The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 25, 1921, Image 5

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    -• Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular Communications of Fraterna'
Lodge No. 87 F & A M meet Ist and 8:
Friday nights in each month. All duh
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
C. J. Dickson, W. M.
W. D. Ingham, Sec.
R. T. Daniel Lodge No. 219 I. O. O. F.
Meets every Tuesday night, at
7:30 p. ni. Visiting brothers wel
Cali on Speer, the Optromtrist
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Mrs Julia McDonald spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Cotton is down and so is goods
at Austin’s 10c store.
One good milk cow, for sale or
trade. J. 0. Kimbell.
Mr. C. D. Newman returned
from Florida Tuesday,
Lumber dressed for S(F per
hundred. Dr. A. R. Scott.
Miss Musette Hill spent the
week-end in McDonough.
%For Sale —Fodder, corn, peas
and work ox. W. A. Simpson, Jr.
Miss Gladys Patterson, of Atlan
ta, yisited relatives here last week.
Cabbage plants at 2o 0 per hun
dred at Horton Drug Co., every
Sawing for the public, 50' per
hunured. Dr. A. R. Scott.
Stop pulling fodder and plant
Dean’s 0 Too-Tan soy beans, in
your corn.
Let Mackey call for and deliver
your laundry. Piedmont
none excels.
Saw mill wanted. Would buy
engine also. J. M. Chafin, Mc-
Donough, Ga.
For sale—One black 8 year old
mare mule weighing about 1,000.
H. L. Oglesby.
Prof, and Mrs. G. H. Boyd were''
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Brown Sunday,
No gasoline Oder in clothes
cleaned by Mackey. Bring in your
clothes and see.
Mr. Edwin Rape of Emorv
University spent the week-end
with homefolks.
Mrs. J. M. Carmichael most de
lightfully entertained a few friends
Monday afternoon.
Miss Myrtice Hunt who is teach
ing school at Zebulon spent the
week-end at home.
Mrs. Homer Harris is the guest
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Tarpley this week.
You can now get your cotton
weighed and stored at Ki mbell’s
bonded warehouse.
No gasoline oder in clothes
cleaned by Mackey. Bring in
your clothes and see.
For Sale —One pair black mare
mules, 1,000 pounds each, 7 years
old. Fred Carmichael.
Look out for Austin’s next week.
Going to sell a bank-rupt stock.
Come and get a bargain.
Miss Lillie Lee Elliott who is
teaching school near Flippen spent
the week-end with homefolks.
Rhode Island eggs for sale at
$1.50 for 15, also one cockerel.
H. C. Hammock, Locust Grove,
Ga. Phone 2005.
Lumber for sale, $17.50, per
thousand. Dr. A. R. Scott.
Let Mackey cad for and deliver
your laundry. Piedmont service,
none excels.
Be sure to read about Dean’s
O Too-Tan soy bean on this page.
Henry county’s soil needs them.
Farm Wanted —Wanted to hear
from owner of farm or good land
worth the price asked. L. Jones
oox 551, Olney, Hi.
For Sale —Seven-room house
and liye acres of land, or forty-five
acres without house. See me at
once. W. A. Clements.
For Sale —A few used Chevrolet
pans, also a good body and top,
practically new. Will sell these
parts cheap. H. M. Amis Co.
A big skiagame was interrupted
Sunday night when sheriff YVard
appeared and arrested ten negroes
while eignt others disappeared.
Lost —A red sow pig with black
spot on right ham, tail bobbed,
weigh about forty pounbs. Find
er please notify The Weekly, and
get reward.
Any veteran of the war be
tween the states, widow, son, or
any lineal decendant who desires
a Cross of Honor can get applica
tion blanks from Mrs. A. R. Scott.
Lost—One Ever Sharp pencil
last Friday between McDonough
and Mrs. A. H. Swann’s. 1 think
at Hudsons Bridge. Finder wil
please relurn to Mrs. E. J. Reagan
and receive reward.
If your live stock and poultry
are out of condition you will find
the right remedy for all diseases
in the International line of Stock
and Poultry Preparations. Sold
by Horton Drug Co.
Lost —On the streets of McDon
ough Tuesday, three Green and
Tarpley cotton receipts, no. B 9831,
B 9832, and B 9833. The tinder
will please return them to W. D.
Tarpley and greatly oblige. H. B.
Tax Receiver Thompson will
publish his regular rounds in next
weeks issue, and he earnestly asks
that all tax payers, both white and
colored see him and make tax re
turns, in order tiiat he may enter j
them on the tax books correctly.
Frostproof Cabbage Plants —-
Wakefield and Flat Dutch; post
paid, 500 for $1.25; 1000 for $2.25,
express collect, $1.50 per thousand.
Genuine Porto Rico potato plants !
ready in April; postpaid, 500 for
for $1.50; 1000 for $2.50; express 5
collect, $2 00 per thousand. Sat- j
isfaciion graranteed; write for j
free offer. Dasher Plant C 0.,;
Valdosta, Ga.
Would Not Do Without It,
You can stop a common cold if
you act promptly at the first sign
of sneezing and chilliness, hoarse
ness, tickling throat or coughing.
Just take a dose of Foley’s Honey
and Tar Compound. It is effect
ive and pleasant to take. Harry
L. Neff, Price Hill, Cincinnati, 0..
knows it is good for long-standing
coughs and colds, too. He writes:
“I had a very bad cough for al
most two years. I have taken 3
bottles of Foley’s Honey and Tar
and am almost well. I simply
would not do without it in the
house.” McDonough Drug Co.
Nothing improves the quality
of FLOUR so much as
It brings out all the sweet,
nutty flavor of the wheat
makes your flour white, light
and puffy. Does away with
all inclination to be sticky.
Give us one trial and we
will guarantee to give per
fect satisfaction in both qual
ity and quantity.
Thanking you for past pat
ronage, we are truly yours,
More Profitable Than Cotton. Will
Make 20 Bushels of Seed Per Acre-
As a Soil Builder It Has No Equal.
Cut for liay when pods are well
filled, the feeding value is twice
that of alfalfa and more than four
times that of pea vines.
Planted in five foot corn rows at
same time corn is planted and in
same drill, 12 to 1 ."> inches apart,
they will cover the ground, and
roots will look in middle carrying
bacteria all the way across. They
positively will not climb on stalks,
or hurt your corn or fodder in any
"My wheat, planted where J had
beans last year looks like it had
already h°en top dressed with soda.
I used no fertiliser of any kind ex
cept 130 pounds of acid phosphate.
Planted after wheat, will make a
good erep. i t will he well worth
your time to come up to Tunis, (on
main road between McDonough
and Stock bridge) and see the re
sults for yourself. Every farmer
who has seen the results 1 have
gotten from one crop of O Too-Tan
beans, says he lias never seen it's
I stall have 40 or 50 bushels left,
that I am anxious to sell in Henry
county, knowing what it will mean
to our soil. So ] will make a
special price of sl4 per bushel, or
$3 5(1 per peck, delivered in .McDon
ough and Stockbridge, One bushel
plants 10 acres for hay or seed in ;>
foot rows, 8 to jo inches apart, or
25 acres in corn 12 to 15 inches apart.
Don’t, put off ordering too long,
as 1 will soon he out
McDonough, Ga.
Calls answered promptly
Day or Night
Office Phone No. 8.
Night Phones Nos. 57, 54- W
and 132-J.
.A: |
Roast Coffee* Highest Grade* Ab
solutely Pure* Put up in Air-Tight
Cans* Prices Reduced* Call for a Can
Today* If you are not pleased —we will
get it*
Copeland-Turner Merc. (Jo.
Improved and Unimprovd.
See us before buyi ngj
Forsyth, Ga. G. W. THORNTON.
T 2 Price Sale at
jr wxm e »-*vm>mi r n m m | mwi tv-bitti'W * , n i«—■■■ nn r ■niri-r ..i——:w—
-0:1; Day Only
$7.00 Silk 11 so for sl-00
150 ; 1 .75
.75 Lisle Host, while .33
•75 4 “ black .38
.50 “ “ “ .25
.50 41 4 ‘ white .25
.50 44 “ odd sizes, black .25
.50 Children’s Sox for .25
.50 4 4 44 .25
.35 44 ' .18
.30 44 44 .15
•25 44 44 .13
1 00 Men’s|*lk Sox. striped .50
50 M mi’s 1 isle .8 )x, striped .25
J ' '' l ' ''' '' ' ' *