The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 21, 1919, Image 8
OBSERVER City election next thing. Dr. H. C. Ellis is able to be out again after a few days’ illness. The big dam at Dr. J. G. Smith’s power plant is nearing completion. Rev. J. H. Cowart of Stone Mountain filled his regular ap pointment at Salem Sunday. Be a Baptist campaign booster and help go over the top. Miss Jewell Rape, who is teach ing school in Fayette county, is spending this week-end with her parents. COMING TO JACKSON The Progressive Medical Doctors’ Specialist Treating Diseases Without Surgical Operation. Free Consultation and Exami nation to All Who Need and Want Medical Attention. Will be at the Buchanan Hotel Mon day, December 1. From 9 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. One Day Only, Returning in 3 Months. The Progressive Medical Doc tors’ Specialist is licensed by the State of Georgia; a graduate of one of the best universities; twenty-five years of practical experience; comes well recom mended. Will demonstrate in the principal cities methods of treating diseases of long standing by means of medicine, diet and hygiene, thus saving many people from a dangerous and expensive surgical operation. This specialist is an expert in diagnosis and will tell you the exact truth about your condition. Only those who have a good chance to regain their health will be treated, so that every one who takes treatment will bring their friends at the next visit. Those whose cases are found hopeless will be told the truth and be advised as to their mode of living, etc. The diseases treated are: Dis eases o? the stomach, bowels, liver, blood, blood vessels, skin, kidneys, bladder, heart, spleen, eye, ear, nose, throat, scalp, swell ing of the limbs, enlarged veins, leg ulcers, rheumatism, sciatica (sciatic rheumatism), paralysis, high blood pressure, weak lungs, bronchitis, consumption, asthma, appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, enlarged glands, goitre, piles, curvature of spine, club feet, nerves, weakness or exhaustion of the nervous system giving rise to loss of mental and bodily vigor, melancholia, discouragement and worry, undeveloped children, either mental or physical, and all chronic diseases of men, women and children that have baffled the skill of the family physician. A diagnosis of any disease of long standing, its nature and cause, will be made Free and proper medicines will be furnished at a reasonable cost to those selec ted as favorable cases for treat ment. Children must be accompanied by their parents and married ladies by their husbands. SNAPFIL — 71 H E ONLY PERFECT FOUNTAIN PEI (I -It |i Writes It fßight, Always A Perfect Self-Filling Fountain Pen Free From Faults HORTON DRUG CO. Be a County Fair booster. C. J. Dickson and J. J. Fisher attended the Piedmont Masonic lodge meeting in Atlanta Saturday night. 0. L. Thompson and A. J. Upchurch took the third degree ride on the old Masonic goat at Ola Saturday night. The Christian Index says that a deacon in a certain Baptist church in Georgia recently made a speech in his church against the 75-million-dollar campaign and within two weeks he lost two mules and one horse. The big power plant of Dr. J. G. Smith on Cotton Indian river is nearing completion and McDon ough will soon have a day current of electricity turned on. Already several of our business men are making preparations to use power from the plant. Watch McDon ough grow. This Means You. When you get up with a bad taste in your month, a dull tired feeling, no relish for food and con stipated, you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain’s Tab lets. They not only cause an agree able movement of the bowels, but cleanse and invigorate the stomach and improve the digestion. For sale by Horton Drug Co. SALE —p-I_| Milt Walker Home Place NEAR McDonough, Ga. I CONSISTING OF 400 Acres Will Be Sold In Small Tracts Watch This Space DOZIER LAND GO. ATHENS, GA. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary, will be sold before the court house in McDonough, Ga., on the first Monday in December, next, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following land belong ing to estate of Annie Knight : One house and lot in the town of Stockbride, Ga., con taining one-half acre, more or less, and bounded as follows: On North by Church street; on South and East by land of Charlie Knight, and on the West by pub lic road. Sold for distribution and pay ment of debts. This November 3rd. 1919. W. W. MILAM, Admr. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. BOYS DEPARTMENT— SECOND FLOOR Our Department/ For Boys We take great pride in inviting the Mothers and fm Fathers to come in and in- ijl M spect the most complete and li Pk up-to-date Boys Department \ l|j ■ in this section* v cHI Every effort has been made to see that the va rious articles of attire for the Boys is worthy of a place along with the high standard we have always maintained in apparel for Men* In Our Department for , Boys you will find that we are prepared to take care of the youngsters from the ages of two years to eighteen and are just as well prepared to outfit the Boys as the Men* i SPECIAL if- We carry at all times a large and complete stock of Ladies Gloves, Hosiery and Sweaters in our Boys Department—Second Floor. GRIFFIN, GA. Always put off until tomorrow the revenge you could accomplish today. Foley’s Honey and Tar COMPOUND IS A TIME-TRIED REMEDY that can be relied upon to get rid of coughs and colds that lead to serious illness if neglected. Every User a Friend “The only remedy we ever use for coughs and colds is Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It has been our stand by for years, and it never fails us.” — T. H. Foley, Marquette, Mich. “I surely know the worth of Foley's Honey and Tar, as I have taken it with good results. Also have sold hundreds of bottles.” —A. L. Stans bury, Parkersburg, W. Va. Children like Foley’s Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates , and will not injure a delicate stomach . TMcDonough Drug Zo. Administrators’s Sale. By virtue of an order of the Court Ordinary of Spalding County, Ga., will be sold before the court bouse door in the city of Griffin, Spalding county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, one house and lot in the town of Locust Grove, Henry county, Ga., said lot con taining one-lialf acre of land com mencing at the southwest comer of A. G. Combs’ land on Ocmulgee road and running west along Ocmulgee road one hundred feet; thence north along New street two hundred feet, thence east one hun dred feet to the line of A. G. Combs’ land, thence south two hundred feet to the beginning point, and bounded on the west by New street and land of C. F. Pitts, on the north and east by lands of A. G. Combs, and on the south by Ocmulgee road. Sold as the prop erty of Malinda Johnson, deceased. Terms cash. This November 4th, 1919. E. B. JOHNSON, Admr. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA—Henry Connty. The petition of j. J. Fisher, Fred Varner and J. G. Smith, of Henry County, Ga., respectfully shows : 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates and success ors to he incorporated and made a body politic under the name and stvle of Henry County Milling and Ice Company, for the period of twenty years. 2. The principal office of said Company shall be in the City of McDonough, state and county aforesaid, but petitioners desire the right to establish offices else where, whenever the holders of the stock maj so desire. 8. The object of said corpora tion is pecuniary gain to itself and its shareholders. 4. The business to he carried on by said Corporation is a regular milling business and the bnying and selling of grains of all kinds and the grinding of said grains into flour, meal or foodstuffs, and any and all relating in any way to or is a necessary part of a regular mill ing business either for toll or for other remuneration. They also desire to run an ice business, mak ing and manufacturing ice, buying any and all necessary articles for the carrying on of such business, selling or otherwise using the pro ! duct of such ice plant, keeping cold 'storage for rent or hire, making I and bottling and selling drinks such as are allowed by law and 1 doing any and all acts necessary to lor in any way connected with the regular business of making and selling ice and bottling and selling drinks. 5, The capital stock of said Cor poration shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) with the privilege of increasing the same to Fiftv Thousand Dollars ($50,000) said stock to be divided into shares of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) each. Ten per cent of tie amount of capital to be employed by them has been actually paid in. Petitioners desire the right to have the subscription to said capital stock paid in money or property to be taken at a fair valuation. 6. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to have and use a common seal, to make all neces sary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other thing that may be necessary for the successful carry ing on of said business, including the right to buy, hold, and sell real and personal property suitable to the purpose of the corporation,, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred, or which may be incurred, in the conduct of the affairs of the corpo ration and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or other form of lien, under existing laws. 7. They desire for said corporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said incorpora tion to wind up its affairs, liquidate and discontinue its business at any time it may determine to do so by a vote of two-thirds of its stock outstanding at the time. 8. They desire for said incorpo ration the right of renewal when and as provided by the laws of Georgia, and that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are incident to like corporations or permissable under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as are now, or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of a similar character under the laws of Georgia. BROWN & BROWN, Attorneys for Petitioners. GEORGIA—Henry County. 1, H. C. Hightower, Clerk of the Superior Comt of Henrv County, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter, as the same appears of file in this office. This, the sth day of November, 1919. H. C. HIGHTOWER, Clerk of Superior Court.