Newspaper Page Text
Getting Back to Normal.
Nearly everybody is having
something to say about what
ought to be done to bring this
country back to normal. It is in
variably the case, however, that
such remarks apply only to the
other fellow.
Many people are of the opinion
that prices should return to the
pre-war level, but it is doubtful if
they ever will. Certainly it can
never be done without a literal in
voking of the law of supply and
demand, and that is something the
speculators will frustrate at all
The manufacturer, having gorg
ed himself on huge profits, will
down considerably, a few pennies
at a time, but it will be a hercule
an task to move him at all.
The labor unions are putting up
a tremendous fight against any
material reduction in wages, al
though it is generally conceded
that as long as the price of labor
remains up there can be no great
reduction elsewhere.
The stockholder wants big divi
dends in order to meet the high
living costs. The same applies to
the merchant and his profits, and
to the doctor and the lawyer and
the undertaker and their fees.
In every line you meet the same
conditions. Nobody feels that he
can afford to reduce his own prices
until there has been a correspond
ing reduction in the articles he is
forced to huy.
Who, then, is to make the
The farmer has done it. His
profits have been ifbout wiped out
by the falling market on farm
products, because he is compelled
to continue paying high prices for
everything tlfat he uses.
The great trouble is, the rest of
the country is not following the
farmer in the downward trend.
If to do so, weHvould be back to
something approaching normal in
a hurry.
Congress apparently is unable
to solve the problem, and if con
gress is impotent we of this com
munity can not be expected to
waste our time in beating against
an impassable barrier.
There is, however, one thing
that we can do. That is to go to
work and stay at work and do
more work and less talking.
We can regulate our own ac
tions, and if those actions are along
the lines of increased activity and
productivity we will be doing our
share toward bringing the coun
try back to normal —whatever
normal may be.
Praises Them to His Friends.
Backache is a symptom of weak
or disordered kidneys. Stiff and
painful joints, rheumatic aches,
sore muscles, puffiness under the
eyes are others. These symptoms
indicate that the kidneys and blad
der need help to do the work of
filtering and casting out from the
system poisons and waste prod
ucts that cause trouble. Ben
Richardson, Wingroye, W. Va.,
writes: “I will praise Foley Kid
ney Pills because they have help
ed me.” McDonough Drug Co.
Tnroughout the world there is
a silver lining to every cloud, ex
cept that in America it is gener
ally gold.
Best By Every Test
.*o* '
tobacco makes 50
flood ciflarettes for
10c l
* Fruits and Freights.
When we buy fruits in the open
market we sometimes wonder if
the dealer is really making the
tremendous profits wit h which he
is credited.
The fact has been made public
that it is cheaper to ship fruits
from Africa than it is tosendthem
by rail from California to New
It is said that a bale of \goods
can be shipped by vVater from
New York to South America for
less than it costs to transport it
from one of the city of New
York to the other.
What’s the matter with our
railroad system, anyway?
The'exorbilant freight rates in
this country are a burden to the
people, and there appears to be no
relief in sight.
With all of our vaunted intelli
gence, we do not seem to have
brains enough to envolve a system
distribution that would do credit
to a Fiji Islander.
Some day, perhaps, stockholders
in our railroads will realize that a
lot of useless “officials” are being
carried on the payrolls at high
salaries. They may even come to
the conclusion that the services of
half the number might be readily
dispensed with, and that a reduc
tion of about 50% in the salaries
of the remaining “higher ups”
would be more in keeping with
the cash value of their services.
Here and There.
Harry Gordon Selfridge, one of
London’s ieading department
store owners, has been on a visit
to this country.
He says prices are down all
over England and that tfie war
time profiteer is no longer in evi
dence. He even says that a per
fectly good woolen dress —genuine
wool—can be purchased in Lon
don for five dollars.
Just fancy being able to pur
chase a woolen dress over here
for five dollars!
But, on second thought, it is
better not to do any fancying. It
gives one too much of a jolt when
the Americanized bill bobs up.
SIE3 Accent anial
jg ■ jrg
gg No Substimtcs g|
tS for SSI
1 Thedford's |
a Purdy S 3
H Vegetable |jj
IKj c 1? fe t *•*
| Liver Mefiioae |
HB F. ? HB
Cause for Thanks.
Last Week’s Items. m
In the midst of a world of tur
moil, with myriads of trials and
tribulations at home, we yet are a
fortunate people and there is much
for which we should be
We have land that is fertile in
the essence of life.
We have freedom and liberty,
and the unrestricted pursuit of
We are rich in the material
things of life, and enjoy the right
to worship as our conscience die-,
We aje enjoying wonderful and
continued prosperity while the old
world totters on the brink of ruin.
We are comparatively alone,
but thrice blessed in our isolation.
We should give thanks.
Helped Her Little Girl.
Children need all their strength
for growing. A lingering cold
weakens them so that the system
is open to attack by more serious
sickness. Mrs. Amanda Flint,
Route 4, New Philadelphia, 0.,
writes: “Foley’s Honey and Tar
cured my little girl of the worst
tickling cough. I had tried many
things and found nothing tok help
until I got Foley’s Honey and Tar.”
Gives immediate relief Irom dis
tressing. racking, tearing coughs.
Office Hours :
n A. M. 60 12 M
McDonough, Ga.
Ornsbee & Landecker
81 Broad St., Nezv York
References: Empire Trust
Co., of New York City; Bank
of Henry County, McDon
ough, Ga., and Dunn and
Bradstreets. /
Cotton options bought or
sold on margin of $5.00 per
bale in units of ten bales and
up. Why plant cotton when
you can buy options on it for
less than you can make it
and for a good deal smaller
amont invested.
Local Representative,
J. H. Heath.
Spots and Futures, also
Long Staple,
Store ,
Affords you warty attrac
tixe conveniences and
beneficial opportunities.
It Helps
Improved and Unimprovd.
See us before buying
Forsyth, Ga. G. W. THORNTON.
JOI’fiS paid SSG for 14-gallons Mixed Paint—
SMITH made 14 gallons. Best Pure Print for. $29
by Buyr. : £ gallons EL & M SEBIi-PALT. Li PAINT and
G gallons Linseed Oil to mix into it— .
L Ci r;: SEI'II-PASTE PAS NT Saves Honey
iKTOTsa'.rMtiam Ci t.jAJ?rtr sz, sviakoss, k. y.*■- | * |r * nr *’
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
' Hear a j
’ pure. Voice!
/TORE beautiful than a
IVI sweet silver bell, —more
exquisite than any other musi- ( I
cal sound in the world, —is the
human voice when it is pure.
But rare J Extremely rare!
Mr. Edison tested 3800 singers.
Only 22 sang pure notes.
Ttie Phonograph With a Soul**
Mr. Edison’s fa
vorite portrait I
The famous pen
etching by
Franklin Booth,
12 x 19 inches.
Given to every
one ■vrho votes
in our “most-in
teresting Ameri
can” contest.
WHEN you want a dish of ice cream, or a
cold soft drink—a cigar, a can of tobacco,
or a good pipe—a stick of gum or the daintiest
of confectionery— reliable complexion specialties
or a toilet set —a lead pencil or a box of the
choicest stationery—or any of the many little
daily wants—you just naturally drift around to
this store and FIND WHAT YOU WANT.
* i
WHEN the doctor hands you a prescription
you have every confidence that it will be
accurately filled, and that the price be moderate.
When you need only a simple remedy for some
slight ailment you KNOW you can find it
here, and that it is highly recommended by
others who have used it.
/CONFIDENCE creates hab't, a O a GOOD
habit is an aio 'to, coming
and keep well.
Come in and hear Case,
Hempel, Chalmers, and other
artists Mr. Edison has picked
for their purity of tone. The
New Edison Re-Creates these
magnificent voices so perfectly
that there is no difference be
tween Re-Created voice and
original voice. It gives ycu
„ their every enchanting beauty.
McDonough Drug Co.