Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County V/eekly
Baptist $75,000,000 Campaign.
A world visiom of service has set the Baptists to the heroic and
divine act of spiritualizing and mightily strengthening all home bases,
and reaching out with compassionate heart to all suffering people of
the earth. Great tasks make great people. God’s people cannot
afford to be a little people.
Are you a part of this great Campaign ?
The Sr. B. Y. P. U. will render the following campaign program
Sunday morning, 11 o’clock, at the McDonough Baptist church.
Eyerybody is cordially invited to be present.
Scripture Lesson.
1. Launching the 75-Million-Dollar Campaign.
2. What the 75 Million Campaign Means to Christian Education.
“ “ “ “ “ “ Foreign Missions.
“ “ “ “ “ “ Home Missions.
“ “ “ “ “ “ State Missions.
“ “ “ “ “ “ Ministerial Relief.
“ “ “ “ “ “ Orphanages.
“ “ “ “ “ “ Hospitals.
“ “ “ “ “ “ National Memorial.
3. What is necessary to bring success ?
(1) Divine Leadership and Consecration. ;
Poem —When I met my Master face to face.
(2) Information and Prayer.
(3) Enlistment and Stewardship.
4. Victory and its Results.
Ford Car for Sale.
1916 Touring Car, just oyer
hauled, bran new 1919 engine,
new fenders, lamps, cushions, tires
and hood. Fine condition, runs
good as new.
See W. W. Turner.
For Less
Outfitter to Men, Women and Children
Just Arrived!
• *
Extraordinary values in
Ladies Coat Suits
At extremely Low Prices*
To skeptical customers, all we ask of you is drop in and examine our extensive line of mer
chandise, and we will be able to call you our regular customers from then on, and you will also quote
the following: “Why Worry About High Prices When Newman Sells for Less/'
Sells For Less
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Pure Georgia Cane Syrup
$1.35 per gallon in 35 gallon
barrels; 1 gallon cans $1.50, 6 gal
lons to case, f. o. b. Cairo.
Rosser & Jeffares,
Cairo, Georgia.
McDonough, qeorgia. Friday. November 21, 1919.
Here are the appointments for
the Griffin Distrcit, M. E. Church,
by the Conference last week, and
everybody is pleased with the re
turn of brother Emory to his
charge here. A distinct honor
was conferred upon the McDon
ough pastor by his election as
Conference Secretary, and that he
made a good one goes without
saying. The appointments:
Luke G. Johnson. P. E.
Barnesville, Frank Quillian.
Culloden and Yatesville, J. J.
Fayetteville, Geo. C. Gary.
Flovilla circuit, Adrian Warrick.
Forsyth, E. D. Hale.
Forsyth circuit H. L. Byrd.
Griffin First Church, W. P. King
Griffin circuit, J. H. Pharr.
Hauleiter, W. S. Gaines.
Hampton, W. O. McMullan.
Inman, J. R. Jones.
Jackson, S. R. England.
Jenkinsburg, J. W. Taylor.
Locust Grove, D. P. Johnson.
Milner, D. H. Trammell.
McDonough and Turner’s, H. C.
The Rock, R. P. Tatum.
Thomaston, M. S. Williams.
Zebulon, J. D. Milton.
For Rent.
2-horse 70 acre farm, 2 good
dwellings and barns on same for 4
bales of cotton. See
E. L. Reagan.
For Sale.
One Hudson Super-Six Car.
Would exchange for a Ford Car.
Joel Bankston,
McDonough, Ga.
Fourth Sunday
Missionary Program
Our ladian Brothers
Song, “Tell It Out.”
Prayer, Rev. H. C. Emory.
Scripture Lesson, Math. 5, 13-16
Mary Weems.
Song, Primary Dept.
The First Thanksgiving Procla
First Indian —Hamilton Steele
Second “ —J. C. Harris Jr.
First Squaw—Josephine Turner
Second “ —Mary Alice Turner
Indian Girl —Elizabeth Morgan
Baby —Wilmer St. John
Messenger—H. L. Nail.
Chief Massasoit —Wade Hunt
Scouts —T. J. Horton, Lawrence
Hopkins, Clinton Hightower, D. P.
Cook, A. C. Ward.
Song, “Cead On, 0 King Eternal
Scripture Lesson.
Reports of Sec., Wade Turner
Tax (Jolledtors Notice.
Monday, Nov. 24, Crumbley’s Store, 8 a. m.; Elliston, 9:30 a.
Adair’s Store, 11 a. m.; Jeffares Store, 12 a. m.; Ow, 1:30 p. m.
Tuesday, Nov. 25, Kelleytown, 9 a. m.; Whitehouse, 11 a. m.
Hinton’s Mill, 12:30.
Wednesday. Nov. 26, Brushy Knob, 9 a. m.; J. T. Scarbrough's
Store, 10:30 a. m.; L. F. White’s Store, 11:30 a. m.; Shakerage, 1 p. in.
Friday, Nov. 28, Flippen, 8 a, m.; Sixth district, 9:30 a. in.; R. W;
Exum’s, 10:30 a. m.
Wednesday, Dec. 3, Luella, from 8 to 12 m.
Thursday, Dec. 4, Stockbridge
Friday, Dec. 5 Locust Grove.
Monday, Dec. 8, Hampton.
Will be in office balance of time until books close, Dec. 20;
C. R. HAND, Tax Collector.
Young Men’s Suits
Just Arrived, some beautiful mixtures of
latest material in Young Men's models, silk
lined, fashioned to meet “YOUNG AMER
ICA'S ff taste* A look will convince you*
Fine Work in Sixth*
All reports from district presi
dents were full of interesting de
Mrs. R. H. Hankinson, of the
Sixth district, was kept away from
the convention by serious illness,
but when annou icement was
made bv Mrs. Hays of the award
of the gavel which goes to the
district turning in the largest
number of new clubs each year, it
was found that the Sixth district
had tied with the Fourth and
Third districts for the gavel. In
recognition of Mrs. Hankinson's
splendid work and as an expres
sion of the love of the federation
the convention sent her a telegram
of congratulations on her fine
record. —Macon Telegraph.
Anjournment 10:45.
You are invited to be present.
T. J. HORTON, Supt.
For Less
Sells For Less
$1.50 A YEAR