The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 25, 1921, Image 6

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Size Up Yeur Condition. Lock
at the Facts Squareiy
Most liinesses Are Prevented by
a Good Supply of Rich. Red
Blood Take Pepto-Man
gan, the Red 3lood
Either you are in good health or
you are not. There’s no h li' way
You may think nothing of being a
little run down. It may not worry
you if you look pale. You may
think you’ll be ail right tomorrow
or next day. But will you?
Certain it is when you do not
feel just right, you are not right.
There is probably something the
matter with jour blood. And
while you can get arou id and do
your work you are leaving your
self open to any of the diseases
that are always waiting to take
possession of run down people.
When, you are pale and easily
tired, when you cannot enjoy your
meals, when you lose enthusiasm,
your blood needs attention.
Take Pepto Mingan for awhile.
It is a great tonic. It will build
up your resistance to disease, and
you will soon feel stronger. The
little red corpuscles are fighters.
They battle with disease germs
and win out when there are
enough of them. Keep your sys
tem well supplied. Then you will
keep well and you will enjoy life.
But be certain you get the genu
ine Pepto Mangan. Ask for it by
the full name —“Gude’s Pepto-
Mangan.” Some oeople take it in
tablet form. It is so convenient.
The liquid and the tablets have
the same medicinal value. Look
for the name “Gude’s” on the
package. —Advertisement.
All Corporations, Insurance
Agents, Garages, Automobile Deal
ers, Live Stock Dealers, Cigarette
Dealers, and others subject to
Special Tax are requested u> reg
ister with the Ordinary by the Ist
day of March.
Feb. 4 ’2l. Wyatt Rowan,
Tax Collector.
These are progressive times. Are you keeping up
with times?
Now is the time to provide for your future, not to
morrow when it is too late.
A savings account at this Bank makes it easy to
Today you are charged with the responsibility for
what your future will be.
— 1 - 1 • * 1
Income T x Facts
Y r Should Know
OfU'tM, ’ I' * i tU Uw l * »IU• GJfCoj
t: ;■ ud:, ;; ,\> i ■ ■ ' s <ji i t
from t < s F, Hi amis of pt r
sons en •geo in business lor
til* rnst-lves nr »s employees in i
privnt**. receive such ad-!
dtiion .! e> •»;>•- lyi’Mn, A store
keeper may b*‘ d major of
his town. A; mount paid for
such mu v.’cy sh: u : d be entered j
on his tnco ne »x ;*• turn, but it is
not taxable.
State in d jyees. however, must
consider cuitim . lin-ir i.icoine
from all oil; i soirees. If, ex
cluding th ■ amounts paid them by
the State, it equ < or exceeds
SI,OOO o; .*2,0 ! >0. aero; oing to lifflr
marital status, a return of income
must be filed and the tax paid on
net income in excess of those
The return must be sworn to
before a notary r other person
authorized to administer an oath.
Tile tr.x in i> be pud in full at the
tune of tiling the return or in four
equil instaliments, due on or be
fore March to, June 15, Septem
ber 15. tin D c inbir 15, 1921.
At least one (ninth of the amount
due must accompany the filing of
the return.
Salary exemptions allowed State
employees do not apply to em
ployees of the - Federal Govern
ment, such, for example, as post
In CiiHhood, Womanhood,
Roanoke, Va.—“l have taken Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription from
time to time for over If*, years; and
always found relief from it. When
I was first married, about 18 years
ago, I had feraiuin" trouble. I began
taking the ‘Prescription’ and also the
‘Pleasant Pellets’ and I obtained such
wonderful benefits that I continued. I
have taken all of Dr. Pierce’s med
icines with the greatest satisfaction.
“My sister is taking Dr. Pierce’s
Pleasant Pellets at present and says
they are all any one can expect.
’ i have given Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription to my daughter, who is
16 years old, and also the ‘Golden
Medical Discovery’ and they have
done her a world of good.”—MßS
JOHN MORRIS, 9 Fifth Ave., N. E.
AM diuggista sell Dr. Pierce’s
Milk Notice.
Any one who wishes to con
tract for sweet milk to be deliver
ed at your door every day of tlie
year may do so if vou will see me
at once. Prices — per pint!
15'' per quart; 50<” per gallon. 1
Phone no. 3203 J. J. W. Stone.
Cut This Gut— lt Is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835
i Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writ
in i your name and address clear
v. \ r ou will receive in return a
trial package containing Foley’s
Honey :nd Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kid nev Pills for pain in sides and
back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and Fo
lev Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome
and thoroughly cleansing cathar
tic for constipation, biliousness,
headache, and sluggish bowels.
McDonough Drug Co.
*4 m " ~ rf T -?2£2fr?JITFIWS TO USE THEM
The Fertilizer That Makes
You the Most Profit
COMPLETE Fertilizers containing phosphoric acid, ammonia
and potash make you the most profit. They must be evenly
mixed and properly proportioned from carefully selected organic
and chemical materials. This insures an even supply of plant
food throughout the growing season.
Swift & Company has everything necessary to make fertilizer
right: trained chemists —agricultural experts —modern machinery*
Buy Swift’s Red Steer Complete Fertilizers and make the most
Swift & Company
Atlanta, Ga. Charlotte, N. C. New Orleans, La.
Planters Warehouse & Lumber Company,
'1 G\.- fjj
A Dollar Earned
The dollar earned is only one-third of the
structure of the young man's success.
The dollar saved is the other two-thirds. It is
two-thirds because it is harder to save than to earn.
Pity the fellow who doesn't.
You be the fellow who does by having your
Cleaning and Pressing done at our
We do Cleaning, Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, Press
ing and Renovating, All work called for and de
livered, Satisfaction guaranteed. Agency for Pied
mont Laundry, Telephone 23 —that's all,
Formerly with Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.
Location—Below Po&office in Elliot & Amis Stable Bldg.
To Probate Will.
GEOROT ' —Henry ''aunty.
No* to* pi Probate VVili iu Solemn Form.
To l'om M.osel-v. Mr- Mary Bush, Mrs.
Lizzie Mosul y Miss Susie Mosel v. Sal lie
I 1 liter Mo ’ey Mrs. Snow .Mi.'.e, S 11.
Sharp, \Tex It Sha-p. Mrs. '-’eanie Aux
f"-ti Mr- Kate Kirsw », . ,'ir-. Pear,
K rswood. Mrs. Florence Harper, Tines
ley Oglesby. Henry Oglesby, Asa Moseley
J<»hn Moseley, Kill Moseley, Mrs. John
Elliott, Charlie Bryans, Walker Carmich
ael. ilaymond Carmichael, C. V. Richard
sost ami Hardy Moseley.
S W. Carson having applied ns execu
tor for probate in soT-nin form of the last
will and rolicil of Rebecca J. Treadwell,
late of said county, deceased. You are
hoie by no if let i that the altove application
wiil be heard in the Court of Ordinary of
Henry county. Georgia on the first cion
day in March. l'>2l. You are therefore re
qniit-d to lm and appear at said court at
-aid time to show , -.-,use i if any you can.
•why s»id will ana codicil should not be
probated in s dciun form is the )ast will
and testament of the said Rebecca J
lre.idwell, deceased. Given under niy
hand and official signature. This the 31st
dav of January, W2l
A. G H ARRIS. Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Cornelia Greer, having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
permanent administrator upon the es
tate of Jim Gr *r, late of said county, no
tice is hereby given that said application
w ill lie heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for -aid county, to !>a
held on the First Monday in February,
19:21. Witness rnv hand and official sig
nature. this sth day of January. 1921.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Dismission.
G KORGI A—H en ry County.
Whereas R.E. Henderson, admin ator
of W. 1 >. Ib-nde; s m. r tpresents to t h< court
in his petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he lic.s fully administered
W. 1). Henderson’s estate. This is there
fore, t j cite all persons concerned, kindred
and creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not
lie discharged from hi- administration,
and receive Letters <>f Dismission on tho
first Monday in March, i!J2I.
A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary.