The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 21, 1919, Image 2
The Henry County Weekly By J. A. FQUCHE. Entered at the postoffice at McDon ough, Ga., as second class mall matter. Advertising Hates 15c per inch, posi tion 5c additional—special contracts. Official Oriran of Henry County. McDonough, Ga., Nov. 21, 1919. It’s alright to get the Christmas habit —but not the intoxicating kind. The Henry County Fair next year is going to be a humdinger and don’t you forget it. The world needs workers not strikers. Men that will stay on the job in the hour of need. The cry of. peace, peace, seems to be a misnomer, since the good book says there is no peace. The rumor that Jack Frost knocked out the boll weevil in the first round lacks confirmation. How can you expect a man to love his neighbor as himself, when he has no mercy Hir his own car cass ? In the miners strike, as in everything else, Uncle Sam has shown himself master of the situ ation. ‘‘What are you going to do if you don’t answer the roll call?” Griffin News. Go to the guard house of course. The hand of Providence has guided the hand of Woodrow Wilson in all of his undertakings, hence his success. It is the duty of every citizen of Henry county to contribute to the memorial hall in honor of our boys who fell in France. The laborer is worthy of his hire. But many are clamoring for more wages who do not earn what they already receive. With the completion of Dr. Smith’s mammoth power plant, great things may be expected for McDonough’s improvement, r The strike agitators are gener ally tellovvs who get big salaries not the fellow who earns his liv ing by the sweat of his brow. t Uncle Sam has been too lenient with the I. W. W.’s, but will draw the line tighter since their cow ardly murder of a number of soldiers in an Armistice Day parade. Much has been said about Mc- Donough and its environments, all of which are true, but what we need most of all is more unity of purpose and get-together policy. A town pulling two ways at the same time never gets anywhere. There is but one solution for universal peace, and that is the sabre of Christianity, which has won more battles than all the shot and shell in Christendom. It does not take life but preserves it, and carries joy instead of sorrow to to the hearts of all. There is but one way to obtain peace*, and that is* fa 1 all to bathe themselves in the blood of the martyr of Cal- Vc .-y, practice and preach His teachings. Then and not until then will we have peace. God SDeed the day when all with one accord can truthfully exclaim: “I am a follower of the meek and lowly Nazarene.” Enforcement of the New School Law. I wish to put teachers, trustees and patrons on notice, and at the same time give warning, that the State Board of Education will strictly enforce the new coinpul sory attendance law. This law goes into effect Jan 1, 1920. See that each child is enrolled and that a written excuse is given for absence and sent into the Board of Education. Respectfully, T. J. HORTON, C. S. S. Sec. 172. Any parent, guardian or other person who has charge and control of a child between the ages aforesaid, and who wilfully fails to comply with the foregoing requirements shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ten dollars for first offense, and not to exceed twenty dollars for each subsequent of fense, said fines to include all costs; but the court trying the case may, in its discretion, suspend enforcement of the punishment, if the child be immediately placed in attendance at a school as afore said, and may finally remit the same if such attendance has con tinued regularly for the number of months hereinbefore prescribed for attendance. School attend ance may be proved by an attest ed certificate of the principal or teacher in charge of the school. No person shall be prosecuted for violation of the foregoing require ments unless the board of educa tion of the county or municipality in which the person accused of such violation resides shall haye caused to be served upon the ac cused, at least ten days before prosecution, a written notice of the charge with the name of the child to which it refers. Any per son so notified, not previously convicted of violation of this Act as to the child referred to in said notice, may prevent prosecution on the charge set out therein, by giving, at any time before such prosecution is instituted, a bond in the penal sum of fifty dollars payable to the Ordinary of the county, with security to be ap proved by the Ordinary, condi tioned that the said person shall thence fully comply with the re quirements of this section as to the said child. Each days willful failure of a parent, guardian or other person in charge and con trol of a child as aforesaid, after the expiration of ten days from such notice, to cause the child to attend school, when such attend ance is required by this section, shall constitute a separate offense. In prosecutions under this section the exemptions and excuses here- in provided fur shall he matters of defense to be established by the accused, and need not be negativ ed in the indictment of accusation. Duties of Boards of Education and Teachers. Sec. 173. It shall be the duty of the County and Municipal | Boards of Education to investigate ! as to the attendance or non-atten dance of children required by’this I section to attend the schools uti- Ider their supervision, and it shall also be their duty to institute or cause to be instituted prosecutions against persons violating this sec- A i ood Cough Medicine for Children I .Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Redon, Ga., ! phoned to J . M. Floyd, the mer chant there, for a bottle of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy and said sho had bought a bottle of it at his store recently and that it was doing her children so much good that she wanted to keep up the treatment. You will find nothing better for coughs and colds in chil dren or for yourself. It keeps the cough loose, expectoration easy and soon frets the system from cold. For sale by Horton Drug Co. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA tion. It shall be the duty of the principal or teacher in charge of any public schools, in which oupils between the ages of eight and fourteen years of age are instruct ed, to keep an acccurate record of the attendance of such pupils, and at the end of each month to make a written report of the same to the Board of Education having supervision of the school, and to note therein excused absences and the reasons therefor. Attendance Officer. Sec. 174. Each County and Municipal Board of Education shall employ an attendance officer whose duty it shall be to report to the Board of Education failure of attendance on the part of pupils between the ages of 8 and 14 years. For this service these of ficials shall be paid not less than one dollar nor more than three dollars per day during the time employed and said payment shall be paid, so far as possible, ffom the fees collected. The balance due shall be paid from the school funds of the county or local svs tem. Any Board or local system failing to comply with this law for attendance officer shall not be en titled to receive funds from the State Treasury until it is shown that said attendance officer has been appointed and has entered upon his duties. Only a Cold. Are you ill ? is often answered : ‘‘Oh ! it’s only a cold,” as if a cold was only a matter of little conse quence, but people are beginning to learn that, a common cold is a matter not to be trifled with, and that some of the most serious dis-' eases start with a cold. As soon as the first indication of a cold appears take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Remember that the sooner you get rid of your cold the less the danger, and this remedy will help you throw it off. For sale by Horton l)rng Co. ■Buick Five-Passenger Touring Car THE BUICK Model K-Six-45 is a very capable open car for five persons, designed to cover the multitude of uses to which such a car is put. It differs from the big seven passenger model only in tonneau and chassis length, possessing the same degree of ruggedness, easy-flowing power and mechanical excellence. The tonneau is even more liberally proportioned. The seat is full three-passenger capacity, set at a comfortable angle. The sides are upholstered clear to the doors with the same French pleated leather used on the cushions and seat backs. Each of the four doors is equipped with a side pocket for storing small parcels. The instrument board is illuminated by a dash lamp. Top and side curtains are made of high grade fabric, the curtains swinging open with the doors. Behind the front seat is a very convenient pocket for storing the side curtains when not in use. When Better Automobiles Are Built BUICK Will Build Them TOLLESON TURNER, Sales Agents McDonough, ga. New Car-Load received. For Administration. GEORGIA—Hanry County. To whom it may o mcern: A, S. McGar ity having in due form made application to me to be appointed permanent admin istrator upon the estate Jno. M. McGar tty late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be hear t at the regukti term of the Court of Ordinary for i s aid county, to be held on Ihe first Mon day in Decent be r, 1919 Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th day ol October, 1911). A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. Dismission From Administration. | GEORGIA— Henry County. Whereas J. M. Tarpley; Adruinatrator of W. H Tarpley, represents to the court in his petition, duly llled and entered on record, that he has fully administered W. H ‘i'arpley’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to ,-how cause, if any they can. why said Adminis trator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dismiss on on the first Decem ber, 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Odrinary. If you wnnt a monument. See H. W Carmichael. Full flavor Every pound of Luz ianne Coffee comes to you in an air-tight tin can. The original goodness of the coffee is all there—sealed in. 1 Luzianne retains its p* ( GUARANTEE. If, after using entire con- XCLV Lx X a tents of the can according to directions, * you are not satisfied In every respect, your grocer will refund the money you paid forlt. %«««»# ’7o*re»tMo*iw coffee The Reily-Taylor Company J\lew Orleans 1920 Model K-4S watch Igp Cholera Mofbus, etc. ME Be prepared to check and f|g. relieve such troubles by £9 keeping in the family K medicine chest a bottle of l|| Dr. Thacher’s J® ■ft Diarrhoea Mixture S In use for half a century. At all drug stores; 35c. K Money Eack if no benefit. Thacher Medicine Co. Hg Chattanooga, Tenn., U. S. A. Jk For Sale by Hortou Drug Co.