Newspaper Page Text
The Henry
County Weekly
Official Oman of Henry County.
B. S. ELLIOTT. Editor.
Entered at the poetoffioe at McDonough,
Ga., as seconu-'daßh mail n atter.
Advertising Hat* s 25c per inch, position
6c additional—special contracts.
Foreign Advertising Representative
McDonough, Ga., Feb. 25, 1921
Grey hairs are always respect
ed —when they are rich.
It is more blessed to give than
to receive, especially if it is a lick
A woman who nags should nev
er complain when her husband
A popular man seldom talks
about himself. That makes him
more popular.
Some men are inveterate jokers,
which leads one to infer that they
are born jokes.
If you would be happy, just for
get the tilings that make you un
happy. Simple, isn’t it?
At least one thing can be said in
favor of American profiteers.
They are experts in their line.
One of the best forms of life
insurance is the use of a tooth
brush morning, noon and night.
A hearty laugli is like a ray of
sunshine on a winter day. Can
you qualify for the compliment?
France has invented a new gun
capable of shooting two hundred
miles, and not a tiling to shoot at.
What luck!
Of course, there may be those
who pay their income taxes in
order to be able to talk about it
Every day brings forth new
problems for us to face, but night
usually comes before we can get
around to it.
Japanese statesmen are urging
disarmament. Good, Jappy! We
nominate you to lead the van—
but you won’t, '
We note the absence of one un
failing sign of tlie approach of
spring—that dreamy youth with a
poem for publication.
No, this country is not short on
money. The only shortage that
exists is in the ability of certain
people to get hold of it.
Most any man can save money
if he wants to, provided he does
not travel the pace of a millionaire
on the wage of a laborer.
Yes, we are anfadvocate of un
iversal disarmament, provided it
begins with our American crop of
thieves, thugs and holdup men.
W e once heard of a preacher
who was warmly admired and
supported by his entire flock. He
never woke his congregation up
during his sermons.
It is openly hinted that labor
and capital will soon be pulling
together, but nothing is said as to
whether they will both be pulling
in the same direction.
Railroads of the country are
planning for a reduction in the
wage scale. Presumably the
scheme is to begin at the bottom
and forget to reach the top.
No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because—
The dollar, we are told, is slow
ly but surely regaining its ohi
time purchasing power. And in
time, we presume, it wall wake up
and begin to purchase again.
When you get tired of selecting
the members of Mr. Harding’s
cabinet for him, you might devote
a little time to deciding what you
will plant in your garden this
spring. Harding won’t care.
French bachelors are to be tax
ed to aid the babies of the bene
dicts, says a news item, But don’t
rush precipitately into matrimony,
young man. Take time, make a
wise selection, and keep what you
get. This is not France.
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How to Make
A Decreased Acreage Pay
Ef J
TliE ultimate aim of the decreased cotton acreage movement is to stim
ulate prices and increase profits. I'he practical question is: “How
can the planter reduce his production with other reasonable sub- % r
stitutes ami make it pay?” The answer is by raising a small acreage of -A- O* LOBUnoa
cotton but of better quality and more per acre, if you can demand a Sense AdVlC'* for
premium on your crop by virtue of a better grade and staple, you have , °
the advantage of a greater money return per acre minus the' disadvantage the I hoUghttlll
of a large production cost per pound*. The wise conclusion is to plant the Firmpr
best seed, l! you plant an ordinary shoddy variety you cannot expect * •
more than a scrub crop. Coker's Pedigreed Seed produce the best results
because they produce both quality and quantity. Our seed are bred by the —"v
Nation's pioneer breeders of pedigreed cotton. We have the largest or- ff r
ganization of experienced seed breeding experts of any seed company in (f \\)
the United States. W e are seed breeders, —not merely seed dealers. Our \ j N V
specialization enables us to serve you by furnishing seed of the very best
quality, bred and pedigreed by experts. "
1/ rite jor our new Spring Catalog. j
DAVID R. CO KIR, President H. J. WCDCER, Cen. Mgr. / NV
Department 75 -E f ~ N V V
Harisviiie, Soisih Carolina /7 v \
j tm I ' |i|ig
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V- . I • , ‘ Coker;* p- ’’".m- i Del v ~ 7 Yd,
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A Chicago paper avers that
“given a pickle and a few mo
ments of undisturbed time, a wo
man can solve any problem on
earth.” Give ’em a barrel, broth
er, give ’em a barrel, and elect
’em all to congress. Just now the
country is sorely in need of an
army of solvers.
One of the first acts of the new
congress should be a revision of
our immigration laws. With more
than three million men now out of
employment in this country one
begins to wonder how the hun
dreds of thousands pouring in
from Europe are going to earn an
honest living. There is nothing to
be gained, by turning America into
an international poor farm.
2¥3i!lion Packets Gf
Flower Seeds Free
We believe in flowers around the
homes of the South. Flowers brighten
up the home surroundings and give
pleasure and satisfaction to those who
have them.
We have filled more than a million
packets of seeds, of beautiful yet
easily grown flowers to be given to
our customers this spring for the
beautifying of their homes.
Wouldn’t you like to have five
packets of beautiful flowers free?
1921 catalog is a 116-page handsomely
illustrated seed book with twenty
beautiful pages showing the finest va
rieties in their true natural colors.
It is full of helpful garden, flower and
farm information that is needed in
every home, and, too, the catalog tells
you how to get these flower seeds ab
solutely free.
Write for our 1921 catalog now. It
is the finest, most valuable and beau
tiful seed book ever published, and
you will be mighty glad you’ve got it.
There is no obligation to buy any
thing. Just ask for the catalog.
To My Friends
And Customers:
HAVE secured the agency for several of the best
J lines of furniture and house furnishings and am
in position to sell you furniture shipped direct from
their Atlanta warehouse at wholesale price plus a small
commission for myself. I have had 15 years experi
ence in the furniture business and you can rest assured
that if you buy through me that you will receive noth
ing but good reliable goods. The high prices of fur
niture are already dropping and by buying from me
you get the advantage of the wholesale price the day
you place your order. I will be glad to go to the show
rooms in Atlanta with you if you prefer where you can
have a wide range of styles and prices to select from.
I will also have a line of cook stoves and ranges
so that I will be able to sell you anything you may
need for your home. Call on me at my office in Henry
County Supply Company building and let me explain
how much you can save by dealing with me.
Yours to serve,
Funeral Director and Mfgr’s. Agent.