The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 01, 1921, Image 6

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    Wynn’s Mill.
Last Week’s Items.
Some thoughts for these times,
quoted from various sources.
“The world will go on.” “What
is happening now has happened
before.” “There cat) be no prog
ress or prosperity founded on
gloom.” “An ounce of good cheer
goes further than a pound of pes
simism.” "We are going to live
through our troubles.” “Lay out
more th m you can do, then do it.
Bite off more than you can chew,
then chew it. Hitch your wagon
to a star, keep your seat and there
you are.” A distinguished preach
er said of one of the great prophets
of the Bible that “he had too much
religion to be a pessimist, and he
had too much sense to be an op
Ain’t no use, ns I can sec,
In siltin’ underneath a tree,
And growling that yvUir luck is
And that your life is extra sad.
Your life isn’s sadder than your
Nor any harder are your labors;
It rains on him the sains as you,
And lie has work he hates to do.
And he gets tired and he gels
And he lias trouble with the boss;
You take his whole life through
and through,
Why, he’s no better off than you.
If whining brushed the clouds
I wouldn’t have a word to say.
If I made friends out of foes,
I’d whine a bit too, I suppose.
But when I look around and see
A lot of folks resembling me,
And see them sad and see them
With work to do most every day.
Some full of fun, some bent with
Some having troubles hard to
I reckon as I count my woes,
They are about what everybody
Let’s welcome the glorious East
er dav, the resurrection day, the
time when all nature takes on new
life and the promise of seed time
and harvest seems to have a new
meaning for us. Some writer tells
us that the lily is chosen as the
flower of Easter, because it is the
glorious bloom of Nazareth—
Christ’s country. The regions
over which He walked glowed and
radiated with entrancing color,
while the air was fragrant with
perfume. Let us welcome Easter
then with joy and bring our tri
bute of lilies and rarest blossoms
of springtime to our places of wor
ship on this day.
Miss Trella Castellaw and Mrs.
Chester Castellaw, accompanied
by several pupils of grammar and
high school, of Locust Grove,
were out riding Sunday evening.
Mrs. Dora Welhnaker, of Barnes
vilie, visited relatives at this place
11l For Six Months
Ku; ma, Ky.—“ About eighteen
years ago I was bedfast off and on
for about six
months, suffer
/ ing from fe:n
/ .. . ’-’A ;; mie trouble. I
L ’ 1' m iHr/TA doctored wi t h
fe .' i ‘"A- K-J two different
doctors, but
~v nothing seemed
\ =jr to do me any
good, I was get
ting worse all
the time. A friend came and told
me to write to the specialists at Dr.
Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo,
N. Y., as the doctors here couldn’t
do me any good, so I wrote and they
told me to take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription, Golden Medical Discov
ery, and Pleasant Pellets according
to directions, and in a short time I
was well.”—MßS. KATE SMITH,
Route 3, Box. 92. All druggists.
Duffey’s Blacksmith Shop.
Now is the time to be econom
ical in everything. So we have
decided to do your Horse Shoeing
for SI.OO. We are located on the
Jackson road, live miles from Mc-
Donough. L. N. DUFFEY.
Petition for Charter.
G F.OIUSIA I fenrv Coun tv.
j To tin; Superior Court of said
| .ou nt y ;
I The petition of E. D. Tolleson arid
|1! M. Turner of .Haiti Statu aiul
Comity respect fully «liovvh; —
1 That tliev de.-in for themselves,
i ! heir associates, successors and as-
I signs to be incorporated under the
I im me a ml sf vfe ot
jt< ) n; i i xe ft co mpa n y
l 2. They desire to he incorporated
for a pt Hod of Twenty Years, with
the privilege ot n newnl at the ex
piration of that lime.
The object of said corporation
is pecuniary gain to its stockhold
1. The Capital Stock of said pro
posed corporation is to be Five
Thousand Dollars, divided into
shares of Ue par yalue of One
; Hundred Dolhus. *Hiey ask for
| the right to increase said Capital
j (Stock from time to time to a rnaxi
j mum of Thirty Thousand Dollars.
! All of said Capital Stock has been
actuliy paid in, in money or its
eq ui valet! f.
T(. The principal office and place
of business of said proposed corpo
ration is at, McDonough, Henry
<’minty, Georgia, hut they ask for
the right to establisl branch offices
and places of business anywhere in
6. The particular business to be
carried on by *aid corporation is(l)
A General Live Stock business,
buying and selling live stock (2) A
General Automobile business, buy
ing and selling automobiles, parts
accessories and doing everything
connected with the automobile
business inchuling a general auto
mobile repair business, and, acting
as agent for others in buying and
selling automobiles parts, acces
sories, etc. (3) Buying and selling
farm implements, tractors and all
implements, tools, etc., used for
7. In the conduct of each branch
of said corporation they ask for
the right to buy and sell real estate
and personality of every kind for
cash or credit ; to make and take
deeds, mortgages, notes, bonds and
other evidences of debt ; to have,
hold, sell, lease, rent and convey
real estate and* personal property,
and to do all things incidental to
and necessary for the successful
conduct of said cororporation
8. They ask for the right to sue
and sued, to have and use a
common seal, to make such rules,
hv laws and regulations as may be
necessary for the conduct of the
affairs of said corporation, and to
liquidate the affairs of said cor
poration at any time, pay its debts
arul surrender its charter.
Wherefore petitioners pray that
they he made a body corporate,
under the name and style afore
said, entitled to all the rights,
privileges and immunities and sub
ject to the liabilities fixed by law
for cotan,rations of like character.
March 15 til, 1921.
Petitioners Attorney.
(! EORG lA —Henry County.
I, J. A. Fouclrn, Clerk of the Su
perior Court in and for said coun
ty, do certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the pe
tition for charter filed in this of
fice by E. D. Tolleson and H. M.
Turner, seeking incorporation as
as appears from the records of file
Given under my hand and seal
this March 15th, 1921.
C. S. C., H. Co., Ga.
Leave to Sell.
GEORG I A—Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
W. A D. Nelson administrator of the
estate of Jim Green deceased, having in
due torm made application for leave to
sell the lands belonging to said estate, con
sisting of one house and lot, one-half acre
of land in 7th land district of said county
and state. Said application will be, heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said County to be held on the
first Monday in April, 1921."
This 3rd day of March 1921.
A. G. HARRIS Ordinary,
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Hem-y County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Charlie Andrews, having made applica
tion to me in due form to b* appointed
permanent administrator upon the estate
of Tonie Henley, late of said county, no
tice is hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county, to be
held on the first Mondy in April. 1921.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 17th day of February, 1921.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Twelve Months'Support.
GEORGIA Henry County.
Mrs. Jno A. Raynor, having made ap
plication for twelve months support out
of the estate of Jno. A Kayner, deceased,
and the appraisers having made their re
turns. All persons concerned are hereby
required to show cause before the Court
of Ordinary of said county on the first
Monday in April 1921 why said application
should not. be granted.
This 2d day of March 1921.
A. G HARRIS, Ordinary.
Sunday School each Sunday at 9:45 A M. j
Preaching: ll:p0 A. M. and 7.00 P. M.
Second, Third and Fourth Sunday s.
Junior B. Y. P. IT. Sunday. 5:30 P. M.
Senior B Y. P. U Monday, 7:00 P. M.
Prayer-Services Wednesday, 7:ouT J . M.
j W bman's Missionary Society on Monday
after Second Sunday at 3:30 P. M.
W. W. Arnold, Pastor.
. Sunday School each Sunday at 9:45 A. M.
Preaching: 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M.
Mid-Week Pravep Services: Wednendav,
8:00 P M.
| Preaching at Turner’s Second Sundays
and Saturdays before.
Men’s Bible Class: 9:45, except Second
Sundays, 9:*<o.
J. A. Partridge, Pastor.
Sunday School each Sunday at 9:45 A. M.
Preaching: 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. j
Mid-Week Prayer Services: Tuesday, i
j 8:00 P. M.
Preaching at Tlmberridge First Sunday,
j 4:00 P. M., and Third Sunday, 11:00
, A. M. and 7:00 P. M.
A. R. Cates, Pastor.
Sheriff’s Sale.
i GEORGIA—Henry County.
Will lie sold before the court house dojr I
in McDonough Henry county, Georgia, I
|on the first Tuesday in April. 1921, De
tween the, legal hours of sale to the high- |
est bidder for cash, the following real es- j
tate, to wit; Forty acres of land, more or
i less, in the 11th land district of Henry |
i county, Georgia, known as the Mahears I
Quarrv place and on which is located Ce- i
dear Rock Quarry. Bounded north by |
the estate of II M. Glass and M. L Wil- i
son; east by M. L. Wilson; south and west j
by the < state of H. M. Glass Slid prop- '
j ertv levied on as the, property ol’ D. W. I
; Johnson to satisfy a tax fii ia in favor of I
|C. R. Hand T. G. Tenant in possession
notified. This 4th day of March, 1921
W. A. WARD, Sheriff. |
Sheriff’s Sale. I
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Will be sold before the court house door
jin McDonough. Henry county Georgia,
j on the first Tuesday in April 1921, between
j the legal hours of sale to the highest for
leash, the following real estate, to-wit:
j Twenty acies of land, more or less and
I bounded as follows: North by public
road; east by public road; south by land
of Mrs W. L. Pair; west by land of W.
] M. Burks. Said property levied on as the
'property of E. H. Foster, guardian, to
satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of C. R. Hand,
T. <J Tenant in possession notified This
Stir day of March. 1921.
W r . A. WARD, Sheriff,
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEO G r A—Henry County.
Wiii be sold before the court house in
McDonough. Henry county, Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in April. 1921, between
I the legal hours of sale to the highest bid
| der for cash, the following property, fco
! wit: Four boilers, two rock crushers, one
j screen, live push cars, one aiV drill, one
1 steam drill, one anvil and one bellows,
i Said property levied on as the property of
, the Atlanta Crush Stone Company to sat
! isfy a tax fi fa in favor of C. R. Hand, T.
iO. Tenant in possession notified. This
4tli day of March, 1921.
- W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORG lA Hen rv County.
Will be sold before the court house door
in McDonough. Henry county Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in» April 1921, between
the. legal hours of sale to the highest bid
der for cash the following real estate, t '-
{ wit: Twenty acres of land, more or less,
j Bounded north by laud of Pe.ace and Sow
i ell; east by land of Mrs. Carrie Goodwin;
! south by land of H. M Amis; west by the
j Southern Railway Co. Said property
' levied on as the property of Mrs. Carrie
! Goodwin to satisfy a tax fi fa in fa’-or of
10. R. Hand, T. < Tenant in possession
notified. This Bth day of March, 1921.
W. A. WARD. Sheriff.
For Twelve Months’ Support.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Cornelia Grier having made application
for. twelve months’ support out of the es
tate of Jim Grier, deceased. All persons
concerned are hereby required to show
cause before the Court of Ordinary of said
county on the first Monday in April, 1921,
why said application should not be grant
ed. This 7th day of March. 1921.
A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All persons havidg demands against the
estate of Mrs. Rebecca J. Treadwell, late
! of Henry County. Georgia, deceased, are
j hereby notified to render in their demands
to the undersigned according to law; and
all persons indebted to said estate are re
, quired to make immediate payment.
This March 10th. 1921.
S. W. CARSON, Executor of
Mrs. Rebecca J. Treadwell, deceased.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Frost Proof Cabbage Plants
One hundred acres, thirty mil
lion good stocky plants, ready
now. Early Jersey, Charleston
Wakefields, Succession, Flat
Dutch. Parcel Postpaid 300, $1
200,$150; 1,000, $2,50. Express
5,000, $3.50; 5,000, $7.50; 10,000,;
$12.50. Count and delivery guar
Parker Farms, Moultrie, Ga.
Distributor Wanted.
Merchant wanted at every
county seat as exclusive distribu
tor for manufacturer ot agricul
tural equipment of established
| necessity and demand.
P. 0. Box 212, Atlanta, Ga.
Fruit Trees.
Peach, apole, pear, plum, cher
ry, pecan shade and ornamental
trees. Finest budded and grafted
stock at before the war prices.
Most all fruit trees at 50' each
prepaid. California privet hedge
plants $4.00 per 100. Strawberry
plants $5 00 per 1,000. Cabbage
plants $2.00 per 1,000 postpaid.
Half and Half Cotton seed. ’Send
a postal for our Fruit Book and
I'RUitvale Nurseries,
Albany, Ala.
We can rebuild and recharge
your old batteries. Wm. Cross
a Son, Locust Grove, Ga.
Should you desire at any time to have any
wearing apparel Dyed, Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired
or altered, i will be pleased if offered the opportunity
of demonstrating to you my unexcelled service.
You fully realize that apparel which oft-times is
cast aside owing to soil can be, by modern methods,
Cleaned, Dyed or Repaired, etc., and in many in
stances made to look and wear like new, thereby
not only improving appearance but being economical
as wifi.
Give my service a trial and let me convince you
I can save you money. Notify me when again in
need and I shall be pleased to call and secure any
work you may have.
Thanking you in advance for same, I am
Yours very truly,
Now come the Pigs—the Calves—-the Colts—
and the Lambs.
TIME for your work horses and mules to shed
their winter’s coat.
—TIME to tone them up—give their systems a
spring house-cleaning—and drive out the worms.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic
A Spring Conditioner and Worm Expelier
Your COWS that have long been on winter feed need
the system-toning, bowel-cleansing, appetizing effects of
Dr, Hess Stock Tonic. Puts them in fine condition for
calving. It means more milk.
Your BROOD SOWS wi}l be relieved of constipation and
put in fine fettle for farrowing by a course of Dr. Hess
Stock Tonic,—which means healthy pigs, and a mother
with an ample milk supply to nourish them.
Your SHOATS will be greatly benefited by a course of
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic. It drives out the worms—stimulates
the appetite and makes them thrive.
Feed it to EWES before lambing time. It prevents
•fevered udders and scouring lambs. Feed it after lambino
time to stimulate the flow of milk, insuring lambs for the
early market.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic contains Tonics for the digestion,
Laxatives for the bowels, Diuretics for the kidneys, and
Vermifuges for the worms.
Why Pay the Peddler Twice My Price?
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
) Tell as how much stock you have. We have a package to suit.
Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer Kills Lice
Nothing improves the quality
of FLOUR so much as
It brings out all the sweet,
nutty flavor of the wheat
makes your flour white, light
and puffy. Does away with
all inclination to be st' \
Give us one trial and j
will guarantee to give per
fect satisfaction in both qual
ity and quantity.
Thanking you for past pat
ronage, we are truly* yours,
Dr. Hess
will help make
your hens lay