The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 01, 1921, Image 4
Wynn’s Mill. A large congregation assembled at New Hope Sunday who listened attentively to a splendid sermon by Pastor 1). P. Johnston. Folks are showing their appreciation of said man and sermons by larger attendance on Saturday. Those who attended services on Sunday from McDonough were Mr. B. F. Grant and daughter, Miss Eldora, also Mr. Newt Lumsden, and from Covington were Mr. and/ Mrs. H ward Carter; from Atlanta were D . Moseley and wife; from Phil ip pi were Miss Annie Elders and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bond; from Butts county, Mrs. Jack Burford; from Mount Bethel, Miss Florence Wynn. Miss Trella Castellaw, who teaches at Locust Grove grammar school, with forty of her bright pupils picnicked at this place lhst Friday afternoon. After an en- Stateinent of the condition of The Citizens Bank Located at Locust Grove, Ga.. at the close of business Mar. 23, 1921 RESOURCES: Demand Loans - - - $ 700.00 Time Loans' - - - 108.v10.30 Hanking House ... 2,700.00 Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,525.00 Cash in Vault and Amount De posited in Banks - - 15,143.26 Cash items .... 441 $4 Clearinghouse 1,863 29 Advance on cotton 0.093 31 Total - f 136.777.00 STATE OF GEORGIA —Henry County. Before me came A. J. Th< m i«pn, Jr, cashier of the Citizens Bank, Locust Grove, Ba , who being duly sworn, sfifys that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank u , . „ , AJ. THOMASON. JR., Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 30t,h day of March, 1921. ALLIE GARDNER, C. N. P. H. Co., Ga. Statement of the condition of I he Bank of Henry County Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business March 23, 1921 RESOURCES. Demand Loans $ 557,699.88 Time Loans - . - . 188,884 35 Bonds and Stocks o%ned by the Bank - - - roo 00 Banking House - - 8,783 34 Furniture and Fixtures - 7,231.53 Cash in Vault and Amount De posited in Banks - 34,139.19 Cash I tems and checks 1,073.47 Advances on cotton in process of shipment 6,865.89 Overdrafts, if any 1,049.37 Total - #271 721 97 S i A I E OF GEORGIA —Henry County. Before me cmw J. B. Dickson. Cashier of The Bank of Henry County, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books of tile in said Bank. J. R, Dickson Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23th day of March, 1921. JOHN G. PULLIN, Notary Public. - Statement of the condition of The Farmers & Merchant Bank Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business, March 23, 1921 RESOURCES. Demand Loans . . . $ 16,382.04 Time Loans .... 231,706 98 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank . . . 800.00 Banking Mouse . . . 3,800.00 Furniture and Fixtures . 2,300 00 Cash in vault and amount de posited in banks 19,452.17 Cash Items 726.18 Advances on cotton 1,620 42 Profit and loss 23.23 Other assets not included in the above advanced on cotton 9(5.40 Overdrafts . . 40.40 Total . . $276,947.82 STATE OF GEORGIA.—County of Henry. Before me came H. C. Hightower, Cashier of The Farmers and Merchants Bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. H. O. Hightower, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 28th dav of Match, 1921. J. R. TURNER, C. N. P. of H. Co., Ga. FIRST-CLASS TIRF SERVICE RELINING and VULCANIZING COME TO SIMS’ GARAGE Prompt Delivery and All Work Guaranteed. A Sunday School Meeting;. On Sunday afternoon, April 10, at 2 o’clock, sun time, a meeting of the Northern division will be held at Delta Grove church. All the Sunday Schools are re quested to send delegates and re port the best thing our Sunday School is doing. thusiastic romo over the hills, an egg hunt, and after the egg hunt a bouiiiiful lunch prepared by Miss Trella and her pupils was spread in a grassy place near banks of creek. The lunch consisted of s mdwiches, cakes, fruits, etc. Mrs. Arch Tingle and Mr. Jeff Tingle accompanied Miss Trella and her pupils. ANONYMOUS. France has just shipped over 250,000 quarts of champagne, but some thirsty nut commandeered it before it could reach this town. LIABILITIES: Capital Stuck paid in $29,800.(10 Surplus Fund 0,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid - - - 3,518 lo Individual deposits subject c’k 41,483.55 Tune Certificates - 5,890.50 Cashier’s checks - - - 64.55 Bills payable, including time certificates representing bor rowed money 49,814.00 Stock dividend 200.00 Total - - $136,777 00 liabilities: Capital Stock Paid in - - $50,000.00 Surplus Fund, - - 80,000.00 Undivided profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes Paid . . 22,725.78 Due to banks and bankers in this state 1,134.48 Due unpaid dividends 2,500.00 Individual Deposits Subject to Check ... - 66,659.08 Time Certificates . . 32,560.15 Cashier’s checks . . 139.48 Bills payable, including time certificates representing bor rowed money ‘ 60, 000.00 Safety box rent . . 3.00 Total - - $271,721.97 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in . . 100.000 1»0 Surplus Fund 12,350.00 Undivided profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes paid Due unpaid dividends 8,000.00 Individual Deposits .subject to check . . . 46,368 27 Time Certificates . . . 24,134.25 Cashier’s Checks . . . 364.58 Bills payable, including time certificates representing bor rowed money 85,000.00 Other liabilities not included in the above reserve for taxes 730.72 Total . . $276,947.82 HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA MOUNT BETHEL NEWS. We think we need a good rain. Sunday was a lovely Easter day and the program rendered by the Mount Bethel Sunday school was good. The profusion of flowers with which the altar of the church was decorated brought a message of love to our hearts also. Having a little touch o£ winter now. Mr and Mrs. W. L. Wynn and Robert Wynn and little Sarah F. Martin are spending a few days in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gray, of Jackson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Cawthon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason, of Mc- Donough, and Miss Lilah Barham attended Sunday school here Sun day. Miss Florence M(ynn spent the week-end with Miss Lucy Wynn near Wynn’s Mill. Mr. and Mrs. O. Jones spent Sunday with relatives at Jenkins burg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haynes and children were guests of Mr. tpid Mrs. W. N. Austin Sunday. Mrs. Lilia Bledsoe entertained the children with an Easter egg hunt Saturday afternoon. Noi much spring toggery —that is new, in evidence Sunday. Since I wrote last Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones and children made a trip to Barnesville, via Jackson, High Falls, Locust Grove and Griffin, and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Strahn visited the quaint little town of Conyers. These are occurrences that should not be overlooked. Mis’ Franc. “Lest We Forget.” Dr. Arch C. Cree’s visit to us next Friday, at 7:30 p. m. He will speak at the McDonough Baptist church at that hour, your presence and hearty co-operation is greatly needed. We cannot afford to allow this distinguished man of God to speak to a mere handful. Good music, good speaking, good fellow ship in a good cause, is our pro gram. Do not fail to come and enjoy a great occasion. No col lection at this service. W. W. Arnold, Pastor. MR. MERCHANT—Everywhere—Give your customer that all-satisfy ing, cool and fragrant, mild HAVANA Tampa Spade Cigar The Talk of The Nation. 8c or 2 for 15c If you happen to be out of TAMPA SPADES sign the coupon and they will be sent you immediately. Statement of the condition ot The Bank of Stockbridge Located at Stockbridge, Ga., at the close of business March 2,>, 1921. RESOURCES: Demand boa ns - - .- 48,162.90 Time Loans .... 815,119.5 b Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank - 12,600 00 Bankintr House ... l.OouOo Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,015.00 Cash in Vault, and Amount'De posited in Banks - - 20,148 83 Cash items ' 20 31 Advance on cotton in Process of shipment ... 23,651.67 Overdrafts, if any 81.38 Deposit. >fb insurance fund 4 3,475.40 Fire insurance fund 120.00 Total - - - $424,455.02 STATE OF GEORGIA.—County of Henry. Before me came C M. Power. Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge. Ga.. who being duly sworn, s iys that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank C. M. POWER, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 28th day of March, 1921. W. W. MILAM, N. P, Statement of the condition of The Bank of Hampton Located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business March 23, 1921. RESOURCES: . Demand Loans 6,60*5.75 Time Loans .... 254,883.19 Bonds and Stock owned by the Bank - - 10,000 00 Furniture amt Fixtures - 1,200.00 Cash in vault and amount de posited in banks 40,8*58 40 Cash Items 2 225,22 A.dvances on cotton in process of shipment 14 412.71 Total .... $830,196.27 State of Georgia—HenryCounty. Before me came J. O. Rutherford, Cashier of the Bank of Hampton, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bang, as shown by the boo its of tile in saitl Ban k J. O. RUTHERFORD, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 28th day of March, 1921. ' A. L. RUTHERFORD, Notary Public, Georgia State at Large. Statement of the condition of The Bank of Locust Grove Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business March 23, 1921. RESOURCES: Demand Loans - $ 1,20**00 Time Loans - - - 118,085 30 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 375 00 Banking House - - 4,810 23 Furniture, and fixture* - 1,944.46 Cash in vault, and amount de positeu in banks 6,586.07 Cash items - - 195.93 Advances on cotton in process of shipment 2,051.18 Total .... 135,257.17 State of Georgia— Henry County. Before me came C. B. Plexico, Cashier of The Bank of Locust Grove, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. C B. PLEXLGO, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 28 th day of March, 1921. ■ ALLIE GARDNER, C. N. P., H. Co., Ga. Tampa Spade Cigar The SMOKER’S Delight. Newman Cigar Co., McDonough, Ga. Gentlemen: Please send me hundred Tampa Spade Cigars. Very truly yours, Name Address.. LIABILITIES: capital stock Paid in - - **>ooo.oo Surplus Fund - - * ' 12,000.00 Undivided Profits, less (. urrent Evnenses, interest and Faxes Paid . 10. ;.4 02 Due to I tanks and bankers, in rhi.-state 5,000 oo Due to banks and bankers in other state-. 53.500.00 Due unpaid dividends *30.00 Individual Deposits Subject to to Check - - - - 1 36,010.01 Time Certificates - - - Cashier's checks - - - T.*5.3d Notes and bills rediscounted 33,403.06 Bills payable, including time certificates representing bor rowed money 55,000.00 'Total $424,455 02 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in - - 25.000 00 SuplusFund .... 3U,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current Expenses, Interest and Tax es Paid 20,965.87 Due unpaid dividends 50.00 Individual deposits subject to check ... 100,748.35 Time certificates - - 143,2 0.90 Cashier’s checks 161.15 Bills payable, including time certificates representing borrowed money 10,000.00 Total .... $330,196.27 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in - $25,000.00 Snrolus Fund 5, 000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses, Interest 'and Taxes Paid - - '■ 26,177.90 Individual Deposits Subject to Check - - 84,751 01 Time Certificates ... 14,133.61 Cashier’s Checks ... 194.65 Bills payable, including time certificates representing borrowed money 30,000.00 Total .... 135.257.17 8c or 2 for 15c