The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 01, 1921, Image 3

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    South Avenue.
Last Week’s Items.
There was a good crowd at
Bethel Sunday school Sunday
afternoon, but there could have
been more. Say, every one around
here that has hot been going, let’s
do better, surely there is hot so
much to hinder since spring is
with us and the weather is beau
tiful. There is so much in each
lesson if we just study and try to
see it and apply to our lives every
day. Sunday religion alone will
not take us to heaven, neither wil ,
it appeal to sinners without every
day religion to go with it.
Rev. W. N. South filled his ap
pointment at Union Sunday after
Miss Chiffie Clark, of Atlanta,
.spent Sunday with her prrents.
Rev. Robert Kelly, of Atlanta
filled the pulpit at Mount Zion
Sunday evening..
Mrs. W. N. South and children
and Irene South were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Selfridge near White
House Sunday afternoon.
One of our school girls has made
721 words out of the two words,
'“Christian Advocate.” Who can
beat that?
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. South were
guests of Mr. M. F. Martin and
Miss Leek Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Seaborn Jones, formerly of
this county, died at his home in
Atlanta last week and the remains
were brought to Bethel for inter
ment Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. White spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom White.
Mrs. Lem Cook, Mrs. Arthur
Smith and Mrs. C. W. South were
guests of Mrs. Joe Callahan
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. While, Miss
Ethel White and Miss Ethel Smith,
were guests at Mrs. T. G. Swann’s
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howell were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Gunter at While House Friday
Mrs. M. H. White and Mrs.'T.
W. Peterman were guests of Mrs.
M. C. White and daughter Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. John Bonner and Mrs. Joe
Howell were guests of Mrs. C. W.
South Tuesday. BUSY BEE.
Was in Bed Three Days.
Mrs. Josie Reed, 217 N. Exter
St., Tulsa, Okla., writes: “I was in
bed three days with my back. I
took Foley Kidney Pills and in two
days was at my work again. I can
not iwaise your medicine too
much.” Foley Kidney Pills stop
bladdeflrregularities and strength
en the kidneys. They help elimi
nate from the system the poisons
that cause backache, rheumatic
pains, stiff joints, sore muscles,
swollen hands and feet, puffiness
under the eyes. McDonough Drug
In a moment of mental aberra
tion we started in to peruse the
society columns of a big city news
paper, in hopes of finding some
thing more harrowing than our
thoughts. We found it. That
birdess of a reporter portrayed
every chroma in in the so
cial register as an angel of beauty,
a goddess of virtue, and a paragon
of intelligence. All of which, you
know, is quite which.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion ol the ear. There is
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the
inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh,
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
ay St f»m.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall s Catarrh Medicine. Cir
culars free. All Druggists. 75c.
F./J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
| ™ V t
(i lucky\
No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
Lucky Strike is the
toasted cigarette.
Round About News.
Last Week's Items.
Miss Lila Miller was the puest
of Miss Carrie Mae Turpin Satur
day night.
Mrs. E. J. Mitchell, of Atlanta,
is visiting relatives in this com
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swann
spent Saturday and Sunday with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Cook.
Miss Mary Gardner spent the
week-end with homefolks.
Mr v and Mrs. J. H. Turpin, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Sims were
of Mr. Foster Miller and family
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. McMullen
and children, of Jonesboro, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mitchell were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mit
chell and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scarbrough
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Scarbrough Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Turpin and
children, of Stockbridge, spent
Sunday with Mr. O. B. Turpin and
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Scarbrough,
of Cedartown, and Miss Irene
Mitchell, of Atlanta, are visiting
homefolks this week.
Mrs. Stance! Keen, of
Stockbridge, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Keen.
The quilting given by Miss Eu
nice Helms last Wednesday wi s
enjoyed by all present.
Miss Lora Mitchell was the
guest of Miss Lola Browning last
Tuesday. UNCLE SAM.
Quit Laxatives,
Purges; Try NR
i NR Tonight—Tomorrow Feel Right
It is a mistake to continually dose
yourself with so-called laxative pills,
calomel, oil, purges and cathartics
and force bowel action. It weakens
the bowels and liver and makes con
stant dosing necessary.
Why don’t you begin right today to
overcome your constipation and get
your system in such shape that daily
purging will be unnecessary? You
can do so if you get a 25c box of
Nature’s Remedy (Nit Tablets) and
take one each night for a week or so.
NR Tablets do much more than
merely cause pleasant easy bowel ac
tion. This medicine acts upon the
digestive as well as eliminative organs
—promotes good digestion, causes the
body to get the nourishment from all
the food you cat, gives you a good,
hearty appetite, strengthens the liver,
overcomes biliousness, regulates kidney
and bowel action and gives the whole
body a thorough cleaning out. This
accomplished you will not have to take
medicine every day. An occasional NR
tablet will keep your body in condi
tion and you can always feel your best.
Try Nature’s Remedy CNR Tablets)
and prove this. It is the best bowel
medicine that you can use and costs
only 25c per box, containing enough to
last twenty-five days. Nature’s Rem
edy (NR Tablets) is sold, guaranteed
and recommended by your druggist.
Millions and Morality.
Almost as regularly as clock
work we read in the daily press
where some millionaire is suing
his wife for divorce, or is being
sued himself, or both.
Generally there follows a miass
of moral filth that is amazing and
almost beyond belief. Like dirty
linen, it all comes out in the wash,
but unlike the linen, the principals
can hardly lay claims to purity as
a result of their legal bath.
This is a queer world.
As long as we are poor we are j
able to live comparatively decent
lives. But let great wealth come
our way and we immediately be
gin to yearn for the vices and fri
volities it will buy.
It would be far better for the
human race if we were to forego
a majority of the “pleasures” of
wealth and retain the respectabil
ity that is inherant in mankind in
the days of his poverty.
Millions and morality do not al
ways harmonize.
roe YEms
Beßepoint, "W. Va.—“lt afiords mo
grart pleasure to Lave tlio privilego to
__ make public this
a statement in be
half of Dr. Pierce’s
ZSSPV ? -? mefi’si medicines I cannot
recommend them
flJsd> too highly to the
public. We havo
/r~7/ used them in our
J\W.. S .family for years
jPh\ UxTW and have reaped
good Te3ults - We
A .... have always found
’ •- *2" the ‘ Golden Medical
Discovery ’ superior
to any other tonic, as it is a wonderful
system builder. I can cheerfully rec
ommend it to all liko sufferers. ’ ’ —E. J.
Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids]
Hotel in Buffalo, N.Y., for trial package]
(§! R t T IK (©)'
ill l \ y| \
Imhlem of Satisfaction M S V JL JL J4k_ Emblem of Satisfaction
ID TJOR twenty years Buick has returned
jp , ||S|||f * full value as an investment in per-
S V JrSgfj sonal transportation.
| Today the new 1921 models return this !
JQ If. same value in characteristic Buick re
\yf W \ liability and sturdiness—with greater
jp my l beauty, comfort and refinements. Let
5 3 IT \ us demonstrate to you the ease of oper
—l v f \ ation and accessibility of mechanism
~n Afv § in these new models.
□□ | M Authorized Buick Service will serve
' * H Tl\ you as faithfully as the car. ,
dB p'-i\ Since January Ist, regular equipment \
.McDonough, Ga.
<r TU n
iwwGrieans Coffee
Luzianneis distinctly
a Southern coffee for
Southern people. New
Oilcans is its home.sir.
and "New Orleans has
the reputationof mak
ing tiie best coffee
in the whole United
EVERY pound sold in an
The Reily-Taylor Company
New Orleans
[ • l V IF, after using the entire contents of /j
\ Yr#*T/ " s - A; ij according to directions, you are not f J
» «>•*«* . j fc itis/ied In every respect, your grocer JM
t I refund the money you paid for it. ■ T
If you are thinking of obtaining g’asses, please bear in mind
that the financial and professional responsibility of those to
whom yon entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor
tance. Ours ;s a complete organization, devoted exclusively to
the scientific examination of eves and the fitting and grinding
of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge.
Optometrist j\ Duggan Optician
53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station.