The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 21, 1919, Image 4
MOUNT BETHEL NEWS. Rev. E. C. Cowan of South Georgia, whose home was former ly in our community, will be with us this week and hold a meeting at Mt. Bethel beginning Friday nigfat and continuing until Sunday night. Services to be held morn ing and evening of each day. We are looking forward to the event with interest. May all Christian people pray that God may be in these services and that it may be a time of great spiritual refresh ing for us all. Mrs. Carrie Cowaif, Miss Tom mie Lue Wynn, Mr. Walter Wynn and Mr. Hill of Atlanta, came down last week to attend the funeral of little William Stan ton Hooten. We are glad to say that Mrs. Kate Wynn is able to leave the hospital and is now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stallworth, for a few days in McDonough. Mr. S. W. Whitaker went to Macon Sunday to see his daughter, Mrs. Gene Bledsoe, who was taken to a hospital there a few days ago for an operation. We are glad to hear she is rapidly improving. Mrs. Mark Hunt, who has been til for some time, went to Atlanta last week for treatment. Her friends hope that she will be Quite well again. The proceeds from the box supper at Beersheba Friday night amounted to seventy dollars. We wish to thank each and everyone who helped us out in anyway. Miss Easter Hooten left this morning for Atlanta where she wilt be visiting three weeks. Some hogs are dying in this county. Now inis cold snap and ;a de-are on the part of the people for sausage and other fresh meats being the cause. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson of Covington visited in this vicinity Suuoay. Miss Velma Mason of McDon ough speni the week end with Miss Elizabeth Patterson. We would suggest that some unmarried people wear a placard: “Sold but not Delivered,” as a s feguard against the arrows of Cupid, for from signs and rumors and present indications there’s going to be a perfect din of wed ding bells in the near future. Mrs. Corinne Wiikerson gave the young people a party Satur day night in honor of her sister, Miss Ida Lue Stone of McDon ough, who is visiting her. Why don’t old-fashioned broom straw grow any more? Gone on st strike, I guess. 1 well remember when country neighbors used to make up parties of young and old and go out in the fields and gather bundles of long bright straw making quite a romp of the occa sion. Then we had an abundance of brooms to brush up with and only bought one occasionally to brush carpets or give a thorough cleaning of floors when we felt like it. But that is a thing of the past and we wear out a broom in ■lO time —costs like everything, too. Mis’ Franc. House Burned. Mrs. J. W. Braun an had the misfortune to lose her home by lire at noon Wednesday, just aiorth of town. The fire is sup posed to have originated from a •defective flue, or sparks from chimney, as the roof was in a Jit blaze when discovered. Only small portion of furniture was ived, with but SBOO insurance, id much sympathy is extended V ’rs. Brannan. Oakland. Last Week’s Items. Cold weather. Some folks digging ’taters. j Look out, Mr. Opossum. Mr. and Mrs. John Moss spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sims. Mrs. Roj Dorsey visited her aunt, Mrs. Will Martin, Friday. Mrs. Henry Medlock of Morrow station is visiting her son, Mr. Dave Medlock, this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Knight were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Daily of East Point. The singing given by Miss Zirn mie Lee Dorsey Sunday night was enjoyed by all present. Little Miss Mittie Jewell Foster visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster Sunday night and Monday. Mrs. J. H. Moss and daughter Leona spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Homer Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Patterson spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Oxford Barnette. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Harrison of McDonough visited Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foster Sunday night. Red, White and Blue. To Dissolve Charter. GEORGIA ltenry County. To the Superior Court of said County: Stock-bridge Warehouse Company, a corporation of said County, brings this petition for dissolution and surrender of its charter and alleges : 1. That, on September Bth, l!)o6, it was incorporated by the Superior Court of Henry County, Georgia, as will appear by inference to Charter B >ok of Henry Superior Court, Page N(». LJ. That it exercised the uowers and privileges of a corporation un til November Ist, lim, when its affairs were wound up and its debts paid arul assets divided between the stockholders, Joseph Mann holding Thirtv-two shares of the stock and H. C. Elliott holding Four shares. 8. That on said date at a meet ing where all the stock was repre sented it was decided by unani mous resolution to dissolve the cor- poration, surrender its charter and quit business as a corporation, which was accordingly done. 4. Said corporation here and now presents its charter for sur render and shows that it now has no assets or and prays that a rule nisi issue requiring all persons interested to show Cause at a time and place fixed by the Couit, why it should not he dis solved and surrender its charter, and after publication of same as by law provided, tlijit it he dissolved and allowed to surrender its char ter. E. M. SMITH, Petitioner’s A ttorney. GEORG 1 A—Henry County. I, Joseph Mann, President of said corporation. Stock bridge Ware house Company, being duly sworn, say on oath, t hat the tacts set forth in the foregoing petition are true. jOSEPH MANN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Nov. 15th, liHl'. C. M. POWER, C. N. P. Henry County, Ga. Read and considered :—Let said corporation, Stookbridge Ware house Company, and all other per sons interested, show cause before me at MoDonongh, Ga., at 11 o’clock, a. m. on the 18th day of December, 19)9, why said corpora tion should not be dissolved, its charter surrendered as prayed. Let said petition and this order be published as required by law. This the 17th dav of Nov. 1919. W. E. 11. SEARCY, Jr., Judge S. C. F. C GEORGIA —Henry County. I, H. C. Hightower, Clerk of the Superior Court of Henry County, Ga., do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the petition of Stookbridge Warehouse Company, for dissolution and sur render of its charter, as appears from the records of file in this office. Given under my hand and seal Nov. 18th, 1919. H. C. HIGHTOWER, Clerk S. C. H. C Ga. HOW’S YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ? HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA To Dissolve Charter. GEORGIA—Henry County. To the Superior Court of said I County : Amts-Daniel Company, a ! corporation of said County, brings this petition for dissolution and surrender of its charter and alle ge«: • 1. That it was incorporated by the Superior Court of Henry Conn tv, Georgia, on the 17th day of December, 1917, and that it exer cised the privileges of a corporation until March ]-t 1918. 2. That or March Ist, 1918, H. M. Amis became the owner of all the assets of said corporation, no stock ever having been issued, and that on said date he sold and trans ferred all the jn-si-ts, paid the debts of the corporation and ceused to do business as a corporation. On said date an appropriate resolution was passed unanimously that said cor poration would liquidate its aflairs, retire from business and surrender its charter. 3 Said corporation here and now Tractors Pull in the Field The Hart-Parr 30 Record at the Rig Ohio Tests Shows the Results of Many Years of “Knowing How" The farm tractor built by Founders of the Trac tor Industry” developed 26 1-2 drawbar horsepower, 96 per cent more than the average of all other three-plow 7 tractors in the tests* In making this record, the Hart-Farr 30 plowed 101-2 inches deep in old timothy sod at 3*oß miles an hour* The Hart-Parr 30 is entirely built in our own big factory—a large output at a low manufacturing cost. If tractors were sold by horse power developed, the Hart-Parr 30 would b’ worth from one-third to three times more than any other three-plow tractor in the Ohio tests. lllf IllfeSSi **?■»%■• ?MflL.i*4M- 2 , L ?*» :>. -.JS-e.- £< : V y.- <iA*€rS [test Test of Each Tractor TRACTOR ” u £| ® £ :s . % . 0 H 7 r ;z J c; zi'z & r j^Qo--3CL,a-.v::CQL, HART-PARR -30 314 in 2 7501 K 10 2513240 308 26.50 Wallis 15 25 3-14 in 4 850IG 942 2287 325 19 82 Moline Universal 9-18 214 in 41600-G 8 2012275 309 18 72 Illinois 18 36 4 14 in 4 800'K 8 12|3125 1.98 1659 Aultman-Taylor 15-30 4 14 in 4 800 K 8 0512930 205 16.02 Monarch 18-30 3 14 in 4 800 K 842 2600 229 15 91 Waterloo Boy 12-25 3-14 in 2 750 K 7.12 2480 2.39 15 78 Case 15-27 3 14 in 4 950 K 806 2720,2 13 15 45 Bates Steel Mule 15 22 3 14 in 4' 900 K 7.95 2710 2.11 15 25 Frick 15 28 3 14 in 4 900 K 8.67 2560] 2 18 14 92 Emerson 12-20 314 in 4 900; K 971 30001 1 67 13 42 Huber 12 25 3 14 in 4.1000 K 8.94 2158 233 13 40 Cletrac 12-20 2 14 in 4 1250 K 9.40 1892 265 13 38 Barrett 12-25 3 14 in 4 1000, K 802 1802 278 13 11 J-T 16-30 3-14 in 4 1000 KlO 07 2285 2.13112.99 LaCrosse 3 12-24 3 14 in 2 750 K 855 2160; 2.23! 12.85 Wellington 10-20)2 14 in 4 1000 K 860 1584)2 89| 12.18 Titan 10-20 3 14 in 2 500 K 7.67 1090 2 23j 12.10 LaCrosse 4 12 24 3-14 in 2 750 K 8.70 208012.07) 11.51 Avery 12-25 3 14 in 2 750 K 8.62 2710) 1.37111.29 Fordson 10-20 2-14 in 4 1000 K 7.68 1304! 3.09 10.78 Heider 12-20 3-14 in 4 750 K 6.37 1972; 204 10.76 Whitney 9 18 2 14 in 21 750 G 662 1520,2.63 10.66 I. H. C 8 16 2 14 in 44000 Kj 7.41 1642,2.15 9.31 Reliable 10 20 214 in 4| 600 K; 872 1575| 1.91 8.02 Shelbv 9 18 2 14*" 4 1100 G 1 7Q5 9100 i .49* 7Q7 Data from official report Ohio State University. Fuel data from official card®. S. HOWELL GARDNER, Dealer, Locust Grove, - - Georgia. presents its charter for surrender and shows that it has no mss -ts or liabilities, that it has ceas -d doing business as such corporation, and j.ravs that a rule nisi issue requi ring said Corporation and all per sons interested to show cause at a time and place to be lixed by the Court why it should not be dis solved hh a corporation, and ‘sur render its charter, and, after ad- vertising same as is by law required that an order be passed by the Court allowing it to surrender its charter and be dissolved as is by law required. This Nov. 15th, 1919 E. M. SMITH, Petitioner’s Attorney. GEORGIA —Henry County. I, H. M. Amis. President of said corporation being duly sworn, on oath savs, that the facts set forth in the following petition are true. H. M. AMTS. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Nov. 15th. 1919 C. W. WALKER, C. N. P. Henry County, Ga. Head and consi lered :—L t said corporation Amis-Dimels Com pany and all orher parties interes ted, show cause before me at Mc- Donough, Georgia, on the 18th day of December, 1819, at 11 o’clock, why the prayers of this petition should not be granted, and let said petition and this order be pub lished as is bv law prescribed. This, the 17th day of Nov. 1919. W. E. H. SEARCY. Jr., J ndge S. C. F. C. GEORGIA—Henry County. I, H. C. Hightower, Clerk of the Superior Court of H-nry County. Ga., do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ainis- Daniel Company, for dissolution and surrender of charter, as ap pears from the records of file in this office. Given under my hand and seal this Nov. 19th 1819. H. C. HIGHTOWER, Clerk S. C H. C. Ga. NOW is the time for all good subscribers to PAY UP. GREATEST TRACTOR TEST of ALL TIME Held by Ohio State University, July-August, 1919