Newspaper Page Text
Henry Superior Court, April
Term, 1921.
1 J. C. McDonald
2 C G. Fields
3 J. A. Presson
4 W. G. Calloway
5 J. A. Brown
6 J. W. Clark
7 I. E. Combs
8 Homer S. Bryans
9 E. L. Cates
10 J. A. Leverett
11 T. J. Morris
12 W. W. Lee
■l3 W. G. Oglesby
14 Joseph Mann
15 R. R. Roan
16 L. F. Sowell
17 W. R. Minter “
18 W. A. D. Nelson
19 0. E. Cathy
20 E. F. Adams
21 T. H. Rosser
22 J. W. Dozier
23 W. E. Parr
24 J. M. Tarpley
25 J. W. Sanders
26 J. W. Branan, Jr.
27 R. C. Walker
28 J. F. Adair
29 A. B. Mitcham, Sr.
30 H. H. Forbes
Traverse Jury, First Week.
1 Hugh A. Simpson
2 Harry Oglesby
3 C. M. Power
4 G. G. LeGuinn
5 H. G. Mays
6 A. H. Swann
7 W. M. Berry
8 R. H. Chinn
9 R. H. Payne
10 George Capps
11 T. G. White
12 J. P. Thompson
13 J. T. McNeely
14 R. H. Andrews
115 W.R. Sims
16 J. IMTghtower
17 W. B. Mosley
18 H. C. Russell
19 J. M. Green
20 0. S. Folds
21 Lon Scarborough
'22 W. 0. Evans
23 Quillian Owen
24 B. H. Harrell
25 H. H. Hand
26 David J. Arnold
27 V. G. Turner
28 H. L. Patterson
29 0. H. Wells
30 G. M. Bowden
31 W. R. Chasteen
32 C. W. Chappell
33 H. M. Blessett
34 E. I. Drewry
35 O. M. Duft'ey
36 J. H. Harper
37 J. W. Kimbell
38 W. M. Chafin
39 J. W. Moseley
40 C. H. Moore
Traverse Jury, Second Week.
1 J. T. Pendlev
2 W. H. Morris
3 E. O. Rodgers
4 J. W. Branan, Jr.
5 G. F. Fears
6 Robt. H. Greer
7 E. R. Ward
8 J. C. Culpepper
9 E. 0. Moore
10- W. N. Owen
11 A. F. Dorton
12 M. L. Davis
13 W. E. Combs
14 F. A. Coan
15 R. 0. Tarpley
16 A. 0. Coan
17 C. L. Farris
18 J. K. Peebles
19 R. L. Moseley
20 C. M. Patterson
21 Gao. C. Alexander
22 R. A. Peebles
23 J. O. Pair
24 W. C. Crumbley
25 W. J. Smith
26 Frank Oglesby
27 J. B. Branan
Flippen Brieflets.
Tt is to our pleasure that we
have the privilege of joining the
“Who is Visiting,” who is “Going
to Church,” “ To Work,” and who
is “ Spending their Time in the
Most Useful Wav.” I am glad to
say everybody in old Flippen has
an occupation. Some doing one
thing and some another.
The dear old farmers, through
whom our food and raiment are
supplied, with the help of ttie Al
mighty, have their soil already
turned-for planting. Some have
planted coyn. The good women
have nice gardens, with spring
greens, onions, lettuce, etc., in
abundance, with meat in the smoke
house, corn in the crib. So let us
rejoice and be exceeding glad, for
better times are in store for all
who strive to do the will of our
Heavenly Father.
There will be an Easter program
at the church on the fourth Sun
day, beginning at 10 o.clock a. in.,
also Church Conference. Trust
all the members will be\able to
answer The roll call on that day
and in days to come. Everybody
come out and make it a good hour
for the children, and a great day
for all in the service of our King-
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hamilton and
daughter Ruth spent last Sunday
with their sister, Mrs. Foster, at
Forest Park.
The all-day quilting at the home
of Mr. W. Z. Phillips last Thurs
day was highly enjoyed by all
Miss Nellie Foster was seen on
our streets and made a short visit
to her cousin, Miss Odell Foster,
one day last week. Her convales
cence'is a delight to her friends
here and throughout the country.
Mr. and Mrs. Tye Rowan were
the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Rowan Sunday.
Mr. [and Mrs. Huie Fannin, of
Tunis, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs Will Burch, Sr
Mrs. Jane Mitchell came down
from Atlanta to visit her sister,
Mrs. Hamilton, returning Friday
to upper Henry. Come again, we
are always glad to see you.
Mrs. G. W. Owen and daughter
Ida made a flying visit to Hudson
bridge last Monday, looking after
their interest in the drainage zone.
Our Sunday night prayed meet
ing is growing in both number
and interest, but the Macedonian
cry, Come over and help us, is
still on, ana receive a great bless
ing, Valentine.
28 Charlie Lamb
29 Eugene S. Copeland
30 E. W. Barnett
31 E. L. Tingle
32 Joel Bankston
33 Lon Barnett
34 F. M. Copeland
35 J. R. Turner
36 J. I. Elliott
37 T. A. Barham
38 Charlie Mayo
39 J. T. Hubbard
40 W. T. Smith
41 H. C. Elliott
42 John Berry
43 O. F: Alexander
44 R. E. Hennderson
45 Joe Fannin
46 J. W. Foster
47 J. 0. Kimbell
48 J. W. McCullough
Tor Infants and Children
In Us© For Over 30 Years
Signature of CUc&At
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, Ga.
Call or write us for farm loans.
Big Cities and Little Towns
Are you still pining to live in a
big city, where the bright lights
glare and revelry reigns supreme?
You might try it out and send us
your experiences for publication.
A year ago a young married man
purchased a home in the outskirts
of Chicago for $7,000 on the time
payment plan, the monthly pay
ments being rather heavy.
Then business slacked up, his
income decreased, and he found
it impossible to meet his payments.
He has just sold out at a loss
and is renting a four room flat
for which he is required to pay $75
a month.
There are said to be 72,000 fam
ilies in Chicago who are' doub
ling up with other families because
there are no houses or flats for
them to occupy. And the experi
ence of Chicago is much like that
of any other large city in the,
There may not be as much glit
ter and glamour in this town as
there is to be found in a large
city, but there is a deal of satis
faction in knowing that a person’s
soul is his own and that he does
not have to be gouged front and
bick every time he turns around.
There are worse places than the
old home town.
Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money
Cut out this,slip, enclose with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835
Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writ
ing your name and address clear
ly. You will receive in return a
trial package containing Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills for pain in sides and
back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and Fo
ley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome
and thoroughly cleansing cathar
tic for constipation, biliousness,
headache, and sluggish bowels.
McDonough Drug Co.
Here’s an honest confession.
We are firmly convinced that pri
ces in general should be reduced,
but, candidly, we prefer to let you
do it first. We ain’t no George.
A very charming and discerning
ladv remarked the other day that
the good husbands are not all
dead yet. And every benedict in
this town enthusiastically agrees
with her.
camThelped “
Alabama Lady Was Sick For Three
Years, Suffering Paia, Nervous
and Depressed—Read Her
Gwn Stcry of Recovery.
Paint. Rock, Ala. —Mrs. C. M. Stegall,
of near here, recently related the fol- ,
lowing interesting account of her re
covery: “I -was in a weakened con
dition. I was sick thres years in bed,
suffering a great deal of pain, weak,
nervous, depressed. I was so weak,
I couldn’t walk across the floor; just
had to lay and my little ones do the
work. I was aimost dead. I tried
every thing I heard of ; and a number of
doctors. Still I didn’t get any relief.
I couldn’t eat, and slept poorly. I
believe if I hadn’t heard of and taken
Cardui I would have died. I bought
six bottles, after a neighbor told me
what it did for her.
“I began to eat and sleep, began to
gain my strength and am now Well
and strong. I haven’t had any trou
ble since ... I sure can testify to the
good that Cardui did me. I don’t
think there is a batter tonic made
and I believe it saved ray life.”
For over 40 years, thousands of wo
men have used Cardui successfully,
in the treatment of many womanly
ailments. #
If you suffer as these women did*
take Cardui. It may help you, too.
At all druggists. E 85
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
SGnal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
Never attempt to relieve your baby with a
remedy that you wotild use for yourself^
„ What is CASTOR IA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Comfort—The Mother’s Friend.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
the: centaur company, nfw vohk citv.
WHO doesn't relish a rich, juicy steak? Who doesn’t
abhor a tough one?
It is all in the buying.- A dealer can get a high grade of meat
and sell at a reasonable profit, or he can buy “cheap” meats
and profiteer.
No inferior meats are sold in this market. Our prices are
down, but our meats are not.
Come to us for the best in steaks, chops, boils, roasts, salt
meats, bacon, poultry, oysters, sausage, and everything car
ried by a first-clase market,
We pay the highest market price in cash for country produce,
G. M. McLaughlin,
Biich Class | ■
u Belong, Ife
The real, substantial citizen does not come from the
spendthrift class.
The chances are ninety-nine to one that he started
with a savings account.
Each of us chooses the class to which he belongs.
In the interest of good citizenship, to the end that your
future may be happy and assured, we urge that you start
an account with us now.
r bacx ame //&%*#