The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 25, 1921, Image 3

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    An Ode to the Girl.
(By One cf the Boys.)
Little girl, yon are so small.
Don’t you wear no clothes at all?
Don’t you wear no shimmy shirt?
Don’t you wear no “petti” skirt?
Just your corset anti your hose—
Are those all your underclothes?
Little girl, yon look so slight
When I see you in the light.
With your skirts cut. rather high
Won’t you catch a cold and die?
Aren’t you 'fraid to show your calf?
It must make the fellows laugh.
Little girl, what is the cause?
Why your clothes all made of gauze,
Don’t you wear no nndervest?
When you go out fully dressed.
Do you like those peek-a-boos
’Stead of normal underclothes?
Little girl, your ’spenders show
When the sunshine plays just so.
I can see your tinted flesh
Through your thinost gown of
mesh ;
Is it modest do you s’pose
Not to wear no underclothes?
I can see way past your throat
To a region most remote ;
’Taint my fault, now, don’t sup
Why not wear some underclothes?
Little girl, your socks have shoals
Of those tiny little holes;
Why you want to show your limb
I do not know ; is it a whim?
Do you want to catch the eye
Of the fellow passing by?
Little girl, where is the charm
In your long, uncovered arm?
And the “V” behind your neck—
Is it for the birds to peck?
Little girl, I tell yon those
Are not as nice as underclothes.
Little girl, now listen here :
You would be just twice as dear
If you’d cover up your charms—
Neck, hack, legs and both your
I would take you to some shows
If you’d wear some underclothes ;
Bnt no lover—goodness knows—
Wants a girl “sans” underclothes.
Little girl, your mystery,
Loving charms and modesty
Are what makes us fellows keen
To possess a little queen.
S’pose I wore some harem pants,
Or no shirt like all my aunts,
Or a ringlet through my nose—
They’d arrest me, don’t you s’pose?
I must wear a coat of mail,
Clothed from head to big toe nail,
I must cover up my form
Even when the weather’s warm.
—C’heraw County News.
Wants To Help Other Mothers.
Mrs. Wm. Sager, 901 Nichol St.,
Utca, N, Y.: “1 gladly write any
thing that helps a mother with
her children. My little girl had
whooping cough and I was afraid
she would choke, 1 gave her
Foley’s Honey and Tar and it
helped her wonderfully, She
could sleep almost all night with
out coughing.” This good cough
syrup checks colds, stops cough
ing, cuts phlegm and covers raw,
inflamed membranes with a heal
ing coating. McDonough Drug
There is said to be more crime
in the United States today than at
any other time in the history of
the country. And we have more
aliens who are opposed to law and
order than at any other time. It
is time for us to take a kinder
garten course in common sense
and learn a few needed lessons.
No government is so strong as to
be immune from undermining by
secret forces opposed to it.
Frost Proof Cabbage Plants
One hundred acres, thirty mil
lion good stocky plants, ready
now. Early Jersey, Charleston
Wakefields, Succession, Flat
Dutch. Parcel Post paid 300, $1
500, $1.50; 1,000, $2,50. Express
2,000, $3.50; 5,000, $7.50; 10,000,;
.$12.50. Count and delivery guar
Parker Farms, Moultrie, Ga.
tobacco makes 50
flood ciflareties for
There seems to be a tendency
on the part of manv people to con
tinually criticise others of their
acquaintance. II isn’t done with
the intention of doing harm to the
person criticised —at least not al
ways —but is si nuly a case of see
ing the worst side of human na
ture when the brighter side could
be viewed to much better advan
tage. None of us are perfect—not
even the critics themselves —but
we would all be better citizens if
we were to confine ourselves to
recognizing and fostering the good
in humanity instead of stirring up
the bad.
His Trouble Is All Gone.
“ I was affected with pains all
oyer my back and kidnevs,” writes
Charles McAllister, 1 Clark Ave.,
Kearney, N. J., “After three or
four doses of Foley Kidney Pills I
became all right and my pain is
all gone.” Foley Kidney Pills re
lieve backache, urinary irregulari
ties, rheumatic pains, stiff joints,
swollen muscles and other svmp
toms of kidney trouble. It is a
splendid medicine, prompt in ac
tion, and always helps. Contains
no habit forming drugs. McDon
ough Drug Co.
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
By virtue of an order granted from the
Court of Ordinary of said county, will be
sold at public out cry on the first Tuesday
in February, 1931, at the court house door
in McDonough, Ga., between the legal
hours of sale, one lot, with four room
house thereon, situated in City of Hamp
ton. Henry county, Ga., bounded as fol
lows: On west by Central railroad: south
by land of Joe Dupree; east by laud of J.
O. Rutherford; north by land of Hampton
Guano Co., and also a lot, abolit oue quar
ter of an acre, with small store room on
same, adjoining house and lot above men
tioned Sold as the estate of John Pat
rick, for payments of and distribu
tion. January 3, 1921.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in said countv on the first Tuesday in
March, 1921, within the legal hours of sale,
to wit: One bay mare, 3 years old; one
black mare mule named Bell, ti years old;
one black mare mule named Lula, 7 years
old; one Jersey cow, 4 years old; one Jer
sey cow. 2 years old; one two horse Stude
baker wagon; one Summers make buggy,
red running gear; one top buggy painted
black; one mower and one rake; twenty
live bushels corn, more or less. Said
property levied on as the property of Joe
Solomon, to satisfy an execution issued at
the October term. 1920 Henry Superior
Court, in favor of A N. Brown and W O.
Welch against Joe Solomon.
This Feb. 1, 1921.
' W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
Your Gin Bill.
All who have not paid for their
ginning will please meet me at
Hinton’s mill Saturday, February
26th. As I have some obligations
to meet on the Ist of March, I will
greatly appreciate it if you will
meet me there. LON HINTON.
Fruit Trees.
Peach, apple, pear, plum, cher
ry, pecan shade and ornamental
trees. Finest budded and grafted
stock at before the war prices.
Most all fruit trees at S(K each
prepaid. California privet hedge
plants $4.00 per 100. Strawberry
plants $5 00 per 1,000. Cabbage
plants $2.00 per 1,000 postpaid.
Half and Half Cotton seed. Send
a postal for our Fruit Book and
I Fruitvale Nurseries,
Albany, Ala.
It is barely possible that within
the next hundred years congress
will do something to alleviate the
deplorable condition of disabled
veterans of the world war. The
fact that the vets will all be dead
then should be of some slight in
terest to our dear representatives
in Washington. It won’t cost so
much. There is seldom any indi
vidual being a humanita
rian, and gratitude appears to be
only money deep.
Herbert Hoover says lie can
“see no reason why Uio United
States should cancel the war debts
of the allies when they are spend
ing more for armament than it
would take to pay the principal
and interest.” Hoover said a
mouthful, and we pass it along.
That ten billion dollars the allies
owe us would feed a good many
hungry Americans in these days
of unemployment. Just beciuse
we are a rich nation is no reason
why we should sit complacently
and watch other countries default
in their obligations to us.
i Hoop skirts
were worn
WvJ j" by those wlio
/>* first asked
vM? [I .v'-f \ the druggist
/vjflv:/A for “Golden
Medical Dis
if iPfiUVwM covery” put
111 \m I Vi q up by Dr.
/idJ ML \ M \ l Pierce over
MX J 4 IS”"’
iifaifep N. L C.-“Dr:
Golden Med
f ical Discov
ery is a great medicine for me in
building me up when I ieel run-down
in health. It gives me strength and
flesh. I have been using it at differ
ent times for thirty years or more.”
Druggists sell it in liquid or tablets.
« ijm®. »
.Ly y — y .1 V X V
Since January 1, re%u
--(B-78) lar equipment on all *
models includes cord tires
McDonough, Ga.-
Luzianne is roasted
in New Orleans try 1 he
Reily-Tavlor Company
known throughout the
Southland as makers
oF good cofFe e!’ For
I6years Tire Reily-Tay
lor Compary has guar
an teed every pound or
[gzjApE coffee
If, after usingenllre con- 1 V W,
tent, of the cun according fßv fir
to directions, you are not | corns
satisfied tn every respect, ‘hsttritvToVterc
your grocer will refund “’K’JMt.”*!”" .
the money you paid for It.
oome: xo
Promot Delivery and All Work Guaranteed.