The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 21, 1919, Image 3

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    IfAtl j, %n *'* 1} *' " ) 'T
Lhiii LoOL.'Vw^.
1123 Cirl l;:::rcvis f!a;:-!y When C:v:n
ZIRON Iron Ter'e.
Many mothers try one remedy after an
other, for thesiiffefincs of their,
Without apparent’y being able to find the
right one. if a..; .sing seems wrong with
Ihe blood, or stomach, or it the child’s
lystem is run-do wn and needs strengthen
ing, you may benefit by the experience of
this Westmorela: « . Tenn., mother, Mrs.
John F. Anglea, who writes:
“My Hide "iri had a terrible skin disease
ind her stomach was in such a bad condi
tion. Nothing helped her, so we finally
Started to give her Zhou.
She improved so rapidly from the first
bottle, so we have given her two more.
She is much better.”
Don’t try other remedies first! Choose
Ziron from the start. It has benefited
many people rvrormg from poor blood,
general weakness, io&s oi appetite and
p'.her symptoms which indicate lack cl
tror. in the blood.
Sold by druggists on a money-back
ZN 15
Your Blood Needs
"Exelento Will Make Your Hair Lons, Too"
wki "Every woman can
wßggv) have nice, long hair.''
’SPfira*- Ba Y s May Gilbert. "My
0* l ,a, * r ha* grown 28
T*’ 77 inches lonir by using
\ , / your wonderful
Fion’t be fooled by fake Kink Removers You
can t straighten your l air until it’s soft and
long. Our pomade removes oendrulT, feeds the
roots of the hair ana makes it grow long and
We make Exelento Skl.i Ttenutlfler, on
ointment for dark, sallow skdn. Used In
treatment of skin troubles.
Write ter Particulars
EXELEiIiO mcm CS., Mania, Ea.,
H i oriuiuuTi.u 1
Bargain in Pigs
Registered Duron Pigs for sale,
both sex. not related. Now is the
time to begin breeding registered
Du roc s.
For prices write to
L. F. WHITE, Ellenwood, Ga.
Registration Papers go with each
[Nelivering the Goods”
The connecting link between the Chero-Cola
'W Bottler and the Chero-Cola consumer is found in
the slogan —“perfect service.
Whether it be to serve soda fountain trade, grocery store or
. - refreshment stand, this service is
always the same.
- The rapidly growing demand for Chero-
Cola makes fleets of motor trucks do service
EJ~ to furnish the supply.
This is only one reason for Chero-Cola’a
New Hope.
L isc Whok'j* items.
On last Sunday, both morning
and evening, we h id a rare treat
in services, being conducted at
this place by three young minis
ters of Emorv University, namely:
Messes. Charlas R. McKibben, C.
R. Holland and .John Wesley Shin
(a Chinaman), and seldom have
we iistened to more earnest, inspi
ring messages than those given
by these bright, enthusiastic cor.-
seciated young men. A large
audience listened attentively and
appreciatively at both services.
Dr. Mosely and wife of Atlanta
visited the home of Mr. J. D.
McKibben last Sunday.
School has begun at New Hope
with quite a number of new
pupils. Mrs. Adel Morgan and
Miss Fannie Tolleson are teachers.
Messrs. Lucas Waters, G. G.
LeGuinn and I. J. Cardell went to
Reinhardt a few days ago to visit
children in school there.
Sunday school at this place
continues fairly good.'
Cotton picking nearly over with
most of us.
And now may we close with
gleanings from people who know
how to think?
“One of the characteristics of a
selfish soul is the inclination to
speak of himself immoderately.”
“When a man is wrapped up in
himself he makes a very small
parcel. When a man has shrunk
to that size that he can be wrap
ped up in himself there is not
much to wrap up.”
“There is danger that we shall
be so busy that our own iife will
slip by unlived.”
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
“The strain of ‘Keeping up with
the Jones’ ’ coffins innumerable
men and women before their
Spurgeon said of Gladstone:
“We believe in no man’s infalli
bility, but it is restful to feel sure
lof one man’s integrity.” Might
we all not say this of President
Wilson ?
Fosdick says: “Have we grown
lax and insincere and deceptive
about our speech? or do you hate
1 a lie as the Master did. so that
your friends know that they can
depend absolutely upon what you
“Don’t rely too much on friend
ship. ‘A friend in need is a friend
indeed,’ if he doesn’t need too
S. S. Times: “Friendship is but
the love of God, in mankind,
working outward. The more we
know of God’s love the better
friends and neighbors we shall be.
Friendship not expressed in some
way is in danger of dying. Time
and thought must b£ found for
these deepest and best values of
life. We miss them when it is too
late and they are gone.”
A Cheerful Recommendation.
“They should be in every travel
ing man’s grip,” writes Geo. Jen
ner, 416 Labor St., San Antonio,
Texas, of Foley Cathartic Tablets.
“They are the best laxative I have
taken and I cheerfully recommend
them to anyone suffering with
! constipation or biliousness.” They
'thoroughly cleanse/the bowels,
sweeten the stomach and benefit
the liver. They correct indiges
tion, bad breath, bloating, gas,
coated tongue and other results
for siuggish bowels. No griping;
on nausea. McDonough Drug Co.
The average man thinks it is up
to him to purchase a larger hat
eyery time he has ten cents worth
j of fame thrust upon him.
NOW is the time for all good
j subscribers to PAY UP.
This Woman Found Relief.
Men and women suffering from
backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
land swollen joints, lameness and
soreness, will be glad to learn
how one woman found relief from
kidney and bladder trouble. Mrs.
G. Hyde, Homestead, Mich.,
writes: “I haye been troubled
with weak kidneys; and several
1 times in the last ten years I had
that terrible backache and tired
out feeling, scarcely able to do
my work. Foley Kidney Pills made
me feel like a new person.” The
| McDonough Drug Co.
The monkey iz one uv our poor
relations, and skratches his bed az
natural az a skool boy duz —and
probably fur similar rezons. —Josh
■ . -s
t » a t. ;mm
Don’t Let a Cold Get the
Start of You! »
Don't take chances of having to worry through
the winter with one cold on top of another.
We offer you a Cold Cure that will save you
all that trouble —One that does not act in the
harsh and severe manner of many kinds, but is
less unpleasant and more certain.
f PHONE 4-9 * CO
y "e- mm
Bare subject to bowel i|
trouble: mothers must!*
be careful about this. ■■
For half a century mothers
have been using
Dr. Thacher’s
Diarrhoea Mixture
to safeguard the health of
their teething babies. A sim
ple and harmless remedy; for
children and adults. All drug
stores. 35c. MONEY BACK
if no relief.
mn Chuttanooga, Tenn., U. 8. A- mm
For Sale by Horton Drug Go.
Rea iy to receipt subscriptions.
safeLv;,* <5/v£ Are.