Rodgers, a
Big White Elephant Sale.
On November 21 and 22 there
will be a big “white elephant
sale” in Mr. Howard Carmichael’s
store beginning at ten o’clock
Friday a. m. and continuing thru
Saturday p. m. under the auspices
of the U. D. C’s.
The proceeds from this sale will
be used in the building that is to
be erected in memory of the Hen
ry county soldiers who fought in
the late war.
Not only will “white elephants”
be sold, but almost everything
else. Delicious refreshments will
be served each afternoon, such as
sandwiches of all kinds, hot drinks
and other delicacies.
There will be something at this
sale that will interest everybody.
Don’t fail to come and see for
Tires Vulcanized by Steam
Method on Air Cure. All work
guaranteed. C. L. Sims at Sims’
guest, including honorary invita
tions permanently.
At the conclusion the benedic
tion was pronounced by Rev.
Cates, the large assemblage retir
ing with profuse thanks to Mrs.
Fouchfc and the number of young
ladies who so gracefully assisted
her in providing one of the most
thoroughly delightful entertain
ments in their exprience.
Young Men’s Suits
Just Arrived, some beautiful mixtures of
latest material in Young Men's models, silk
lined, fashioned to meet “YOUNG AMER
ICA'S" taste. A look will convince you.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Sloan Celebrate Wed
ding Anniversary.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Sloan presented an unusually at
tractive scene Friday evening
when they entertained at a large
reception in celebration of the fit -
teenth anniversary cf their wed
The house was beautifully dec
orated throughout with handsome
ferns, pot plants and baskets of
carnations, a color scheme of pink
and white being carried out is
every detail.
The punch bowls embedded in
a bower of green foliage were
presided over by Misses Marie
Dupree, Flora Neal and Musette
Hill. The guests were met at the
door by Mrs. Adam Sloan, Mrs.
Helen Cook, Misses Mary Watkins
and Bess Fouche. Receiving with
Mr. and Mrs Sloan were Mr. and
Mrs. D. T. Carmichael, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Turner and Mrs. Bryon
Dunn, of Manchester. In the din
ing room where lovely gifts of
crystals were displayed a salad
course was served by Mesdame*
A. R. Scott, Alex Brown, Roy Tur
ner and Miss Agnes Dunn.
Vocal solos by Mrs. Weyman
Sloan and Prof. G. H. Boyd added
to the enjoyment of the evening,
also piano selections by Mrs. Ben
ton Thompson and Miss Annie G.
There were one hundred and
fifteen guestp present.
$1.50 A YEAR