The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 01, 1921, Image 5

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    Local Happenings
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Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fratermf
Lodge No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and 3
. Friday nights in each month. All dul
qualified brethren fraternally and eordi
ally invited to meet with us. '
C. J. Dickson, W. M.
W. n. Ingram, Sec.
R. T. Daniel Lodge No. 219 I. O. O. F.
Meets every Tuesday at
7 :30 !>• ni. Visiting brothers wel
Call on Speer, the Optromtrlst
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
If you want soap go to Austin’s
lO' Store.
Mr. T. A. Sloan spent Friday in
Stansell & Rape will repair your
Rooms for rent. See Mrs. An
nie M. Nolan.
Mr. Clarence Elliott spent Fri
day in Atlanta.
Stansell & Rape will repair and
recharge your battery.
1 For Sale —300 bushels of good
corn. D. T. Carmichael.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore, of Monti
cello, spent Tuesday here.
Lumber dressed for per
hundred. Dr. A. R. Scott.
Sawing for the public, per
hundred. Dr. A. R. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Reiney are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Thrasher.
Misses Cora and Irene Nelson
visited their parents this week.
For Sale—Fodder, corn, peas
and work ox. W. A. Simpson, Jr.
Miss Irene Mitchell visitied her
sister, Mrs. W. A. Ward, last week.
Miss Myrtice Hunt, of Zebulon,
spent the week-end with home
Forty pieces of standard ging
hams, at 15*-' per yd. W. B. J.
For Drompt taxi seryice, day or
night. Call Henry Knight, phone
No. 113 J.
Mr. Walter Harris and Harris
McCurry spent the week-end with
Austin’s 1(K Store will buy your
eggs and chickens and give you
best prices.
Let Mackey call for and deliver
your laundry. Piedmont service,
none excels.
We will accept school checks
and county warrants in trade. T,
A. Sloan & Co.
No gasoline Oder in clothes
cleaned by Mackey. Bring in your
clothes and see.
We have a battery that will fit
your car while we charge yours.
Stansell & Rape.
When in the market for good
1% cotton seed meal call on
Brown & Harkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, of
Covington, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Sing Hunt Sunday.
There’s nothing that reduces
hog-raising profits as much as
worms. Use International Hog
Worm Powder and drive them out.
Then fatten your hogs with Inter
national Hog Tonic. Sold by Hot,
ton Drug Co.
Stansell & Ripe will recharge
your battery.
Lumber for sale, sl7 50, per
thousand. Dr. A. R. Scott.
Miss Kathleen Walker, of Grif
fin. spent a few days last week
with relatives here.
You can now' get vour cotton
weighed and stored at Kimbell’s
bonded warehouse.
Mr. Murray Copeland, of Ogle
thorpe University, spent the week
end with homefolks.
No gasoline oder in clothes
cleaned by Mackey. Bring in
your clothes and see.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynn and
children spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stallworth.
For Sale Some used Fords
completely overhauled. These
are bargains. H. M. Amis Co.
Bring your watches and clocks to
Hand's barber shop for reDair. All
work guaranteed. J. W. Morgan.
Lost —One pair of eye glasses in
black case. If found please re
turn to this office and receive re
Mrs. Elton Sims, of Covington,
and Mrs. Beldon Farr ill, of Augus
ta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Dunn and
Mrs. Robinson, of Manchester, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sloan
Bring your watches and clocks
to Hand’s barber shop for repair.
All work guaranteed, J. W.
Farm Wanted —Wanted to hear
from owner of farm or good land
worth the price asked. L. Jones
box 551, Olney, 111.
For Sale —Seven-room house
and five acres of land, or forty-five
acres without house. See me at
once. W. A. Clements.
Mrs. A. C. Dunn, Mrs. Cora Hill
and Miss Mattie Lee Dunn, of Bul
lochville, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Sloan Sunday.
Save your chickens and eggs
for me, 2C# per pound for chick
ens and per dozen for eggs at
your door. David Cathy.
For Sale —A few used Chevrolet
parts, also a good body and top,
practically new. Will sell these
parts cheap. H. M. Amis Co.
We will buy your chickens and
eggs. Chickens per pound
and eggs per dozen. We pay
cash or trade. W. A. Stewart.
Wanted —Salesmen for 6,000
mile guaranteed tires. Salary
SIOO 00 weekly with extra com
missions. Cowan Tire & Rubber
Co. Box 784, Chicago, 111.
Limited amount Texas Rowden
cotton seed for sale at SI.OO per
bushel. Ten days to two weeks
earlier than the majority of big
boll cotton. C. D. Jackson, Abbe
ville, S. C.
To the citizens of Locust Grove
community. Let us do your shoe
and harness repairing. Our agents
at the Locust Grove Pharmacy
will receive and return them to
you. W. W. George, McDonough,
Friday. April I—Locust1 —Locust Grove.
Saturday, April 2—Hampton.
Thursday, April 7 Brushy
Knob, Shakerag.
Friday, April B—Lowe’s.
The above dates give the day
that I will be in your district. You
will find notices posted at every
store and public places as to what
hour I will be at that place.
1 will be in McDonough first
Tuesday and court week, and all
other days not advertised else
where. It is very important that
you make ybur tax returns, and
1 ask the co-operation ot every
citizen in the county.
Yours to serve,
Tax Receiver.
100th Anniversary
Of Henry County
The Daughters of Confederacy
Jat a meeting on the 15th day of
March decided to celebrate the
100th anniversary of the laying out
of Henry county on the 14th day
of Mav of this year, with a fellow
ship gathering at McDonough,
with a program to be announced
It is expected that tile people of
the entire county will give their
hearty cooperation in this lauda
ble under-taking.
Let us all help this patriotic or
ganization to make May 14th a
memorable day in the history of
our grand old County.
Baptist Rally.
A rally will be held at the First
Baptist church of Griffin on Sun
day morning, April 3. Dr. M. E.
Dodd, of Shreveport, La., one of
the leading ministers of the de
nomination, and Secretary Arch
C. Cree *of the Georgia Baptist
convention, will deliver addresses.
All are cordially invited to hear
these gifted speakers. Baptists
are specially urged to attend.
Every church in the Flint River
association has been or will be
visited by a team of laymen and
pastors in March or April, who
will make short addresses on in
creased church attendance, more
effective and active church organ
ization, and conservation of the
benefits derived from the 75 Mil
lion Campaign.
Teachers’ Salaries.
Why teachers’ salaries are de
layed. The following is an expla
nation :
Mr. T. J. Horton, Supt. of Schools,
McDonough, Ga.
Dear Sir:
Replying to* your favor of the!
29th instant we are frank to say I
that because of the fact that the
Attorney-General of Georgia ren
ders an unsatisfactory opinion as
to the legality of the School War- J
rants we are having difficulty in
placing in hands of investors or
getting banks to carry them pend
ing sale, notwithstanding that we
have the unqualified approving
opinion as to legality by a leading
New York attorney who special
izes in bond issues.
We are using our bekt efforts
to overcome this handicap and
will take the warrants up now
ready for discount at earliest pos
sible moment.
Yours verv truly,
R. R. Berrien, Jr , & Co.
U. D. C. Meeting.
At the usual monthly meeting,
March 24, the U. D. C’s were de
lightfully entertained in the home
of Mrs. E. M. Smith, with Mrs. A.
R. Scott joint hostess. An inter
esting business session, during
which the Century Celebration
of the organization of Henry
county, was discussed and decided
on, was held.
Then some verv interesting his
tory of the service of our Henry
county boys in the World’s war,
and their relation to veterans of
the Civil war was given. After
ward, a musical program was
rendered by Miss Annie Nolan and
Mrs. Ruth Allenswwth. Those
lovely old songs “Annie Laurie,”
and “Silver Threads Among the
Gold” were especially enjoyed at
the conclusion of the program.
Delicious refreshments were
Loans on Farm Lands.
Hampton, Ga., Mar. 15, 1921.
We are now taking applications
for Loans, through Federal Land
Bank, on Farm Lands. For addi
tional information call at First Na
tional Bank of McDonough, Ga., or
call or write G. T. Fears,
Hampton, Ga,
Office Phone 19 Residence Phone 30
Specials for Saturday
$1.75 Lnmp for $1.25
150 4 “ 1.00
100 “ “ .75
.75 “ 44 .50
2.50 Water Set for 1.50
200 44 44 44 1.25
150 44 44 44 1.00
1.25 Butter Dish for .75
1 00 4 .50
.50 44 “ 44 .25
18 Piece Dinner Set for 200
20 2.50
6 Cuds and Saucers 1.00
, 6 Plates .95
Yours for More Business,
Whew—but it’s cold!
WHEN oil is congealed—when gas
oline vaporizes slowly—only a bat
tery of unusual power can stand the strain.
The Prest-O-Lite Battery has a load of
power for the heaviest starting demand
—surplus power for constant starting,
lighting and ignition service.
Prest-O-Lite Service will help you get A
the most out of any battery. jfc.- 1
* Stansell & Rape Garage. i